The Cry of the 2nd Æthyr, Which is Called ARN

(4th attempt)



An ólvah nu arénu ólvah. Diráëse ádika vā paretánu póliax póliax in vāh rāh ahúm súbre fifál. Lerthéxănax. Máma rá-la hūm fifála mahá.[1]


All this is the melody of a flute, very faint and clear. And there is sort of a sub-tinkle of a bell.


And there is a string instrument, somewhat like a zither. And there is a human voice.


And the voice comes: this is the Song of the Sphinx, which she singeth ever in the ears of men.


And it is the song of the syrens. And whoever heareth it is lost.



Mu pa telai

Tu wa melai

ā, ā, ā

Tu fu tulu!

Tu fu tulu

Pa, Sa, Ga.



Qwi Mu telai

Ya Pa melai;

ū, ū, ū.

'Se gu melai;

Pe fu telai,

Fu tu lu.



O chi balae

Wa pa malae:—

Üt! Üt! Üt!

Ge; fu latrai,

Le fu malai




Al Ōāī

Rel moai


Wa la pelai

Tu fu latai

Wi, Ni, Bi.


Translation of Song.



Silence! the moon ceaseth (her motion),

That also was sweet

In the air, in the air, in the air!

Who Will shall attain!

Who Will shall attain

By the Moon, and by Myself, and by the Angel of the Lord!



Now Silence ceaseth

And the moon waxeth sweet;

(It is the hour of) Initiation, Initiation, Initiation.

The kiss of Isis is honeyed;

My own Will is ended,

For Will hath attained.



Behold the lion-child swimmeth (in the heaven)

And the moon reeleth:—

(It is) Thou! (It is) Thou! (It is) Thou!

Triumph; the Will stealeth away (like a thief),

The Strong Will that staggered

Before Ra Hoor Khuit!—Hadit!—Nuit!



To the God OAI

Be praise

In the end and the beginning!

And may none fall

Who Will attain

The Sword, the Balances, the Crown!


And that which thou hearest is but the dropping of the dews from my limbs, for I dance in the night, naked upon the grass, in shadowy places, by running streams.


Many are they who have loved the nymphs of the woods, and of the wells, and of the fountains, and of the hills. And of these some were nympholept. For it was not a nymph, but I myself that walked upon the earth taking my pleasure. So also there were many images of Pan, and men adored them, and as a beautiful god he made their olives bear double and their vines increase; but some were slain by the god, for it was I that had woven the garlands about him.


Now cometh a song.


So sweet is this song that no one could resist it. For in it is all the passionate ache for the moonlight, and the great hunger of the sea, and the terror of desolate places, --- all things that lure men to the unattainable.


Ōmări tēssălă mărāx,

tēssălă dōdi phōrnĕpāx.

āmrĭ rādără pōlĭāx

ármănă pīliŭ.

āmrĭ rādără pīliŭ sōn';

mārĭ nāryă bārbĭtōn

mādără ānăphăx sārpĕdōn

āndălă hrīlīu.




I am the harlot that shaketh Death.

This shaking giveth the Peace of Satiate Lust.

Immortality jetteth from my skull,

And music from my vulva.

Immortality jetteth from my vulva also,

For my Whoredom is a sweet scent like a seven-stringed instrument,

Played unto God the Invisible, the all-ruler,

That goeth along giving the shrill scream of orgasm.


Every man[2] that hath seen me forgetteth me never, and I appear oftentimes in the coals of the fire, and upon the smooth white skin of woman, and in the constancy of the waterfall, and in the emptiness of deserts and marshes, and upon great cliffs that look seaward; and in many strange places, where men seek me not. And many thousand times he beholdeth me not. And at last I smite myself into him as a vision smiteth into a stone, and whom I call must follow.


Now I perceive myself standing in a Druid circle, in an immense open plain.


A whole series of beautiful visions of deserts and sunsets and islands in the sea, green beyond imagination . . . . But there is no subsistence in them.


A voice goes on: this is the holiness of fruitless love and aimless toil. For in doing the thing for the things's sake is concentration, and this is the holiest of them that suit not the means to the end. For therein is faith and sympathy and a knowledge of the true Magick.


Oh my beloved, that fliest in the air like a dove, beware of the falcon! oh my beloved, that springest upon the earth like a gazelle, beware of the lion!


There are hundreds of visions, trampling over one another. In each one the Angel of the Æthyr is mysteriously hidden.


Now I will describe the Angel of the Æthyr until the voice begins again.


He is like one's idea of Sappho and Calypso, and all seductive and deadly things; heavy eye-lids, long lashes, a face like ivory, wonderful barbaric jewellery, intensely red lips, a very small mouth, tiny ears, a Grecian face. Over the shoulders is a black robe with a green collar; the robe is spangled with golden stars; the tunic is a pure soft blue.


Now the whole Æthyr is swallowed up in a forest of unquenchable fire, and fearlessly through it all a show-white eagle flies. And the eagle cries: the house also of death. Come away! The volume of the book is open, the Angel waiteth without, for the summer is at hand. Come away! For the Aeon is measured, and thy spans allotted. Come away! For the mighty sounds have entered into every angle. And they have awakened the Angels of the Æthyrs that slept these three hundred years.


For in the Holy letter shin, that is the Resurrection in the Book of Thoth, that is the Holy Spirit in the Trinity, that is three hundred in the tale of the years, hath the tomb been opened, so that this great wisdom might be revealed.


Come away! For the Second Triad is completed, and there remaineth only the Lord of the Aeon, the Avenger, the Child both Crowned and Conquering, the Lord of the Sword and the Sun, the Babe in the Lotus, pure from his birth, the Child of suffering, the Father of justice, unto whom be the glory throughout all the Aeon![3]


Come away! For that which was to be accomplished is accomplished, seeing that thou hadst faith unto the end of all.


In the letter N the Voice of the Æthyr is ended.

Biskra, Algeria.

December 20, 1909. 8:35 - 9:15 p.m.



1—This began instantly on the resumption of their Vision, without any explanation. We must assume that Angel of the Aire, or one of His ministers, undertook the task of preparing the Seer for the "voice of the Æthyr" in this manner.

It is the language of the Sappho-Calypso angel, commonly called Bathyllic. Its translation is:—

"Now it glides in to the heaven-home, glides. Seducingly the mentula of the begotten one of the Holy Head (or Skull) rakes hold of the soft tissues, subtly plying its shuttle. Light follows the explosion. The soft tissues, cleaving to the shuttle, pump out every drop of water from the well."

2—The MS has "Ja! Every man ..."

3—The Seer had absolutely forgotten this prophecy, and was amazed at the final identification of the Child in LIL with Hoor, the Lord of the Æon.


