

An Epistle by Frater Achad [Charles Stansfeld Jones]


Sister Katherine Talbot


29 July 1918



Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Parzival, by the Grace of God Triune and by the favour and appointment of His Most Sacred Majesty Baphomet, Deputy Grand Master General, Grand Treasurer General, Viceroy of the Dominion of Canada which is in the Sanctuary of the Gnosis, etc., etc., unto all the Illustrious, Ineffable and Sublime Brethren of every degree over the surface of the globe, Greetings and Peace.


It is written in that degree which first instructeth the Magician in the way of Life that "A man is what he maketh himself within the limits fixed by his own inherited destiny, he is a part of mankind: his actions affect not only what he calleth himself, but also the whole Universe." I think the Lecture from which this quotation comes is one of the most beautiful and helpful of the instructions given to the Brethren of our Holy Order.


It is in the spirit of a Man and Brother who aspires to become a Magician that I write unto you this, my first epistle as Deputy Grand Master General of the Order.


Now it may be that No Man knoweth who I am, for in a certain mystical sense I am not, therefore it is that some have cried "It is no name." others "He is the Pure Fool." and again others, counting the letters of my name, have said "It is the Child whereof it is spoken in our Holy Book." What matters it whether they cry naught, or One or 418 or 777, for even as "Every man and woman is a star" so also "every number is infinite, there is no difference." And, are we not told to make no difference between any one thing and any other thing, for thereby there cometh hurt? Therefore it is that I write unto you as a Man and a Brother, one with you in the Bonds Naught of the Body of Our Lady Nuit when the limits fixed by our inherited destinies no longer restrict us.


Therefore, as Man and Brethren, let us consider whether there be aught which yet consciously binds us and restricts us? Verily nothing but what we have made ourselves. And what is our inherited destiny since this Law of the New Aeon has been bequeathed to us? One which knows no limit, for every true Man and Woman is without the limits and restrictions of destiny, is without Sin, and the secret of Becoming is then a realization of this Truth, not so much a striving for personal stature, as an acceptance of the limitless Freedom of Love under Will. It is sufficient to discard that which we are not, and our own will come to us and take its place. The doing of our Will may be even more the allowing of the freedom of others and a joy in watching their expansion and progress as one restriction after another is cast aside, than an effort to do aught for ourselves. Consider well of this in your interpretation of our Holy Law.


The Sun giveth all, asking naught in return, yet who denieth Him his place or His Power. Our Lady delighteth in the ecstacy and joy of others. Hadit, our inmost Self, is Perfect, being not, and the Perfect and the Perfect are one Perfect and not two nay are none. Also, it is written "There is no law beyond Do what thou wilt" and it may be that this is a mystical promise of even greater Liberty than has yet been dreamed of, beyond even that Law of Love which is our heritage. Consider of this also.


Yet for most of us there is yet much restriction to be cast aside and it may be in this work He can help you, for it is Our Will to prove that—this Law unto men for which purpose We are called to the service of Humanity.


In any exterior Order, even under Our Law, there must of necessity be certain Rules of Governance, certain apparent restrictions designed though they may be for your easier freeing from the slavery of your little wills and for your conscious cementing with the True Will of the Universe: and it is said in our Manifesto that no person shall approach the National Grand Master, as such, unless he has already attained to a high degree of proficient in our Holy Art. Now this wise rule is both good and necessary in the case of His Most Sacred Majesty, for in his High Office as our Spiritual Head and Ruler it is of utmost importance that He be constantly busying Himself with problems both deep and wide, concerning not only our present and temporary welfare but the destiny of Humanity throughout the Aeon. But in the case of his Deputy, it is different, and it may be that there are those who have problems of life which, owing to the illusions of Maya, are puzzling them, and to which they have not as of yet found the solution in our Holy Books, or through interior illumination and the Grace of the Most High. And it may be that since we have striven while on earth to be helpful and of service to such as needed help, that it is a part of our inherited destiny to serve such. However this may be, it is not our intention that those in the lower degrees shall cease from laying your problems and questions at the feet of the Right Worshipful Masters of your Lodges, or from applying for instructions from those Officers whose duty it is to deal with these matters, by no means: but since we do greatly desire to cement the link which binds Us with each one of you, even more strongly, if that were possible, you are invited on this occasion to address Us if such be your will, handing your communications to your respective Masters or other presiding officers, who will in turn forward them to Us in due course. It will then be Our pleasure to deal with the same giving your petitions due consideration and answering them as the Light is given unto Us, as time permits—for our Office is no light one, especially since the indisposition of our Beloved Brother Sir George MacNie Cowie has added to Our task the duties of Grand Treasure General. This task we trust you will make as light as possible by observing Rule 3 in the Manifesto concerning the Duties and Privileges of Brethren.


Also, it is my duty and pleasure to inform you that our Father is at present occupying Himself wholly with the preparation of the Official Organ of the Order—The Equinox—which is due for publication this coming An XV Sol in Aries (March 21 1919 E.V.). The task is a heavy one under the present world conditions, and especially are funds needed for this purpose. I therefore appeal to each one of you in His name to do all in your power to help in this matter, which is of vital importance, representing, as it does, a permanent record of our Work as the inheritance of the coming generation. Contributions will therefore be most welcome, and such is the loving kindness of Our Father that he has permitted me to promise that all Fees, Dues, etc. received by Grand Lodges between now and next March, will be returned in the shape of copies of the "Equinox", as well as all voluntary contributions, if so desired.


We now solemnly give you Our Blessing in the Name of the Most High and in the Name of the Grand Master Baphomet.


Love is the law, love under will.


Parzival O.T.O.

Deputy Grand Master General & G.T.G.


Given from this Sanctuary of the Gnosis which is the Island of Manhattan this day of An XIV the Sun being in Six Degrees of Leo.




[380] [16. O.T.O. An Epistle by Frater Achad to Sister Katherine Talbot]