The Avenger sayeth:


You have done well to protest against the grotesque mummeries of the bottle-fed Messiah; you will still do wisely to beware of its Jesuitical wire-pullers. The attempted usurpation is most sinister Black Magic of the Brothers of the Left-hand Path.


I need not remind you of the shameless and nauseating fraud by which the Grand Old Procuress [Annie Besant] worked herself into the presidency of your Society, of her blatant attempts to capture various rites of Freemasonry, of her imbecile parodies of the Romish heresy, of the obscene manustuprations practised by Leadbeater [Charles Webster Leadbeater] on the wretched Krishnamurti, with a view to making him a docile imbecile, in imitation of the traditions of the Dalai Lamas, or of a thousan other duplicities, tergiversations, and crimes. It is your daily shame to remember. Nor need I indicate your only proper course.


With regard to the recent intrigue of the S.J. to introduce their cult into Hinduism:


You are free to use the Sign of the Cross—or the Sign of the Blue Posts—exactly as you will. The Theosophical Society is, first of all, not a sect.


The World-teacher will not try to enforce on Englishmen Hindu restrictions of diet, or on Hindus English restrictions of marriage.


The word of Sin is Restriction!

