Richard Noel Warren


Born: Winter 1882 in Heybridge, Surrey, England.

Died:  1912.



Richard Noel Warren was the first of Charles and Edith Warren's three children. He was born in Heybridge, Surrey, during the winter of 1882, and as a young adult attended Bradfield College. On 28 and 29 October 1907 he took and passed his final examinations for the Law Society, becoming a solicitor in London.


Warren wrote the AA on 16 May enquiring about occult books, and on 17 June signed his Probationer oath. Victor B. Neuburg dedicated a poem, "The Poet's Song," to him in The Triumph of Pan. Although Warren contributed a review to the third issue of The Equinox, he finally quit the AA on 14 October 1910, shortly after his one-year probationary period.