Being a Simple Magical Ceremony for
Public Use
[Written by
Charles Stansfeld Jones
Howard White. in 1914 and performed
for the first time on 27 November 1914
at the Labor Temple in Vancouver]
[Note: The poems used in the Rite are
by Aleister Crowley.]
"Sound, sistron, sound afar!
Shine, shine, O Dawning Star!
Flame, flame, O Meteor Car!
Isis, Our Lady!
"Hail unto Isis! Isis!
For She is the Lady of Life."
Operationis personae:
White and gold robe and nemmes.
Magus. White
robe and nemmes.
of Fire.
Black robe, with red triangle upon the breast.
Luna and a Musician.
In the East of the Temple is the Altar
having upon it a statue of Isis and two candles, and above
it a blue lamp burning. In the West is the Altar of Incense.
The station of the Magus
is South of the Altar, that of the Assistant
Magus is North
of the Altar, and that of the Magus
of Fire
is West of the Altar of Incense.
The Temple is dimly lit.
(When all are assembled a simple melody
is played, and during this the Magus
of Fire
enters bearing a light, passes to the West, and lights the
candles and then leaves the Temple.
At the conclusion of the music the
Officers enter and pass to the East. The Magus
bears the wand and the Assistant
Magus the
incense, and the Magus
of Fire
the censer with charcoal burning. They stand West of the
Altar facing East—the M to the South and the AM to the
North, and the MF in the centre, a little further West. The
AM strikes the bell, and opens with the cry of the M.)
Magus: |
Gloria Deo Altissimo
Ra-Hoor-Khuit. |
(All kneel.) |
Magus: |
Khabs Am Pekht. |
Magus: |
Konx Om Pax. |
Light in Extension. |
(All repeat together.) |
Holy art Thou, Lord of the
Universe. |
Holy, All Holy, Nuit and Hadit. |
Holy art Thou, Lord of the
Aeon. |
(They rise. The Magus
and Assistant
approach the Magus
of Fire,
the Assistant
bearing the incense. The Magus:
takes the incense and throws it thrice upon the
fire. The Magus
of Fire
then takes the censer and carries it round the
Temple, censing the four quarters, and goes to his
station, while the Magus
and Assistant
go South and West of the Altar. The Assistant
then strikes upon the bell, and the Magus
goes East of the Altar, facing West.) |
Magus: |
Unity uttermost showed
I adore the might of thy
Supreme and terrible God
Who makest the Gods and
To tremble before thee:
I, I adore thee! |
(The Magus
returns to his station.) |
Magus: |
Brethren: Let us meditate upon
the Supreme Unity: as it is written below the statue
of Our Lady Isis. |
(The Officers take their
seats.) |
"I am all that was, and that
is, and that shall be; and no mortal hath lifted my
veil." |
(Here follows a few minutes of
silent meditation.) |
Magus: |
Let us purify the Temple. |
(The Assistant
performs the Banishing
Ritual of the Pentagram.) |
of Fire: |
Brethren: In order that the
purpose of the ceremony now about to take place may
be made plain to you all, I will read a brief
explanation of Ecstasy written by Perdurabo.
" 'There is a land of pure
Where saints
immortal reign.'
so used some of us to sing in
childhood, and we used to think of this land as far
away, farther even than death that in those days
seemed so far.
But I know this now: that
land is not so far as my flesh is from my bones! It
is even Here and Now.
If there is one cloud in
this tranquil azure, it is this thought: that
conscious beings exist who are not thus infinitely
happy, masters of ecstasy.
There is nothing that you
enjoy that I do not enjoy as much as you do; and I
bear witness that nothing is worthy to be compared
with ecstasy.
What is the path to this
immortal land? To the Oriental, meditation offers
the best path. To the Western, there is no road
better than ceremonial. For ecstasy is caused by the
sudden combination of two ideas, just as oxygen and
hydrogen unite explosively.
But this religious ecstasy
takes place in the highest centres of the human
organism; it is the soul itself that is united to
its God; and for this reason the rapture is more
overpowering, the joy more lasting, and the
resultant energy more pure and splendid than in
aught earthly.
In ritual, therefore, we
seek continually to unite the mind to some pure idea
by an act of will. This we do again and again more
and more passionately, with more and more
determination, until at last the mind accepts the
domination of the will, and rushes of its own accord
to the desired object. This surrender of the mind to
its Lord gives the holy ecstasy which we seek.
Now in the ceremony we put
the mind of the spectator in tune with the pure
idea, say, of nature and love which we call Venus.
If he becomes identified with this idea the union is
one of ecstatic bliss, and its only imperfection is
due to the fact that the idea in question, whatever
it may be, is only partial. Ecstasy is therefore
progressive. Gradually the adept unites himself with
holier and higher ideas until he becomes one with
the Universe itself. To him there is no more death;
time and space are annihilated; nothing is, save the
intense rapture that knows no change for ever."
In the present ceremony
any complete ritual is impossible, but we will endeavour to emphasize one idea, to bring it
repeatedly before you, and in this way assist you to
unite your minds to it; while you, for your part,
must turn your minds to this idea and hold them
fixed by the power of your will, cutting off all
outside thoughts and using all your faculties to the
one end of perfect concentration. The success of
this ceremony to each of you individually will
depend entirely upon this factor, so that it is
impossible for me to emphasize too strongly the
necessity of each of you taking your part in the
ceremony with great earnestness, and concentrating
your minds upon the one idea.
We will take as the
central idea that aspect of the One expressed as
Nature, Beauty, Compassion and Love. This idea has
been symbolised in many ways. In the East we have
the great Lord of Compassion, but the same idea is
much more clearly expressed in the conception of the
Great Mother of the Gods; this being also the form
in which it is found in the West, where we have
Isis, Astarte, Aphrodite, Venus, and in the
Christian Church Mary Mother of God. Mother of Mercy
and Compassion.
If such a conception
should appear to you strange, bear in mind that we
are but considering manifestations of the One,
Atman, Allah, God, Self, or what you will. We
acknowledge the One, as it is said: 'One only
without a second;' but manifested in innumerable
ways, and hence it matters not under what aspect or
form, or through what manifestation we worship.
If, at first, our minds
are united to lower and partial expressions,
remember that this is but the first step on the
path; and whatever be the name or the form of the
object of our devotion, as we progress we shall, to
quote the words of Vevekananda, 'see no
distinctions. The mighty ocean of love will have
entered into us, and we shall see not men, animals,
and trees, or the sun, moon, and stars, but shall
behold our beloved everywhere and in everything.'
Let us then concentrate
our minds upon this one aspect, and whatever words
may be used, or whatever symbols may be found in the
ceremony, let us use them and apply them to the
object of our devotion—God or Goddess, Incarnation
or Avatar, Teacher, Prophet, or Master, it matters
not, for God is all in all.
May all attain.
(He returns to his station, and
there casts incense upon the altar. He remains
standing West of the Altar of Incense. The Magus
and Assistant
rise and stand facing the Altar.) |
Magus: |
I adore Thee by the Twelvefold
Certitude and by the Certainty thereof. |
(Slight pause.) |
Magus: |
O Thou Sovran Warrior of
steel-girt valour, whose scimitar is a flame between
day and night, whose helm is created with the wings
of the Abyss. I know Thee! |
Magus: |
O Thou four-eyed guardian of
light, who kindleth to a flame the hearts of the
downcast, and girdeth about with fire the loins of
the unarmed. |
(All present repeat together) |
O Glory be unto Thee through
all Time and through all Space: Glory and Glory upon
Glory, Everlastingly. Amen and Amen and Amen. |
Magus: |
O Thou Sovran Light and fire of
loveliness, whose flaming locks stream downward
through the Aethyr as knots of lightning deep rooted
in the Abyss. I know Thee! |
Magus: |
O Thou winnowing flail of
brightness, the passionate lash of whose encircling
hand scatters mankind before Thy fury like the
wind-scud from the stormy breast of Ocean.
O Glory be unto Thee
through all Time and through all Space etc. |
Magus: |
O Thou Sovran Singer of the
revelling winds, whose voice is as a vestal troop of
Bacchanals awakened by the piping of a Pan-pipe. I
know Thee! |
Magus: |
O Thou dancing flame of
frenzied song, whose shouts, like unto golden swords
of leaping fire, urge us onward to the wild
slaughter of the worlds.
O Glory unto Thee etc. |
Magus: |
O Thou Sovran Might of the most
ancient forest, whose voice is as the murmur of
unappeasable winds caught up in the arms of the
swaying branches. I know Thee! |
Magus: |
O thou rumble of conquering
drums, who lulleth to a rapture of deep sleep those
lovers who burn unto each other, flame to fine
O Glory be unto Thee etc. |
Magus: |
O Thou Sovran Guide of the
star-wheeling circles, the soles of whose feet
strike plumes of fire from the outermost
annihilation of the Abyss. I know Thee!
Magus: |
O Thou crimson sword of
destruction, who chasest the comets from the dark
bed of night, till they speed before Thee as serpent
tongues of flame
O Glory be unto Thee etc. |
Magus: |
O Thou Sovran Archer of the
darksome regions, who shooteth forth from Thy
transcendental cross-bow the many-rayed stars into
the fields of heaven. I know Thee! |
Magus: |
O Thou eight-pointed arrow of
light, who smiteth the region of the seven rivers
till they laugh like Maenads with snaky thyrsus.
O Glory be unto Thee etc. |
Magus: |
O Thou Sovran Paladin of
Self-vanquished knights, whose path lieth through
the trackless forests of time, winding through the
Byss of unbegotten space. I know Thee! |
Magus: |
O Thou despiser of mountains,
Thou whose course is as that of a lightning-hoofed
steed leaping along the green banks of a fair river.
O Glory be unto Thee etc. |
Magus: |
O Thou Sovran Surging of a wild
felicity, whose love is as the overflowing of the
seas, who makest our bodies to laugh with beauty. I
know Thee! |
Magus: |
O Thou outrider of the sunset,
who deckest the snow-capped mountains with red
roses, and strewest white violets on the curling
O Glory be unto Thee etc. |
Magus: |
O Thou Sovran Diadem of crowned
Wisdom, whose work knoweth the path of the slyphs of
the air, and the black burrowing of the gnomes of
the earth. I know Thee! |
Magus: |
O Thou Master of the ways of
life, in the palm of whose hand all the arts lie
All: |
Sound, sistron, sound
Shine, shine, O
dawning Star!
Flame, flame, O meteor
Isis, Our Lady! |
(They stand.) |
Magus: |
O Thou Mother of the breath of
being, the milk of whose breasts is as the fountain
of love, twin-jets of flame upon the blue bosom of
night. I know Thee! |
Magus: |
O Thou Virgin of the moon-lit
glades, who fondleth us as a drop of dew in Thy lap,
ever watchful over the cradle of our fate. |
Magus: |
Hail unto Isis!
Hail! |
Luna: |
(As a recitative.)
I am all that was and that is
and that shall be and no mortal hath lifted my veil. |
All: |
Hail unto Isis Our Lady of
Life! Hail!
All Hail! |
(The Magus
of Fire
passes to the East bearing the censer, and kneels
before the Altar. The Magus
and Assistant
approach, the latter bearing the incense. The Magus
throws incense upon the censer, and he and the Assistant
return to their stations. The Magus
of Fire
elevates the censer.) |
Magus: |
Crown Her, O crown Her with
stars as with flowers for a virginal gaud! |
Magus: |
Crown Her, O crown Her with
Light and the flame of a down-rushing Sword! |
Magus: |
Crown Her, O crown Her with
Love for maiden and mother and wife! |
Magus: |
Hail unto Isis!
Hail! For She is the Lady of
Life! |
(The Magus
of Fire
rises and carries the censer to the Altar of
Incense. All seat themselves.) |
Magus: |
A ka gua
Tuf us biu
Bi a'a chefu
Dudu ner af an
nuteru. |
(This mantra is chanted by the
and is then taken up by the Assistant
and by all present, and is repeated continuously
with ever increasing speed and loudness, until the Magus
is satisfied that all are united in Divine Harmony.
During the repetition the lights are lowered until
there remains only the blue lamp above the Altar and
the candles burning.) |
(At the conclusion the Assistant
strikes once loudly upon the bell. The Magus
of Fire
takes up the censer and passing to the North places
it upon the Altar. He then goes to the North taking
the place of the Assistant
who advances to the West of the Altar, facing East.
The Magus
and Magus of
seat themselves in Asana. The Assistant
kneels, rises and places incense and recites:) |
Magus: |
Mother of Light, and the Gods!
Mother of Music, awake!
Silence and Speech are at odds;
Heaven and Hell are at stake.
By the Rose and the Cross I
conjure; I constrain by the Snake and the Sword;
I am he that is sworn to
endure—Bring us the word of the Lord!
By the brood of the Bysses of
Brightening, whose God was my sire;
By the Lord of the Flame and
the Lightning, the King of the Spirits of Fire;
By the Lord of all of whose
daughters was mother to me;
By the Lord of the Winds and
the Breezes, the King of the Spirits of Air,
In whose bosom the infinite
ease is that cradled me there;
By the Lord of the Fields and
the Mountains, the King of the Spirits of Earth
That nurtured my life at his
fountains from the hour of my birth;
By the Wand and the Cup I
conjure, by the Dagger and Disk I constrain;
I am he that is sworn to
endure; make thy music again!
I am Lord of the Star and the
Seal; I am Lord of the Snake and the Sword;
Reveal us the riddle, reveal!
Bring us the word of the Lord;
As the flame of the sun, as the
roar of the sea, as the strom of the air,
As the quake of the earth—let
it soar for a boon, for a bane, for a snare,
For a lure, for a light, for a
kiss, for a rod, for a scourge, for a sword—
Bring us thy burden of
bliss—Bring us the word of the Lord! |
(He kneels. Ave Maria is then
sung, softly, by Soror
at the West of the Temple, or in an adjoining room,
accompanied by a muted violin. Silence. The
rises, places incense upon the censer and goes to
the South of the Altar to the station of the Magus,
and takes up his Asana. The Magus
goes to the East of the Altar and faces West.) |
Roll through the caverns of
matter, the world's irremovable bounds!
Roll, ye wild billows of ether!
The Sistron is shaken and sounds!
Wild and sonorous the clamour,
vast in the region of death.
Live with the fire of the
Spirit, the essence and flame of the breath!
Sound, O sound!
Gleam in the world of dark,
where the chained ones shall tremble and flee!
Gleam in the skies of the duck,
for the light of the dawn is in me!
Light on the forehead, and life
in the nostrils, and love in the breast,
Shine, O Thou Star of the
Dawning, thou Sun of the Radiant Great!
Shine, O shine!
Flame through the sky in the
strength of the chariot-wheels of the Sun!
Flame, ye young fingers of
light, on the west of the morning that run!
Flame, O Thou Meteor Car, for
my fire is exalted in thee!
Lighten the darkness, and
herald the daylight, and waken the sea!
Flame, O flame! |
(The Magus
goes West of the Altar and places incense upon the
censer.) |
Magus: |
Crown Her, O crown Her with
stars as with flowers for a virginal gaud!
Crown Her, O crown Her with
Light and the flame of the down-rushing Sword!
Crown Her, O crown Her with
Love, for the maiden and mother and wife!
Hail unto
Isis! Hail! For She is the Lady of Life! |
(He kneels. A slight pause.) |
Magus: |
(All remain in perfect silence.
After a pause the AM strikes upon the bell softly
after another, and longer pause, he again strikes
333, and yet again after a still longer pause, 333.
Then in another room is played a low simple melody,
dying off very softly at the conclusion.) |
(The Magus
rises after a long pause. The Assistant
strikes upon the bell once loudly.) |
Magus: |
Gloria Parti Et Matri Et Filio
Et Filiae Et Spiritui Sancto Externo Et Spiritui
Interno Ut Erat Est Erit In Saecula Saeculorum: Sex
In Uno Per Nomen Septem in Uno. |
(The Magus
resumes his Asana. Silence for a few minutes. The
Officers rise and pass out of the Temple. Then all
depart in perfect silence, there being only
sufficient light to permit of this.) |
the ringing of the bell and number of times struck.]
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