Details of Crowley's Robe


Sold at Auction at 2:00 P.M. on Thursday 11 December 2014




An original silk magical outfit with embroidered decoration, as owned and worn by Aleister Crowley, most famously in the celebrated 1934 Associated Press photograph of the great occultist with ceremonial dagger and arms outstretched. This original set of robes consists of a black and white striped waistcoat with white buttons, with matching jacket and knickerbockers, all with embroidered decoration and tailored to comfortably accommodate a larger gentleman. A few stains to waistcoat and jacket and some tears to waistcoast and knickerbocker but without doubt a truly mesmerising item for any keen student of magickal lore.


Provenance is impeccable, having come from the family of Deirde Patricia Maureen Doherty, later MacAlpine [Patricia MacAlpine], mother of Crowley's son Aleister Ataturk, aka Randall Gair Crowley. Family tradition has it that Crowley gifted the set to Deirdre Doherty to provide for her and their son should the need ever arise.