Eddie Saayman


Born: 1897 at Orange Free State in southern Africa.

Died: 1971.



Edmund Hugo Saayman was born at Orange Free State in southern Africa, attending Boys High School in Riversdale and Grey University College in Bloemfontein, where he earned his B.S. degree. He arrived in the United Kingdom in October 1921 as a Rhodes Scholar attending New College, Oxford. Here, he was supervised by prominent English mathematician and number theorist G.H. Hardy (1877–1947). After his summer holiday with Norman Mudd, he returned to Oxford to marry Janet Stokes in 1924, receive his B.A. with a third class in maths in 1925 and his M.A. in 1927. As a physics master at High Pavement School, Nottingham, and a part-time lecturer at Leicester University College, he would publish several influential papers in physics. He was known as Frater A.I. [Adni Ihvh].