Grunddal Sjallung
Born: 1895 in Odense, Denmark. Died: 1976.
Grunddal Sjallung was a Danish psychologist, freemason and had a great interest in Heraldry.
He was born in Odense, but moved to Copenhagen when he was still young. Sjallung authored several articles on Freemasonry and signed them as "Frater Neutralis". He also translated several freemasonic texts from English to Danish. In the 1920's, Sjallung was initiated into the co-masonic order "Le Droit Humaine".
He met Carl W. Hansen "ben Kadosh" in the lodge "Sphinxen" in 1923 and would the following years position himself as the successor to "ben Kadosh". In 1924 Hansen "ben Kadosh" made Sjallung a Magus Cancellanus 33°, 95°, IX°.
In 1929 Sjallng created something similar to the Emulation rites, three degrees in all, calling them Ritus Hauniensis. Inspiration from German and French Freemasonic rituals can be detected in the rites, but they are primarily Emulation rites. These rites were written for the usage of the Grand Lodge of Denmark, now known as the Freemasonic guild of old and accepted Masons (Danske Frimurerlaug af Gamle Frie og Antagne Murere).
That same year Grundal Sjallung tells Sigurd Lomholdt that he has a degree that makes him a Bishop.
After Carls W. Hansen's death in 1936, Grunddal Sjallung took over all of Hansen's Orders, including the Theodor Reuss O.T.O. charter, making him the X° of Denmark. His name within the O.T.O. was Frater Galahad, X°.
He was sent books by Aleister Crowley and they were in correspondence with each other, but nothing came of it.
The exact date of Grunddal Sjallung's bishop consecration by Carl W. Hansen "ben Kadosh" is unknown. |