Margo Schiffer (née Lion)


Born: 28 February 1899 in Istanbul, Turkey.

Died: 25 February 1989 in Paris, France.



Marguerite Hélène Constantine Barbe Elisabeth Lion was a French Singer and Actress, born in Istanbul (then Constantinople) on 28 February 1899.


She first came to Berlin in 1921 and made her debut at Trude Hesterbergs cabaret ‘Wild Bühne’ (The Wild Stage) in 1923. She performed the songs of her long-term boyfriend, the lyricist Marcellus Schiffer, who she married in 1928.


Her appearance and style was thought to be a huge influence on her friend, the young and then unknown, Marlene Dietrich.


She performed the controversial duet “Wenn Die Beste Freundin” with Dietrich in the revue “Es Liegt In Der Luft” in 1928. She also appeared in the famous Friedrich Hollaender Revues “Das Bist Du” (That’s You) in 1927 and “Bei Uns um Die Gedächtniskirche rum” (With Us ’round The Memorial Church) in 1928.


She appeared in 10 films between 1926 and 1932, and in 1931 was cast as Jenny in the French language film adaptation of Brecht and Weill’s The Threepenny Opera ” L’Opera des quat’sous”.


In 1932, her husband, Marcellus Schiffer committed suicide and by 1933, with the rise to power of the Nazi’s, she left Berlin for Paris.


She continued to work as a singer and actress, specialising in the work of Brecht on stage, and made a further 18 films from 1935 to 1976, appearing again alongside Marlene Dietrich in the French film ‘Martin Roumagnac’ in 1946.


She made a return to Berlin in 1977, appearing at the Berlin Festival, performing ‘Es Liegt In Der Luft” accompanied by Mischa Spoliansky on the piano.


She died in Paris on 25 February 1989, 3 days before her 90th birthday.



























Marcellus Schiffer

and Margo Lion