Perry Tull


Born: 1911.

Died: Unknown.



Perry Martin Tull (b. 1911), a Chicago bookseller who was on the periphery of Crowleyan circles in the United States in the 1940s. He was initiated into the and degrees of the Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.) on 4 September 1941 through the Agape Lodge and was accepted as Probationer in the AA by Wilfred Talbot Smith.


Tull was recognized as a IX° degree member of the O.T.O. by Karl Germer. His involvement with Thelema spanned at least six years, during which period he met and/or corresponded with Karl Germer, Wilfred T. Smith, Jane Wolfe, Jack Parsons, Helen Parsons and Frederic Mellinger and other members of the U.S. Thelemic community.


He is mentioned in a 4 December 1942 letter from Karl Germer to Jane Wolfe.