Dora steals across the floor Tiptoe; Opens then her rosy door, Peeps out. Nobody! And where shall I Skip to? Dora, diving daintily, Creeps out.
'To the woodland! Shall I find Crowtoe, Violet, jessamine! I'll bind Garlands Fancy I'm a princess. Where Go to? Persia, China, Finistere? Far lands!'
Pity Dora! Only one Daisy Did she find. The sulking sun Slept still. Dora stamped her foot. Aurora Lazy Stirred not. Hush! A footstep. Dora Kept still.
What a dreadful monster! Shoot! Mercy! ('Twas a man.) Suppose the brute Ate her? By-and-by the ruffian grows 'Percy.' And she loves him now she knows Better.
Aleister Crowley