This musical score, published in 1923, contains three songs with Lyrics by Frater Achad [Charles Stansfeld Jones] and Music by Charles Lagourgue:
- The Ibis - The Bennu-Bird - The Star Goddes
The following are descriptions of each song provided by Frater Achad:
The Ibis: Thoth, the Egyptian God of Wisdom and Will, has been symbolized from time immemorial as an Ibis. This bird is seen upon the banks of the Nile, standing upon one foot in an attitude of meditation. Thus the wise man stills the wandering thoughts of the mind by means of Will: though to some he may appear foolish.
The Bennu-Bird: This quaint little song is based on the passage from the Book of the Dead as translated by F.A. Wallis Budge, the famous Egyptologist, which reads: “I am the Bennu, the soul of Ra, and the guide of the gods in the Tuat (the Egyptian Underworld), let it se so done unto me that I may enter in like a hawk, and that I may come forth like Bennu, the Morning Star.” The Bennu, or soul, was supposed to shine upon the world from the top of the famous Persea Tree, wherein he renewed himself each morning.
The Star Goddess: The Magick Words of this Song are paraphrased from the ancient Stelé of Ankh-f-n-Khonsu, which is now preserved in the museum at Cairo and bears the number 666. These words also appear in Liber Legis—the Book of the Law—and are said to conceal a secret ritual of great importance. Nuit is the Great Goddess of the Starry Heaven; She represents Matter in its deepest metaphysical sense. Hadit, Her complement, is pure Spirit; the flame that burns in every heart of mankind and at the core of every Star. The Universe is called Ra-hoor-Khuit, the finite Child of these Two Infinites. Ankh-f-n-Khonsu was the Priest and Prophet who foretold, thousands of years ago, the incoming of this New Aeon of Ra-hoor-Khuit in which we now live and move and have our being. Thus in these few lines are concealed the deepest Mysteries of existence, and the key to the New Era.