The Book of the Law
Additional information regarding
The Book of the Law and other versions of the text
may be found
The text of verse 1:32 in State
(a) has the words "heart and tongue" reversed to read
"tongue and heart." This error was corrected in State (b).
Published Date: |
21 March 1938. |
Publisher: |
Privately published by the Ordo Templi
Orientis (O.T.O.) |
Printer: |
Published At: |
London. |
Pages: |
50 pages + 1 page advertisements + 1
page order form + 1 page “Offer of Instruction” + 3 pages of
additional advertisements. |
Price: |
Priced at one shilling for State (a).
Priced at two shillings and sixpence
net for State (b) [NOTE: The price on the title page reads
"Price one shilling net" with it being crossed out and "2/6"
written in by pen on many copies. |
State (a): |
Unknown number of copies printed on
machine-made paper and staple-bound
in white card wrappers. |
State (b): |
Unknown number of copies printed on
Glastonbury and bound
in red-orange buckram. |
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Generic Text |
Contents |
- The Book of the Law |
[138] |

State (a)

State (b)