Man is bound by but One Law.

If he breaks a part of it,

He hurts no one but himself.

While he lives in Unity with it,

He is God.

While he does not live in unity,

He is Man.

While he lives in Unity with it,

He becomes the Law.

To realize the Law and live it,

Is the Great Work.

To break the Law after he has realized it

Is a Sin.

To endeavour to bring all to the knowledge of the Law,

Is to keep the Law.

Seek ye the Law that ye may be free.

Wisdom, Love and Power,

These Three are One.

That these should be One is the Law.

By finding the Point from which these three become equal,

And thereby remaining,

By this means only,

Can the Law be known.

If ye know this,

Ye know All.

If ye not know this,

Ye know less than All.

Seek ever for the absolute,

And be content with Nothing Less!