Jephthah; and Other Mysteries,

Lyrical and Dramatic



A series of three pamphlets, “The Poem”, “Jephthah” and “The Honourable Adulterers” were printed from the paged type of Jephthah and Other Mysteries and issued separately in 1898 as advance editions.


Dedicated to Algernon Charles Swinburne.


Published Date:

circa July 1899.


Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co.


The Chiswick Press: Charles Whittingham and Co., Tooks Court, Chancery Lane, London.

Published At:

London, England.


viii + 223 + 8 Pages advertisements.


Copies on machine-made paper [State (b)] were priced at seven shillings, sixpence.

State (a):

6 copies printed on India paper and bound in old gold colored buckram.

State (b):

1000 copies* printed on machine-made paper and bound in brick-red boards with cream-colored linen backs.

* Kegan Paul's royalty ledgers record only 200 copies printed.


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 All states

- Dedication

- Prelude

- Jephthah, A Tragedy

- The Five Kisses

- The Poem

- The Honourable Adulterers

- The Legend of Ben Ledi

- A Descent of the Moench

- An Ode

- Dreams

- The Dreaming Death

- A Sonnet in Spring

- De Profundis

- Two Sonnets on Hearing the Music of Brahms and Tschaikowsky

- A Valentine

- Ode to Posy

- Sonnets to the Author of the Phrase: “I am not a gentleman, and

  I have no friends.”

- Sonnet: A Dream

- The Eve of Love

- The Morning of Disillusionment

- Beside the River

- Man’s Hope

- Sonnet for G.F. Kelley’s drawing of an Hermaphrodite

- “Perfect love casteth out fear”

- A Woodland Idyll

- Perdurabo

- On Garrett Hostel Bridge

- Love

- Sonnet to Clytie

- A Valentine, ’98

- Penelope

- Love on the Island

- A Sonnet of Blasphemy

- The Rape of Death

- In the Woods With Shelley

- A Vision Upon Ushba

- Elegy, August 27th, 1898

- Epilogue







State (a)



State (b)