Letchworth: At the Arden Press







     MOTHER and maiden! on the natal night

     Embowered in bliss of roses red and white,

     Westward three Magi move to minister

     To Him with gold and frankincense and myrrh.


     Those Pagans gazing on the Heavenly Host

     Were blest of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost;

     And me, though I be as an heathen Mage,

     Thou wilt accept in this my pious page.






     BOOK I







     THE worlds were drunken as with wine

     When, shimmering from the throne divine,

     The soul of Mary fixed its ray

     Within the meek and maiden clay.


     The stars in mightier music rolled;

     The sun achieved a gladder gold;

     The moon less pure acclaimed the morn;

     —Mary immaculate is born.


     Rejoice, O children of the earth,

     At your salvation brought to birth!

     This is the perfect period.

     Mary is born that shall bear GOD.








     BEHOLD within the veil withdrawn

     Thy mighty star on chaos dawn,

     Thy beatific breath complete

     The purpose of the Paraclete.


     Where sinful sorrow doth oppress,

     Thy sinless sorrow doth redress,

     O maid whom seven demon lords

     Thrust through the heart with seven swords!


     O sweet and sober mother-maid,

     Within my heart each bleeding blade

     Shudders, as, meditating Thee,

     Thy mercy sheds its shower on me!


     O mother Mary, from Thy soul

     Distil the balm to make me whole;

     And when the dreary days are done

     Lead up my spirit to Thy Son!








     WE praise thee, blessed maid of GOD,

     That art the spirit in the sod.

     Thou art the bird within the bower,

     And Thou the honey in the flower!


     Thou art the moon in Egypt’s night;

     The shade from Afric’s blasting light!

     In all the world of ill we bow

     To the one good, and that is Thou.


     For blazing in Thy blessed womb

     Glitters the Christ, a star of doom

     To cast the stars of evil kings

     Into the blind abyss of things.


     Hail, Mary, hail! Thou didst conceive

     The Holy Child whom we believe.

     Draw Thou our loyal spirits hence

     In rapture and in reverence!


     Still be the beatific balm

     To heal, to comfort, and to calm!

     Still make to bud the barren rod,

     And bring our spirits back to GOD! Amen.







     THOU star at sea, that still dost point

          The unimaginable goal,

     With eucharistic rays anoint

          The wounds of this my sinful soul!


     The seas are strong, the charts obscure;

          The compass spells a traitor rune.

     Do thou exalt thy loyal lure

          Above the dead deceitful moon!


     The sailors mutiny; the storm

          Wilder and wilder shrieks and wails,

     And phantoms ghastly and difform

          Haunt thy poor captain as he sails.


     Grant, as death’s iceberg threatens me,

          Sin’s fog, Satanic spite that bars,

     That I may keep these eyes on Thee,

          Star on the sea that blots the stars!








     THE shadows fall about the way;

          Strange faces glimmer in the gloom;

     The soul clings feebly to the clay.

          For that, the void; for this, the tomb!


     But Mary sheds a blessed light;

          Her perfect face dispels the fears.

     She charms Her melancholy knight

          Up to the glad and gracious spheres.


     O Mary, like a pure perfume

          Do thou receive this failing breath,

     And with Thy starry lamp illume

          The darkling corridors of death!








     GO seek, O my soul, thy veridical home

          In the palace of GOD where the work as the will is!

     There are wonderful lilies afloat in the foam,

          And Mary is throned in the midst of the lilies.


     Go seek, O my soul, in the sorrowful sea,

          The Cross where GOd's agony culminates, closes!

     The roses are heaped till they cover the tree,

          And Mary is throned in the midst of the roses.


     Go take, O my soul, thy poor heart that has bled

          To pallor and death for thine evil behaviour!

     The heart of the Saviour redeems it to red,

          And Mary is throned in the heart of the Saviour.








     O HAPPY flower, on whom there fell

     The dew of the Ineffable!

     O jewelled cup, wherein was poured

     The precious liquor of the LOrD!


     Through thee by the infernal goad

     The seven bleeding sorrows flowed:

     Thou keepest secret and apart

     The wounds of Jesus in Thine heart.


     Through Thee by the divine consent

     The seven ecstatic joys are sent:

     Thy secret worship shall inspire

     Our hearts with His devoted fire.


     O mother, to Thy house of death

     We fly from life’s deceitful breath.

     O star of love upon the sea,

     We sail to Thee—we sail to Thee!








     ALL hail, dread LOrD, all hail!

     Smite through Thy rended veil

     Light till our sun grows pale—

          Eclipsed, discrowned!

     Now might not men withstand,

     Save that one maiden bland

     Aids with Her splendid hand

     Them whose poor power is spanned

          By earth’s sad ground.


     All hail! dear Christ, all hail!

     None could endure Thy pale

     Anguish; all creatures veil

          Their woeful eyes.

     Joy fills the hells of hate.

     Thou shalt their rage abate,

     Conquer the lords of fate,

     Virgin immaculate,

          Serene and wise!


     All hail, bright Ghost, all hail!

     Thou didst Thy splendours veil

     In that entrancing pale

          Maternal maid.

     Nor could thy flame carouse

     On our unlighted brows,

     Save that Thy sweet sad spouse

     Sends from Her holy house

          Her puissant aid.








     HAIL to Thee, Lady bright,

     Queen of the stars of night!

               Ave Maria!

     Spouse of the Breath Divine,

     Hail to Thee, shrouded shrine,

     Whence our Redeemer came!

     Hail to Thy holy name!

               Ave Maria!


     Hail, Hail, O Queen, to Thee,

     Spouse of Eternity!

               Ave Maria!

     Mother in Maidenhood!

     Saintly Beatitude!

     Queen of the Angel Host!

     Bride of the HOly Ghost!

               Ave Maria!








     ROLL through the caverns of matter, the world’s irremovable bounds!

     Roll, ye wild billows of ether! the cymbal is shaken and sounds!

     Wild and sonorous the clamour, vast in the region of death,

     Live with the Fire of the Spirit, the essence and flame of the breath!

               Sound, O sound!


     Gleam in the world of the dark, where the chained ones shall tremble and flee!

     Gleam in the skies of the dusk, for the Light of the Dawn is in me!

     Light on the forehead, and life in the nostrils, and love in the breast,

     Shine, O thou Star of the Dawning, thou Sun of the Radiant Crest!

               Shine, O shine!


     Flame through the sky in the strength of the Chariot wheels of the Sun!

     Flame, ye young fingers of light, on the West of the Dawning that run!

     Flame, O thou Meteor Car, for Her fire is exalted in thee!

     Lighten the darkness, and herald the daylight, and waken the sea!

               Flame, O flame!


     Crown Her, O crown Her with Stars as with flowers for a virginal gaud!

     Crown Her, O crown Her with Light and the flame of the down-rushing Sword!

     Crown Her, O crown Her with Love for maiden and Mother and wife!

     Hail unto Mary! Hail! for She is the Lady of Life!

               Mary crowned!








     O QUEEN of Heaven, who didst conceive

          The Almighty without sin,

     Give us the rapture to receive

          Thy sinless love within!


     Our souls are stained, our thoughts impure;

          O Queen of Heaven, assoil

     Our error, our distemperature

          With Thine anointing oil!


     Our censers fume before Thy feet.

          Through all the starry host

     Whisper the sacred words and sweet:

          “Receive the HOly Ghost!”








     BE still! before the altar gates

          The incense steam aspires;

     The priest of Jesus stands and waits

          At those consuming fires;

     The grey cathedral dominates

          Our pitiful desires.


     O Mary! of Thy Motherhood

          To all Thy worshippers,

     Bring us to Thy beatitude

          Whose sweet impulsion stirs

     The soul lethargic unto good,

          The slaves to ministers!


     Our Lady, sorrowful and sweet,

          Thy precious gift bestow!

     Thy holy spouse the Paraclete

          Breathe down on us below

     That all the chrism be complete,

          Thy servants pure as snow!


     Our Lady, let Thy darling dove

          Our holy wishes heed!

     Bring down the Spirit from above,

          With Jesus intercede,

     Till all the night dissolve in love

          That shall be Light indeed!








     MARY, Mother of our GOD,

          Hear our faint ecstatic prayer!

     Kindle Spirit in the clod!

          Kindle hope in our despair!

     Be His saving mercy spilt

          Like a fountain on our sin!

     Match His Godhead with our guilt!

          Light the love of GOD within!


     O majestic! O Divine!

          O most merciful and pure!

     Let our spirits at Thy shrine

          Humbled, gladden and endure!

     Help the weakness of our sight

          Blind before Thy radiant face!

     Bring us to Thy full delight

          By the ardour of Thy grace!


     Darkling doors and dangerous

          In the ways of life and death:—

     Cleanse us! help us! succour us

          By the beatific breath!

     Till the fullness of Thy light

          Shine upon the untrodden way,

     Drown this dull, deceitful night

          In Thy sempiternal day!







          BOOK II







     NO flower have I. O Queen, receive

          This sere and sodden leaf!

     O Mary maiden, I believe!

          Help Thou mine unbelief!


     No sails have I. The tempests reave

          My wreck on Error’s reef.

     O Mary maiden, I believe!

          Help Thou mine unbelief!


     No wheat have I. O Queen, receive

          This coarse and oaten sheaf!

     O Mary maiden, I believe!

          Help Thou mine unbelief!


     No lands have I. Do Thou retrieve

          My soul, the forfeit fief!

     O Mary maiden, I believe!

          Help Thou mine unbelief!


     No joy have I. My follies grieve

          Me with exceeding grief.

     O Mary maiden, I believe!

          Help Thou mine unbelief!


     No Christ have I, save Thou achieve

          This miracle-in-chief!

     O Mary maiden, I believe!

          Help Thou mine unbelief!








     ALL hail to Mary wandering

          Adored by shepherd and by Mage!

     The fury of the ruthless king

          Inspires Her desert pilgrimage.


     O sorrow of pure eyes beneath

          The heavy-fringed ecstatic lids,

     Seeing for maiden song and wreath

          Sphinxes and pagan Pyramids!


     O sorrow bitterer than death

          To leave the dear delighted land,

     And change the groves of Nazareth

          For lonely leagues of sterile sand!


     To us who wander desolate

          In Earth’s sad wilderness do Thou

     Bend down Thy lips immaculate

          And touch and kiss the adoring brow!








     O CHANT in cadence dark and deep

          The dread mirific Name,

     The corners of His robe that sweep

          The Universe with flame!


     O chant in cadence softly sighed

          The Saviour's grace Who came

     And for our sins was crucified

          Upon the cross of shame!


     O chant in cadence whispering

          The HOly Ghost that poured

     On Mary’s bosom soft as spring

          The unction of the LOrd!


     In silence let our hearts adore

          The Mother-maid Divine,

     And all our vows like swallows soar

          To Her celestial shrine!








     FROM winter’s bleak and bitter prison

          Up-surges the delighted spring.

     The tomb is broke; the LOrd is risen.

          Hail! Thou anointed King!


     Now, O Thou pitiful and pallid,

          Who to the cross didst cleave and cling,

     Thy tears to life from death have rallied

          Thy Son, the Holy King!


     Eater of flesh and soul and spirit,

          The Lord of Hell on dropping wing

     His doom of dolour doth inherit

          From our anointed King.


     See! headlong where he reels and plunges

          To the abyss, a noisome thing!

     He falls! Our sin Thy Son expunges!

          Thy Son, the Holy King!


     Then, O thou mildest maiden mother,

          Thou feedest us! our crowns we fling

     Here at Thy feet, who art no other

          Than Lady of our King


     O bring us swiftly to the waters

          Of peace; our souls in joyance bring,

     As we adore, Thy sons and daughters,

          Thy Son, the Holy King!


     Thy seven sacraments deliver

          That so Thy sorrows may not sting!

     O lead us upward to the river

          Of our anointed King!


     With these desires my life be laden!

          These two adore, my soul! and sing!

     Mary, Thou mildest mother-maiden,

          Thy Son, the Holy King!








     THE earth is dark, save where desires

     Exhale their black and bitter fires.

     Save for Thy sorrow, heaven is bright

     With cool and soft celestial light.


     But gazing deeper as we dare

     By virtue of retreat and prayer,

     Of fasting and of vigilance,

     We pierce beyond to brilliance.


     For all the blessed blood that poured

     Out of Thine heart at sorrow’s sword

     Is borne in God’s cherubic cars

     About the sky to make us stars.


     We in the world of woe who stray

     Lift up our hearts to Thee and pray:

     Turn all our pain to virgin might,

     And all our sorrow into light!








     LIFT up, mine heart! Lift up, mine heart!

     The autumn leaves of earth depart

     Before the buds in heaven that bloomed

     To greet Thee, Mary maid, assumed.


     All earth and heaven compose Thy throne;

     All saints and maids and martyrs own

     The joyous gift of God to Thee,

     And Angels quire Thy sanctity.


     Abase, my head, to this Divine

     Decree, and worship Mary’s shrine

     Wherefrom the healing springs upstart:—

     Lift up, mine heart! Lift up, mine heart!









     BEFORE the veil of death divide

          And usher man to bliss or bale

     He hath an hour to heal his pride

          And greet Thee with a glad “ All hail ”!



     Hail Mary, blessed through the ages!

          Hail Mary, blessed to the term!

     Thou hast stilled the heathen as he rages,

          And trod upon the laidly worm.



     In calm and storm, in peace and strife,

          There is a lull; be ours to scale

     Therein the pinnacles of life

          By greeting Thee with Mary hail!



     Some of us conquer and succeed;

          Some in the battle flinch and fail:

     Thou art enough for either need:—

          All greet Thee with the glad “All hail”!








     WHEN all the world is wrapt in cloud,

     The storm-fiend yells and raves aloud,

     Our heads in peace to Thee are bowed

               With Hail, O holy Mary!


     When on the burnt and blazing plains

     The hard sun withers up our veins,

     We raise to Thee our subtle strains

               Of Hail, Thou holy Mary!


     When on the sea its combers grim

     Circle the sky from rim to rim,

     We sing to thee the holy hymn

               Of Hail, Thou holy Mary!


     When on the mountains in the ice

     We hang above some precipice,

     We offer Thee the sacrifice,

               And hail Thee, holy Mary!


     Still, when the icy breeze of death

     Cuts through the bastions of breath,

     Thou hearest him who murmureth

               All hail, O holy Mary! Amen.







     HARK to the cry of the heavenly choir

     Earth with their music that rouse and inspire!

     Hark to the lordly celestial lyre!

               Ave Maria!


     Martyrs and virgins in ecstasy bow;

     Angels and spirits their radiance vow

     Unto the vision supreme that is Thou,

               Ave Maria!


     See where the cherubin pallid and plumed

     Swing with their thuribles praises perfumed!

     Jesus is risen and Mary assumed:—

               Ave Maria!


     We who are men—shall we flag in the praise

     Due to the Holy One, Ancient of Days?

     Soar, O our song, in a crystal amaze!

               Ave Maria!








     MIRACULOUS birth of the roses

          In the fervour of summer aswing

     Awaken the soul that reposes

          To praise of our Saviour the King.

     Let myrtle and honey and amber

          Be mixed in the censer and spiced

     That our worship may cluster and clamber

          To the mother of Christ and the Christ.


     Miraculous birth of the lilies,

          Afloat in the fountains that spring,

     One Voice on the lake that is still, is

          The voice of our Saviour the King.

     Let corn for His Body be gilded!

          Pour wine for His Blood the unpriced!

     That a temple of worship be builded

          For Christ and the Mother of Christ.


     Too pale the libation we spill is;

          Too cold is the censer we swing;

     The glory exceeds of Thy lilies,

          O Mother Divine of the King!

     Yet daily our worship shall quicken

          The dust, till our souls are sufficed

     With the fire from the stars of Ye stricken,

          O Christ and O Mother of Christ.








     SEVEN are the Spirits and the lamps are seven;

     I saw a wonder in the house of heaven.

     Behold a woman girded with the sun

     Beneath whose feet the liquid moon did run!


     Twelve were the stars that crowned that shining head

     Whereon the HOly Ghost His silence shed,

     That so Her womb a Saviour should environ

     To rule the nations with a rod of iron.


     I saw moreover how She bore the Child,

     And how the Dragon drave Her to the wild,

     Loosing a flood of venom; but the earth

     Gaped and devoured it in her warrior girth.


     I saw red war in heaven; Saint Michael fell

     With all his angels on the host of hell.

     Saint Michael! praise to thee who didst prevail

     And pen the demons in the hollow vale!


     Now is the royal mystery outrun;

     Mary is gathered to the Holy One.

     The vision fails; and we abase our eyes

     In silent praise and solemn ecstasies.


     Hail, Mary, hail! Our song goes up to Thee;

     From Thee descends the quickening decree.

     Like trembling flowers our souls accept the stress

     Of Thine exalted dew of holiness.








     UNDER the shade of flowering trees

     We kneel (Thine ardent devotees)

     And in Thy mercy find our ease.


     Beside the pleasant streams we move,

     Our thoughts concentrated on the above,

     And find our joyance in Thy love.


     When Death’s cold stream runs black and chill,

     And yew and cypress haunt the hill,

     Be Thou our love and comfort still.


     Receive us (by Thy Motherhood)

     By deathless stream and fadeless wood

     In Thy celestial solitude.








     AS in the sleeping lake we view

     A pallid image of the blue,

     So in Thy Chapel may we see

     A faint enshadowing of Thee.


     Our minds are dull, our lives are base;

     We cannot see the maiden face.

     Imagination may not run

     From moonlight to the self-lit sun.


     Darkly as in a glass we gaze

     And lose ourselves in pious praise.

     How then when risen and pure of heart

     In heaven we see Thee as Thou art?


     O let the film of earth and sin

     Each day by love grow clear and thin!

     O let Thy worship done aright

     Prepare us for the eternal Light!







          BOOK III







     SAINT MICHAEL! by the altar stand

          And mark our praises sink and swell,

     The fire of heaven in Thine hand

     That bare the glad ensanguine brand,

          And smote the sons of hell.


     Be present all the starry host

          Of cherubim and seraphim,

     While, hasted by the HOly Ghost,

     We raise on Time’s eroded coast

          Our rare and royal hymn.


     Let all the ripples of our song

          Exulting evermore converge

     In one the virgin wave and strong,

     Combine their chorus loud and long

          Re-quicken and up-surge!


     Hail to the Virgin! Hail! we cry.

          Hail, Mary! Hail! All hail! All hail!

     The utmost caverns of the sky,

     The abysses of eternity,

          Repeat the hail! All hail!


     O plumed and puissant couriers!

          O Angels clothed and crowned with light!

     O mild and matchless ministers

     Of GOd, how deep the silence stirs

          At this our choral might!


     Hail to the Virgin! Hail! the streams

          Are gathered in the starry river;

     The incense column subtly steams

     Up past the palaces of dreams:—

          To Mary, Hail for ever!


     Hail to the Virgin, Hail! the sea

          Is one; the stars divide and pale

     Before Thy single ecstasy

     Of light, O moon of majesty!

          Hail to Thee! Hail! All hail!








     ENSHRINED in cloistral sanctity

     I sit and worship solemnly.

     Mary is everything to me.

          I hail Thee holy Mary.


     By day and night I sit alone

     Mute as a monument of stone,

     And meditate before the throne

          Of bright and blessed Mary.


     I see Her glory from afar

     Gleam like some cold and sacred star

     Among the solitudes that are

          The shrines of blessed Mary.


     Bid Thou these filmy eyes to see!

     Turn Thou this heart to grace and gree!

     Bring Thou my sense-dulled self to Thee,

          O bright and blessed Mary!


     The song may cease, but through the air

     Ever shall course the perfect prayer

     Even to Thy heart, O royal, rare,

          And holy Virgin Mary!


     In every various circumstance

     Thou healest with Thy holy glance,

     If but our trembling souls advance

          With—Hail, O Mother Mary.


     Pour forth, we pray, the dewy ease

     Thou sheddest on Thy devotees,

     Who greet Thee humbly on their knees

          With—Hail, O holy Mary.


     Thy mystic mercy as a Dove

     Let overshadow us above!

     Receive us to Thy House or Love

          Who hail Thee holy Mary!








     BE still, my soul, and let the sense

     Of Her intuitive influence

     Steal like the whisper of young rains

     Upon thy bleak and barren plains.


     By many a mental martyrdom

     Our sterile souls to Mary come.

     Who passeth through the surge and fire

     At last shall win to his desire.


     Thy grace for us sufficient still

     To smite the arbiters of ill

     Shall grant the exceeding great reward

     To look by Thee upon the LOrd.


     Be still, my soul, whate’er assail!

     Through Mary they shall not prevail;

     And thou resigned in peace await

     Her peace at Her appointed date.










     THE race of day is duly run,

     And men, the children of the sun,

     Turn them to sleep; but I awake

     For Mary’s sake—for Mary’s sake.

     And while these eyes outwatch the stars

     My soul runs through the golden bars.


     O clusters that with warp and woof

     Make up Fate’s web, I stand aloof.

     The child of Mary stands apart

     Both from the terror and the dart.

     No fear, no evil can engage

     The knight of Mary’s pilgrimage.


     So in this still and solemn hour

     Of vigil we proclaim Thy power.

     Thy benediction, like a balm,

     Unite our ardour with our calm,

     And ere the black night pale to grey,

     Discover Thy diviner day!








Sacrament of Penance


     THRICE blest and four times blest is he who goes

     With bleeding feet about this world of woes,

     And prostrate casts his aching diadem

     Before Thy shrine, O mild and mystic Rose!

     Him all the stars and all the sky begem,

     For Thou art all the radiance of them.


     The lean scourged body and the tortured brain

     Glow with the light of Thy celestial rain.

     Thou art the secret of the pure keen pleasure

     Whose fountain springs from the abyss of pain.

     Thee do we praise in many a merry measure

     Who art of GOd most high the single treasure.


     He hath ten jewels in His holy House;

     All these be mystic, clear and luminous;

     But only Thou art worthy of the throne,

     O Mother and O daughter and O spouse

     Of Him that reigns above, triune, alone,

     And joins Thine equal splendour with His own!








Good Friday


     AT the foot of the Cross is the Mother of God,

     And Her tears are like rain to enliven the sod,

     While the Blood of the LOrd from His Body that runs

     Is the heat of the summer, the fire of its suns.


     In the darkness and fear of the torturing hours,

     The Mother brings life in the strength of Her showers;

     The Son with the fire of His Passion withdrawn

     Enkindles the night to the life of the Dawn.


     In the cup of the world, as pure water and wine,

     His sorrow is mingled and mixed into Thine,

     For a liquor to heal us the children of night,

     The Immaculate Light, the Immaculate Light!








In Time of Trouble


     O QUEEN, deliver me from the infernal kings!

     O shield me in your span, ye everlasting wings!

     I kneel at Mary’s shrine; the incense fumes ascend

     To bring my spirit through to GOd’s appointed end.


     Though in the valley of the shade of death I be,

     I fear not; for Thy rod and staff they comfort me.

     I imprecate the aid of Mary, Mother mild!

     The asp and dragon bow before Her Holy Child.


     The heathen did uprise; the folk of fear and doubt.

     Great bulls of Bashan did encompass me about.

     The lions roared for prey; the eagles screamed for food:

     All these were stilled before thy crownèd Motherhood.


     Therefore, though men devise ill counsels and vain things,

     Thou wilt deliver me from the infernal kings;

     And when the pilgrimage of me Thy knight is done,

     Thy favour shall present my spirit to Thy Son.








In Time of Drought


     WHEN drought of summer parches up

          Earth’s beatific bowers,

     O pour from Thy crystalline cup

          Ambrosial showers!


     We wander shelterless athirst

          Throughout the wilderness,

     And Thou our pilgrimage accurst

          Alone canst bless.


     The red sun scorches up our veins;

          The white moon makes us mad;

     Pitiless stars insult our pains

          With clamour glad.


     But Thou art shelter and defence

          From them that rage and spoil.

     Assain our lives with penitence!

          Our souls assoil!










     NOW when the sun uplifts his rim

          Above the sea, let us rejoice!

     Exalt GOd’s Mother in the hymn

          With an united voice!


     We gladly wake to toil and praise,

          Since these our purpose speed

     By walking humbly in Thy ways

          To worship Thee indeed.


     Let all the life and love and light

          Of earth and sky and sea

     Soar in one flame’s surpassing might

          To Thee—to Thee—to Thee!










     NOW at the setting of the sun

          We turn our thoughts to rest and sleep.

     Do Thou, O chaste and Holy One,

          Our spirits keep!

     O shed Thy radiance forth in streams

     To keep us in the Land of Dreams!


     The subtle enemy of man

          Marshals his hosts to work us ill.

     His demons bloat or deathly wan

          Sustain his will.

     More than day’s arrow doth affright

     The Fear that walketh in the night.


     Keep Thou our dreams! Let holy words

          And angel voices breathing balm

     And sweetly-tuned celestial birds

          Uplift their psalm!

     Our meditations on Thy grace

     Blend to the vision of Thy face.


     So shall we sleep without alarm

          And wake refreshed to worship Thee,

     Thy children from infernal harm

          For ever free,

     Until we pray Thine holy breath

     To keep us in the Land of Death.








Feast of the Nativity


     THE cool December breezes

          Appease the glowing sun.

     The agonies and eases

          Of all the year are done:—

     When eastward through the lampless night

     There shone a strange and splendid light.


     The noise of pomp and battle

          Of Israel died away.

     Amid the lowing cattle

          The Holy Mother lay,

     While at Her breast the Child Divine

     Drank in the starry milk and wine.


     Three magians Chaldean

          Have bowed their royal knees

     Before the Galilean,

          The GOd of stars and seas,

     And tasted all the fervent grace

     That shone from Mary’s maiden face.


     That star of resurrection

          Still stands above the night;

     Its portent of perfection

          Shall bring us all to light;

     And by the peace of Mary’s prayers

     Our rapture stands, exceeding theirs!







     AWAKE the earthly choir

          To match the host of heaven,

     Where the seven lamps of mystic fire

          Shine, and the spirits seven!


     In this religious gloom

          Invoke the light divine

     As, Mary, in Thy blessed womb

          GOd made the Daystar shine.


     This common fruit of earth

          Be made the Body of grace

     Even as the flesh by Jesu’s birth

          Was holy for a space.


     All things by heavenly power

          To that redemption come

     Equal before Thee in the hour

          Of joy or martyrdom.








Sacrament of Penance


     BY night I waste upon my bed

          For Her to whom my worship soars;

     By day I bow my weary head

          Within Her melancholy doors.


     I shall not ever be content

          With earth and all its tedious pleasure.

     I look toward the great event,

          To Mary’s bliss, the starry treasure.


     I scourge my body till the blood

          Pours from this heart that hateth light,

     Mix with its tide Thy crystal flood!

          O Mary, cleanse Thine acolyte!


     Accept this offering of pain!

          Receive Thy neophyte’s devotion,

     Till to Thy peace he rise again,

          O star of love on sorrow’s ocean!







          BOOK IV







Feast of the Nativity


     THE Virgin lies at Bethlehem

          (Bring gold and frankincense and myrrh!)

     The root of David shoots a stem.

          (O Holy Spirit, shadow Her!)


     She lies alone amid the kine.

          (Bring gold and frankincense and myrrh!)

     The straw is fragrant as with wine.

          (O Holy Spirit, shadow her!)


     There are three Kings upon the road.

          (Bring gold and frankincense and myrrh!)

     She hath thrice blest the Name of GOd.

          (O Holy Spirit, shadow her!)


     There stands her star above the sky.

          (Bring gold and frankincense and myrrh!)

     She hath thrice blest the Trinity.

          (O Holy Spirit, shadow her!)


     Her joyful ardour hath sufficed.

          (Bring gold and frankincense and myrrh!)

     She is delivered of the Christ.

          (The angels come to worship Her!) Amen.







Consecration of a Nun


     THE suns of Terra pale;

          The mists of Terra flee;

     To lift Thy veil we take Thy veil,

          And give our lives to Thee.


     Our hopes are sacrificed

          At Thy pellucid shrine.

     We worship Christ; to wed with Christ

          We take Thy vows divine.


     O Thou supremely pure,

          Cleanse Thou this feeble clay!

     Thy grace endure that we endure

          To that mirific day!


     Our virgin brows and pale

          The holy Crown shall gird.

     Who took Thy veil shall lift Thy veil

          And hear the final Word.



     O hear us, Mary blest!

          Thy heavenly love accord,

     That we may rest on Jesu's breast,

          Thy Son, our living LOrd!








Pro Gente Anglicana



     IN great cathedral cities,

          In cloisters old and dim,

     Wherever worth or wit is,

          We raise the choral hymn.

     To GOd’s eternal Mother

          We lift our hearts of flame;

     We join with one another

          To bless Her holy name.



     O hear us, blessed Mary!

          Thy graces send as dew,

     As kisses fond and faery

          Our spirits to renew!

     O bid our sinful nation,

          The broken from the rod,

     By Thine initiation

          Soar subtly up to GOd!



     Bewitched by sins and errors,

          By heresies defiled;

     Avert the avenging terrors

          Of Thine insulted Child!

     Schismatic from His Vicar,

          Despoilers of His flock:

     O Strike the saving liquor

          From out the barren rock!



     Acknowledge our contrition!

          Accept our sighs and tears!

     Let English inanition

          Be lost in happier years!

     On this stagnated water

          Evoke Thy glowing tide!

     Our Church Thy worthy daughter,

          And His accepted Bride!








Pro Gentibus


     IN the choir’s delicious dim

     Fragrance let us lift the hymn

     Fiery as the Seraphim—

          Ave, blessed Mary!


     Send the sweet and solemn strain

     Through the far enchanted fane,

     Till the skies ring back again

          Ave, blessed Mary!


     Purest lips of grace and youth

     Invocate Thy royal ruth,

     Conjure by the Word of Truth—

          Ave, blessed Mary!


     Maiden bodies vowed to Thee,

     Souls of stainless chastity,

     Cry Thy worship ardently—

          Ave, blessed Mary!


     As from heaven the lightnings hurled

     Let our song be lashed and curled

     Round the shoulders of the world!

          Ave, blessed Mary!


     Let the joys thereof assuage

     Heathen horrors in their rage

     Grisly war on Thee that wage—

          Ave, blessed Mary!


     Let Thy foes be brought to shame.

     Turn their hearts to holy flame

     To the glory of Thy name—

          Ave, blessed Mary!


     Crown our arms with water crossed!

     Bring to perfect Pentecost

     All the legions of the lost!

          Ave, blessed Mary!








Recovery from Sickness


     O THOU whose mystic Motherhood was fain

     To journey with us through the Land of Pain,

     Let not delight quench that which sorrow fanned.

     O journey with us through the Pleasant Land!


     Arise, O soul! be thy devotion’s dower

     Keener and gladder every glad keen hour!

     The rays of praise outglitter and outrun

     The candid brilliance of the choral sun.


     Hear us, O Mary, blessed Queen of GOd!

     Bless Thou the wreath as Thou hast blessed the rod!

     Endow us from Thy star-embattled coast

     With the perfections of the HOly Ghost!










     WITH the Cross on my sword as its sigil

          With the foes of Thy Church I would grapple,

     All night by my arms I keep vigil

          In the lonely and luminous chapel.


     From the solemn monitions of even

          I brood; Thou dost shine from above.

     The veil of Thy mystical heaven

          Is melted in glory and love.


     O Thou, of Thy mercy apply

          Thy grace to my spurs and my sword,

     That my banner may flame to the sky

          In the van of the hosts of the LOrd!








In Partu


     O THOU whose Son hath mastered the dread King,

          The curse of Eve, the serpent of desire!

     Aid Thou thy servant in her travailing!

          Ease Thou the dolour dire!


     O Thou whose life brought Light into the Light,

          Be with us now to comfort and console

     That this Thy servant, through Thy maiden might,

          Achieve the goodly goal!


     Or, if Thy pleasure be to take from earth

          Thy servant to Thy holy house above,

     That Thou mayst hold her, safe in happier birth,

          In Thine especial love:—


     Or, if Thy pleasure be to take the child

          To join Thy choir of innocents in Heaven,

     We do assure Thee, Virgin undefiled,

          The gift is freely given.


     But if Thou wilt let both live merrily,

          Two sparks of light in this our glamour dim!

     Still let Thy servant grow more like to Thee,

          The child more like to Him.








     PRAISE unto Mary, Queen of Heaven’s array,

     Whose word shall save us on the Judgement Day!

     We serve Thee gracious, Thee compassionate—

     O keep us in the Way serene and strait!


     O keep us in the Way of those who bless

     Thy favour filling out their feebleness,

     And keep us ever from the fatal way

     Of those unhappy ones who go astray!








     OFT when our prayers and praises fail

          On wings unfledged to reach the Throne,

     Thou takest them beneath the veil

          And makest them Thine own.


     Of all our callow vows and cold,

          Born hardly to much bitterness,

     Thy mercy takes effectual hold

          And granteth them success.


     Not by our passion or our will

          The eager suppliant is heard,

     But by the white ecstatic thrill

          Of Thy serener word.


     Accept our prayer, accept our praise,

          O Thou all praise and prayer above!

     O fix our weak and wavering will

          On Thee, the Queen of Love!








     O QUEEN of Wisdom, Queen of Thought,

     Bring us to Thine holy court!

     Us, who wander in the maze

     Of the world’s deceitful ways,

     Bring to Thine assured assent

     By Thy mystic sacrament.


     Queen of Mercy, Queen of Might,

     Bring us to Thine ardent light!

     We are weak and violent:

     By Thy mystic sacrament

     Bring us to Thy power and peace,

     To the passionless release!


     Queen of Splendour, Queen of Love,

     Bring us to Thine House above,

     Where in love and splendour dwell

     All the saints that praise Thee well.

     Bring us to their great content

     By Thy mystic sacrament!









     BEHOLD the creatures Thou hast made,

          O LOrd, how frail we are and fickle,

     Ephemeral as the tender blade

          That falls before the eternal sickle!



     No shadow of turning in the LOrd!

          His purpose shall not change nor vary,

     Splendid and stedfast as a sword

          Live in the lambent heart of Mary.



     Behold us, how we strive to good

          And evil catches us and sways us,

     How from child-life and maidenhood

          Time creeps and springs on us and slays us!



     But all our feebleness in Thee

          Is firm, in Thee our ways are steady.

     Equal for bliss or agony

          Thou callest us—and we are ready.



     By Mary’s tenderness and truth

          Make good our variable endeavour

     To live in endless peace and youth

          With Thee for ever and for ever!








     O MOTHER of Our LOrd, we ask

          Thy potent prayer in our distress;

     We nerve us for the royal task

          And sink supine in feebleness.


     The Eye of Heaven to us is blind;

          Time is so sad, and earth so grey;

     But by Thine influence we find

          One steadfast star to shew the way.


     Thine is the sympathetic balm

          That eases from Life’s bruising rod;

     And Thine the meek eternal calm

          That brings our souls in tune with GOd








     VEIL not Thy splendour in the shrine,

          O Mary, let its glamour grow!

     Our cold hearts waiting Thee to shine

          Like sunrise on the utmost snow.


     Thy favour melt our life in tears,

          Till, gathering force, our love be hurled

     An avalanche upon the years,

          A tempest on the barren world!


     As all the clouds of India break

          In one wild gust upon the sand,

     And in one week of wonder wake

          The whole green gladness of the land;


     So be Thy mercy on us poured,

          Thy beauty fill our aching brains!

     Although it smite us as a sword

          And fill us with immortal pains;


     Yet in its life our souls revive;

          By virtue of Thee we endure.

     The end of endings must arrive,

          Madonna!—and the end is sure. Amen.







     TRANSCEND, O Mage, thy soul redeemed!

     Her mercy shone where sorrow steamed.

     Exalted in the skies of even

     Virtue hath cleared thy way to Heaven.


     In darkness hides the glittering ore.

     Revealed thy Light, O mystic lore

     Given by GOD, lest I should err

     In dexter or in sinister.


     Now Mary Virgin to my speech

     Married Her fire that all and each

     At last should gather to the Tryst,

     Ripe suns arisen above the mist!


     Yea! Thou hast given me favour! Yea!

     In utmost love and awe we pray;

     Devoted to Thy reverence

     Enkindle I time sweet incense.


     Secure from all the fears that chill,

     In peace from them that rage and kill;

     Receive, O Queen, the glad Oration

     Even from a lost and pagan nation.


     But Thou will make us wholly fit

     Unto Thy grace and care of it,

     Till all the Elixir do receive

     [Amen!] to heal the hurt of Eve.
