Manifesto: Psychomagian Society
Charles Stansfeld Jones (Frater Achad)
This Society aims at Individual Freedom through Order. It upholds that "Every man and every woman is a Star", which implies that every human being is intrinsically an independent individual with his own proper character and proper motion.
Similarly, just as there are groups of stars there are groups of human beings which, while preserving the individual integrity of each unit, have a certain common direction.
Every man and every woman has a course depending partly on the self and partly on the environment natural and necessary for them.
Man is at present ignorant of the nature and powers of his own being. It is necessary to discover Who one is, What one is and Why one is, in order that we may fulfil our true Will and Purpose in Life in an intelligent manner.
Every individual is essentially sufficient to himself. But he is unsatisfactory to himself until he has established himself in right relation with the Universe.
P S Y C H O M A G I A combines the essential features of Psychology and Psycho-Analysis with MAGICK which is "The Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will".
We welcome as Associates all who are in accord with the declared principles of the Society, who are prepared to try to understand themselves in order that they may the better be able to live in harmony with others and in accord with the Universal Will of which the True Will of every man and every woman is an unique part.