A Litany of Ra
Charles Stansfeld Jones (Frater Achad)
[This poem is taken from a typescript in the former collection of Frederick J. Kayser, the last 'Mahaguru' of the Universal Brotherhood. It was written around 1914-16.]
O Ra, Who travelest from Byss to Abyss in Thy Golden bark. Shine upon us.
O Ra, Who givest all and receiveth naught, shining alike upon the just and upon the unjust. Shine upon us.
O Ra, Whose burning glance meltest the snowy veil, and barest the breast of Mother Earth. Shine upon us.
O Ra, Who drawest forth the young green shoots from the seedlings buried in the black loam. Shine upon us.
O Ra, Who ripenest the corn until it reflects Thine own gleeming gold. Shine upon us.
O Ra, Who suckest up the salt waters of Ocean, and Transmutest them into sweet and cooling rain. Shine upon us.
O Ra, Who makest our bodies to thrill with the fire of life, and drawest from the piled corpses of the battle-field the unsufferable perfume of death. Shine upon us.
O Ra, Who hast formulated the Cross in the Universe, and Who shinest in the midst thereof as a crimson Rose. Shine upon us.
O Ra, Who dispellest the grey mists at Thy dawning, and bringest Joy to the waking world. Shine upon us.
O Ra, Who paintests the mountains and valleys with gold and sapphire. Shine upon us.
O Ra, Who sharest Thy light with out Mother, so that in the dark hours of the night She reflectest Thee. Shine upon us.
O Ra, Who makest the stars to pale before Thee, so that we perceive them not when Thou art present. Shine upon us.
O Ra, Who spreadest Thy cloak over the evening sky, Thyself a Ruby set in the clasp of Mother-of-Pearl. Shine upon us.
O Ra, Who shinest brightly in the Abyss below, though the earth be in darkness above. Shine upon us.
O Ra, Who watchest over the dew-drenched fields, setting Thine own image upon each pearly drop. Shine upon us.
O Ra, Who clothest the earth with the green cloak of Spring, and weavest thereon designs of jewelled flowers. Shine upon us.
O Ra, Who makest the air of summer of shimmering brightness, like unto the gleam of burnished silver. Shine upon us.
O Ra, Who dyest the mantle of earth with the russet of Autumn, and patchest it with remnants of red and gold. Shine upon us.
O Ra, Who appeareth as a lemon-pale medallion, when the earth lieth covered with the white pall of Winter. Shine upon us.
O Ra, Who formulatest the bow of promise in the Heavens, causing all men to remember Thee. Shine upon us.
O Ra, Who awakenest within us the glowing Life-force of Love and Passion. Shine upon us.
O Ra, Thou Great Father-force of the World, whereby our Mother conceived all things. Arise within us.
O Ra, May the Love, and Compassionate tenderness of Thy Spouse, our Mother. Arise within us.
O Ra, May the Fiery and Secret Flame of Thy Son, the Crowned Child. Arise within us.