O Jephthah! judge of Israel!”—Hamlet
I Dedicate
Cambridge, November, 1898.
Jephthah. Adulah, his Daughter. Jared, A Gileadite, cousin to Jephthah. A Prophet of the Lord. Eleazar, Chief of the Elders of Israel. Ahinoam, an aged Priest. First Messenger. Second Messenger. First Herald. Second Herald. Soldiers of Jephthah. Soldiers of Israel. Chorus of Elders of Israel. Maidens of Israel.
Scene:—An Open Place before Mizpeh. In the midst an Altar.
Time:—The duration of the play is from noon of the first day to dawn of the third.
Eleazar. Prophet. Chorus.
NOW is our sin requited of the Lord. For, scorning Jephthah for an harlot’s son, We cast him forth from us, and said: Begone, Thou shalt not enter in with us; thy mouth Shall thirst for our inheritance in vain; Thou hast no lot nor part in Gilead. And now, he gathers to himself vain men, Violent folk, and breakers of the law, And holds aloof in rocky deserts, where The land, accurst of God, is barren still Of any herb, or flower, or any tree, And has no shelter, nor sweet watersprings, Save where a lonely cave is hollow, and where A meagre fountain sucks the sand. Our folk Are naked of his counsel and defence Against the tribe of Ammon, and stand aghast; Our feeble arms sway doubtfully long swords, And spears are flung half-heartedly; and he With warlike garrison and stronger arms Who might have helped us, laughs, and violence Threatens the white flower of our homes: our wives, Daughters, and sons are as a prey to them, And where the children of the Ammonites Throng not swift hoofs for murder, Jephthah’s men Blaspheme our sanctuaries inviolate, And rob us of our dearest. Woe on woe, The overwhelming summit of a wave Too black, too concentrate, too impious, And culminating in a double death, Hangs imminent to crush the slender sides And battered bulwarks of our state. O thou Whose hoary locks and sightless eyes compel Our pity and our reverence, and whose mouth Foams with the presence of some nearer god Insatiate of thy body frail, give tongue, If tongue may so far master deity As give his fury speech, or shape thy words From the blind auguries of madness.
Ha! The rose has washed its petals, and the blood Pours through its burning centre from my heart. The fire consumes the light; and rosy flame Leaps through the veins of blue, and tinges them With such a purple as incarnadines The western sky when storms are amorous And lie upon the breast of toiling ocean, Such billows to beget as earth devours In ravening whirlpool gulphs. My veins are full, Throbbing with fire more potent than all wine, All sting of fleshly pangs and pleasures. Oh! The god is fast upon my back; he rides My spirit like a stallion; for I hate The awful thong his hand is heavy with.
ELEAZAR. Speak, for the god compels, and we behold.
PROPHET. A harlot shall be mother of Israel.
CHORUS. He speaks of her who sighed for Gilead.
PROPHET. A maiden shall be slain for many men.
CHORUS. A doubtful word, and who shall fathom it?
PROPHET. Thy help is from the hills and desert lands.
CHORUS. Our help is from the hills: we know the Lord.
PROPHET. Death rides most violently against the sun.
CHORUS. And who shall bridle him, or turn his way? For Fate alone of gods, inflexible, And careless of men’s deeds, is firm in heaven.
PROPHET. I see a sword whose hilt is to thy hand.
CHORUS. But which of us shall wield the shining blade?
PROPHET. I see a dove departing to the hills.
CHORUS. I pray it bring an olive-branch to us.
PROPHET. The god has overcome me, I am silent.
CHORUS. He lies as one lies dead; none wakens him. Nor life nor death must touch him now: beware!
ELEAZAR. Beware now, all ye old wise men, of this. For high things spoken and unjustly heard, Or heard and turned aside, are fruitless words, Or bear a blossom evil and abhorred, Lest God be mocked: consider well of this.
CHORUS. A sword, a sword, to smite our foes withal!
ELEAZAR. A help shall come from desert lands to us.
CHORUS. Toward what end? For present help is much, But uttermost destruction more, for we Have no strong hope in any hand of man: God is our refuge and our tower of strength. In Him if any man abide; but if He put his faith in horsemen, or the sword, The sword he trusted shall be for an end.
ELEAZAR. But evils fall like rain upon the land.
CHORUS. Let us not call the hail to give us peace.
ELEAZAR. Nor on the sun, lest he too eat us up.
CHORUS. The heart of a man as the sea Beats hither and thither to find Ease for the limbs long free, Light for the stormy mind, A way for the soul to flee, A charm for the lips to bind; And the struggle is keen as the strife to be, And the heart is tossed by the thankless wind.
ELEAZAR. Nay, for a man’s sure purpose is of God.
CHORUS. The large pale limbs of the earth are tanned With the sun and the sea and the yellow sand And the face of earth is dark with love Of the lords of hell and the spirits above That move in the foggy air of night, And the spirit of God, most like a dove, Hovers, and lingers, and wings his flight, Spurned and rejected and lost to sight; But we desire him, a holy bird, And we turn eyes to the hollow hills; For God is strong , and His iron word Mocks at the gods of the woods and rills.
For our God is as a fire That consumeth every one That is underneath the sun, And our uttermost desire Must abase, with rent attire, Souls and bodies to His throne, Where above the starry choir Stands the jasper, where alone Palest seraphim respire Perfumes of a precious stone, Where beneath His feet the dire World of shells is pashed with mire, And the evil spirits’ ire Steams and fumes within the zone Girt with minaret and spire Broken, burst, and overthrown, Dusty, and defiled, and dun, Palled with smoke of fruitless altars Cast beneath the ocean now, Ruined symbols, changéd psalters, Where no lip no longer falters, And the priest’s deep brow Pales not, flushes not for passion, Clouds not with concealéd thought, And the worshipper’s eye, wrought To the stars in subtle fashion, By no magic is distraught.
For our hope is in His holy Places, and our prayers ascend Fervent, and may sunder slowly The blue darkness at the end. For we know not where to send For a sword to cleanse the land, For a sharp two-edgéd brand, All our homesteads to defend. For amid the desert sand Lives an outcast of our race, Strong, immutable, and grand, And his mighty hand Grips a mighty mace. He would shatter, did we call, Sons of Ammon one and all, Did we fear not lest his eye Turn back covetous to try For our palaces, to rule Where the far blue Syrian sky Stretches, where the clouds as wool Mark the white Arabian border, To become a tyrant king Where his sword came conquering. Out of chaos rises order On her wide unwearying wing, But the desolate marauder Never over us shall swing Such a sceptre as should bring Sorrow to one home of ours. Better bear the heavy hours Under God’s avenging breath, Better brave the horrid powers, Nor avoid the foreign death, Humbling all our pride before God’s most holy throne, abasing Every man’s strong soul, and facing All the heathen Ammon bore On the angry shore, Trusting to the mercy rare Of Jehovah, than to bare Hearts and bosoms to a friend Who high truth and faith may swear, And betray us at the end To his robber bands. So we clasp our humble hands, Praying God to lift His sword From our bleeding state, that stands Tottering to its fall. Though we call not Jephthah back To repel the harsh attack, Nor his followers call, Hear thou, O Most High, give ear To our pitiful complaint: Under woes of war we faint. Pity, Lord of Hosts, our fear! Hear, Most High, oh, hear!
Enter Messenger.
MESSENGER. My lords, take heed now, prayer is good to save While yet the foemen are far off; but now They howl and clamour at our very gates.
ELEAZAR. Blaspheme not God, but tell thy woeful news.
CHORUS. I fear me for the sorrow that he speaks.
MESSENGER. The tribe of Ephraim went forth to fight Armed, and with bows, and turned them back to-day. For in the South a cloud of many men, And desert horsemen fiery as the sun, Swarmed on the plains, a crescent from the hills That girdle Mahanaim: and behold! Our men were hemmed before the city gates, The elders having fortified them: so They fled about the city, and the horsemen, Dashing, destroyed them as the wind that sweeps Sere leaves before its fury: then the city With arrows darkened all the air; and luck Smote down some few pursuing; but their captain, Riding his horse against the gate, drove in His spear, and cried to them that followed him: Who plucks my spear out shall be chief of all That ply the short spear: and who breaks the gate Shall lead my horsemen into Mizpeh: then, Rushing, their spearmen battered in the gate And overpowered the youths and agéd men, That put up trembling spears, and drew slack bows, And flung weak stones that struck for laughter’s sake. And so the city was the spoil of them, And all our women-folk are slain or violate, And all our young men murderously slain, And children spitted on their coward spears.
CHORUS. How heavy is Thy hand upon us, Lord!
MESSENGER. Nor stayed they there; but, firing Mahanaim, Sweep toward Mizpeh like a locust-cloud.
ELEAZAR. Get thee to horse and carry me this message: The Elders unto Jephthah, greeting: Help! No single cry beyond that Help! Be gone!
Exit Messenger.
CHORUS. I fear me our necessity is sure. But they come hither. Shall we rather flee?
ELEAZAR. I stand here manly, and will die a man.
CHORUS. For cowardice not pleases God, nor fear. Shall we not take up weapons? Or shall He Rather defend us with His Holy Arm, We not presuming in our arrogance To come with cunning, and defend ourselves?
ELEAZAR. Nay, but God smites with sharpness of our swords.
CHORUS. The sword is made sharp in our hands, but the point He shall guide; We grasp the tough ash of the spear, but His hand is beside; We drive in a cloud at the foe, but His chariots ride Before us to sunder the spears. We trust in His arms, and His prowess shall fledge our song’s wing; Our triumph we give to His glory, our spoil to the King; Our battles He fights as we fight them, our victories bring For His temple a tribute of tears.
Enter Jephthah amid his Soldiers, with many young men of Israel.
JEPHTHAH. Yea, for a man’s sword should not turn again To his own bosom, and the sword of fear Smites not in vain the heart of cowardice. But who hath called me hither to what end?
ELEAZAR. For these, and for the sake of Israel.
JEPHTHAH. And who are these? And who are Israel?
CHORUS. Turn not thy face from us in wrath, for we Are thine own father’s children, and his loins With double fervour gat a double flower; And we indeed were born of drudging wives, Pale spouses whom his heart despised, but thou Wast of a fairer face and brighter eyes, And limbs more amorous assuaged thy sire; And fuller blood of his is tingling thus Now in thy veins indignant at our sin. But thou art strong and we are weak indeed, Nor can we bear the burden, nor sustain The fury of the Children of the East That ride against us, and bright victory Is thronéd in their banners, and on ours Perches the hideous nightbird of defeat. Mourn, mourn and cry; bow down unto the dust O Israel, and O Gilead, for your son Comes with unpitying eyes and lips compressed To watch the desecration of thy shrine, Jehovah, and the ruin of our hearth.
JEPHTHAH. I am your outcast brother. At my birth My father did not smile, nor she who bore These limbs dishonourable did not smile, Nor did my kisses soothe a mother’s woe, Because my thews grown strong were impotent To reign or be a captain any more, Though I might serve the children who had grown Less godlike from his loins who made me god. So when the day was ripe, my brethren turned And gnashed upon me, mocking, with their teeth: Thou art the son of a strange woman, thou! Begone from honest folk!—and I in wrath Smote once or twice with naked hand, and slew Two gibing cowards, and went forth an outcast, And gathered faithful servitors, and ruled Mightiest in the desert, and was lord Of all the marches where my spear might throw Its ominous shadow between night and noon. Yet always I considered my revenge, And purposed, seeking out those kin of mine, To make them as those kings that Gideon slew Hard by the bloody waters of a brook. And now ye call me to your help, forsooth!
CHORUS. Let no ill memory of an ancient wrong, Most mighty, edge thy sword Against the prayer of this repentant song. Dire sorrow of the Lord Consumes our vital breath, and smites us down, And desecrates the crown. For we have sinned against thee, and our souls Scathe and devour as coals, And God is wroth because of thee, to break The spirit of our pride, our lips to make Reverent toward thee, as of men ashamed. And now we pray thee for our children’s sake, And thine own pity’s sake, to come untamed, And furiously to ride against our foes, And be our leader, till one sanguine rose Spread from thy standard awful leaves of blood, And thy swords pour their long insatiate flood Through ranks of many dead, and then to close The wounds of all the land, and bid it bud And blossom; as when two-and-thirty men, The sons of Jair, on milk-white asses rode, And judged us righteously, and each abode Safe in the shadow of his vine; as when The peace of Joshua lay upon the land, And God turned not away His piteous eyes, Nor smote us with the fury of His hand, Nor clouded over His mysterious skies, And storm and wind had no more might at all, And death and pestilence forgotten were, And angels came to holy men that call, And gracious spirits thronged the happy air; When God was very gracious to all folk, And lifted from us the Philistian yoke, And all the iron power of Edom broke, And all the Earth was fair! Now, seeing that we are sinners, wilt not thou Relent thy hateful brow, And bend on us a forehead full of peace, And bid thine anger cease, And speak sweet words most comfortable, and lose The bitter memory of the wrong long dead And be the lord and prince we gladly choose And crown the mercy of thy royal head, And be the chief, and rule upon thy kin, And be not wroth for sin? For surely in the dusty days and years There is a little river flowing still That brings forgetfulness of woes and fears And drinks up all the memory of ill. Wherefore our tribute to thy feet we bring; Conquer our foes, and reign our king!
JEPHTHAH. Ye have no king but God: see ye to that!
ELEAZAR. Behold, these people are as children, hiding Thoughts beautiful and true in profuse words, Not meaning all the lofty flight that fancy And the strong urgement of a tune discover. Be thou our judge, as Joshua long ago.
JEPHTHAH. Swear by the Name unspoken that the truth Flashes between the lips that tremble thus! Ye love me not; ye fear me; ye might thrust Some petty obstacle before my hands When I would grasp your promise, and betray Your faith for fear of me. I read thy thoughts, Old man; I trust no word of thine, but these Full-hearted mourners, them will I believe Upon their oath most solemn and secure. But take thou warning now, I shall not spare Grey hairs or faltering limbs for treachery.
ELEAZAR. Lift up your hands, all people of this land, And swear with me this oath my lips pronounce: By Wisdom, father of the world, we swear; By Understanding, mother of the sea, By Strength and Mercy, that support the throne, By Beauty, Splendour, Victory, we swear, And by the strong foundations, and the Kingdom, Flower of all kingdoms, and by the holy Crown Concealed with all concealments, highest of all, We swear to be true men to thee and thine.
JEPHTHAH. I thank you, people. Let the younger men Gather their swords and spears, and pass before This spear I strike into the earth, that so I see how many fight for Israel.
CHORUS. The young men are girded with swords, And the spears flash on high, and each shield Gleams bright like the fury of lords Through the steam of the well-foughten field, And the children of Ammon are broken, their princes and warriors yield.
The captain is chosen for fight, The light of his eye is as fire, And his hand is hardy of might And heavy as dead desire; And the sword of the Lord and of Jephthah shall build our dead women a pyre. The people were sad for his wrath, The elders were bowed with despair, And Death was the piteous path; With ashes we covered our hair; The voice of the singer was dumb, the voice of the triumph of prayer.
But God had pity upon us, Our evil and fallen way; His mercy was mighty on us; His lips are as rosy as day Broken out of the sea at the sunrise, as fragrant as flowers in May.
Our sin was great in His sight: We chased from our gates our brother, We shamed his father’s might, We spat on the grave of his mother, We laughed in his face and mocked, looking slyly one to another.
But God beheld, and His hand Was heavy to bring us grief; He brought down fire on the land, And withered us root and leaf Until we were utterly broken, lost men, without a chief. But whom we scorned we have set A leader and judge over all; His wrong he may not forget, But he pitieth men that call From the heart that is broken with fear and the noise of funeral.
JEPHTHAH. Are all these ready for their hearth and altars To perish suddenly upon the field, Pavilioned with the little tents at noon, And ere the nightfall tented with the dead, And every hollow made a sepulchre, And every hill a vantage ground whereon Hard-breathing fighting men get scanty sleep Till the dawn lift his eyebrows, and the day Renew the battle? Will ye follow me Through slippery ways of blood to Ephraim To beat with sturdy swords unwearying Our foemen to their Ammon, and to grapple With red death clutching at the throat of us, With famine and with pestilence, at last To reach a barren vengeance, and perchance An hundred of your thousands to return Victors—so best God speed us—and for worst Death round our cities horrible and vast, And rape and murder mocking at our ghosts?
A SOLDIER. Better they taunt our ghosts than us for cowards! Live through or die, I will have my sword speak plain To these damned massacring invaders. Say, My fellows, will ye follow Jephthah? Hail!
SOLDIERS. We follow Jephthah to the death. All hail!
JEPHTHAH. Go then, refresh yourselves, and sleep to-night. I will send messages to their dread lord Demanding his fell purpose, threatening My present aid to you with men of valour Chosen of all your tribes, and charging him As he loves life, and victory, to content His army with their present brief success, Lest he pass by the barrier of our suffering, And find our wrath no broken sword, and find Despair more terrible than hope. Go now.
A SOLDIER. We go, my lord, less readily to sleep Than if you bade us march. No man of us But stirs a little, I warrant, in his dreams, And reaches out for sword-hilt. All hail, Jephthah!
SOLDIERS. Jephthah! a leader, a deliverer. Hail! [Exeunt Soldiers and Young Men.
Enter a Herald.
JEPHTHAH. Hearken, Jehovah, to thy servant now; Fill Thou my voice with thine own thunders; fill My swift sharp words with such a lightning-fork As shall fall venomous upon the host Of these idolatrous that thus invade Our fencéd cities, these that put to sword Our helpless. Hear the cry of widowed men! And young men fatherless! And old men reft Of children! Grant us victory to avenge Their innocent shed blood, and ruined land. So, to gain time for prayer and penitence For grievous trespass of idolatry Done to th’ accurséd Baalim, and time To gather fugitives, and make them men, And straggling herdsmen for our armament, We send thee, herald, to the furious king Who lies with all his power encamped somewhere Hence southward toward Mahanaim. Say Unto the king of Ammon: Thus saith Jephthah: Why hast thou come with bloody hands against us? Our holy God, that bound the iron sea With pale frail limits of white sand, and said: Thus far, and not one billowy step beyond! Saith unto thee in like commandment: Thou Who hast destroyed my people from the land So far, shalt not encroach upon their places One furlong more, lest quickly I destroy Thee and thy host from off the earth. Say thus; Ride for thy life, and bring me speedy word. [Exit Herald.
CHORUS. Not wingéd forms, nor powers of air, Nor sundered spirits pale and fair, Nor glittering sides and scales, did bring The knowledge of this happy thing That is befallen us unaware. In likeness to the lips that sing Ring out your frosty peal, and smite Loud fingers on the harp, and touch Lutes, and clear psalteries musical, And all stringed instruments, to indite A noble song of triumph, such As men may go to fight withal. For freedom on her fiery wings Flies over camps and tented kings, And bears a sword avenging us, And turns her face to Israel thus. For now a captain brave and strong Shall break the fury of the thong Wherewith the sons of Ammon scourge Our country; and his war shall urge Long columns of victorious men To blackest wood and dimmest den, Wherever fugitive and slave Shall seek a refuge, find a grave; And so pursue the shattered legions Through dusty ways and desert regions Back to the cities whence they came With iron, massacre, and flame, And turn their own devouring blade On city fired and violate maid, That Israel conquer, and men know God is our God against a foe.
For the web of the battle is woven Of men that are strong as the sea, When the rocks by its tempest are cloven, And waves wander wild to the lee; When ships are in travail forsaken, And tempest and tumult awaken; When foam by fresh foam overtaken Boils sanguine and fervent and free.
For its sides are a million of paces; Its centre is Death as he stands Pale-horsed, where the iciest places Chill blood in the furious hands. He stands like a spectre, and urges The horsemen in thunderous surges On columns where blood not asperges The splashing of struggling bands.
The sword is like lightning in battle, The spear like the light of a star; It strikes on the shield, and the rattle Of arrows is hail from afar. For the ways of the anger of lords Are bloody with widowing swords, And the roar of contention of chords Rolls back from the heart of the war.
But Victory lights on the banner Of Israel like to a bird; It flaps in the air, and Hosanna! Flings up to the sky for a word! Long streams of light horsemen are flashing Through fields where the tempest was lashing, Through the pools of the battle-blood splashing, Long swords to the rout of the herd.
For fighters slip down on the dying, And flying folk stumble on dead, And the sound of the pitiless crying Of slaughter is heavy and red, The sound of the lust of the slayer As fierce as a Persian’s prayer, And the sound of the loud harp-player Like the wind beats to their tread.
A royal triumph is waiting For the captain of Heaven’s choice, A noise as of eagles mating, A cry as of men that rejoice. For victory crowns with garlands Of fame his valour in far lands, And suns sing back to the starlands His praise with a perfect voice.
JEPHTHAH. Leave prophecy until I come again.
CHORUS. A prophet told us thou shouldst fight for us And save thy people from the Ammonites.
JEPHTHAH. Why look you so? He told you other thing.
CHORUS. Nay, lord, no saying that we understood.
JEPHTHAH. Speak thou its purport; I may understand. For, know you, in the desert where I dwelt I had strange store of books obscure; books written Not openly for fools, but inwardly Toward the heart of wise men. And myself Studied no little while upon these things, And, seeking ever solitude, I went Nightly upon a rock that stood alone Threatening the sandy wilderness, and prayed. Where many visions came before mine eyes So strange—these eyes have started from my head, And every hair, grown fearful, like a steed Reared in its frenzy; see, these lips of mine Have blanched, these nails have bitten through my flesh For sundry things I saw—and these informed My open spirit by their influence, And taught mine ears to catch no doubtful sound Of prophecy, but fix it in my mind, A lambent liquid fire of poetry Full of all meaning as the very stars. Yet of my own life they have never breathed One chilly word of fear, or one divine Roseate syllable of hope and joy. Still less of love. For no sweet life of love Lies to my hand, but I am bound by Fate To the strong compulsion of the sword; my lips Shall fasten on my wife’s not much; nor those Pure lips of innocent girlhood that call me Father; but my lips must wreathe smiles no more, But set in fearful strength of purpose toward The blood of enemies, in horrid gouts And hideous fountains leaping from great gashes, Rather than that belovéd blood that wells Fervent and red-rose-wise in loving breasts, And little veins of purple in the arms, Or cheeks that are already flushed with it, To crimson them with the intense delight Of eyes that meet and know the spirit dwells Beyond their profound depth in sympathy. Nay, my delight must find some dearest foe, And cleave his body with a lusty stroke That sets the blood sharp tingling in my arm. Yet tell me if perchance I lay aside One day the harness of cold iron, bind on The lighter reins of roses deftly twined By children loving me, to be a harness To drive me on the road of happiness To the far goal of heaven. Would to God It might be so a little ere I die!
CHORUS OF ELDERS. This doubtful word his fuming lips gave forth: A maiden shall be slain for many men. This only of his fury seemed obscure.
JEPHTHAH. A maiden shall be slain for many men. Surely, O people, and men of Israel, The prophecy is happy to the end. For see yon moon that creeps inviolate Against the corner of the mountains so, Slowly and gracefully to lighten us. So, ere three nights be gone, the course of heaven Shall be most monstrously o’erwhelmed for us Ere sundown, as for Joshua, and the moon, The maiden moon, be slain that we may see By the large moveless sun to slay and slay, More utterly proud Ammon to consume. This is the omen. Shout for joy, my friends! But who comes whirling in yon dusty cloud With trampling charger dimly urging him Toward our conclave? ’Tis our messenger.
Re-enter Herald.
Sir, you ride well. I pray your news be good.
HERALD. So spake the haughty and rebellious Ammon Defying your most gentle words with scorn: Tell Jephthah: Israel took away my land When they came out of Egypt from the river Of Ammon unto Jabbok, and unto Jordan. Wherefore, I pray thee, sheathe thy sword, restore Peaceably these my lands, and go in peace, Lest wrath, being kindled, consume thee utterly.
JEPHTHAH. Let yet another herald stand before me Fresh, and go thou, swiftest of messengers, And sleep and eat a little, and to-morrow Thou shalt have guerdon of thy faithfulness. [Exit Herald.
Enter Second Herald.
But now, sir, go to this rebellious king And say to him: Thus Jephthah, judge of Israel, With gentle words answers thy greediness: Israel took not thy land, nor that of Moab: But, coming out of Egypt, through the sea And over wilderness, to Kadesh came. Our people sent a message unto Edom Unto the king thereof, and prayed his grace, To let them pass through his dominions And unto Moab: and they answered Nay. So Israel abode in Kadesh: then Passing through all the desert round about Edom and Moab, pitched their weary tent Beyond the bank of Ammon; and they sent Messengers thence to Sihon, Heshbon’s king, The lord of Amorites, and said to him: I prithee, let us pass to our own place Through thy dominions: but his crafty mind, Fearing some treachery, that was not, save In his ill mind that thought it, did determine To gather all his people, and to pitch Tents hostile in the plains before Jahaz. And there he fought with Israel; but God Delivered Sihon to our hands, and all That followed him: whom therefore we destroyed With many slaughters: so we dispossessed The envious Amorites, and had their land, A land whose borders were the Ammon brook On the one hand, and on the other Jabbok And Jordan: we, who slew the Amorites. What hast thou, king of Ammon, here to do? How thinkst thou to inherit their possessions That the Lord God hath given us? Go to! Chemosh your god hath given you your land; Possess that peaceably; but whomsoever The Lord our God shall drive before our spears, His lands we will possess. And thou, O king, Art thou now better than that bloody Balak Whose iron hand was upon Moab? He, Fought he against us, while three hundred years We dwelt in Heshbon and her towns, and Aroer And her white cities, and by Ammon’s coast? Why therefore did ye not recover them Then and not now? I have not sinned against thee; But thou dost me foul wrong to bring thy sword And torch of rapine in my pleasant land. Between the folk of Ammon and the folk Of Israel this day be God the judge. [Exit Second Herald.
ELEAZAR. Well spoken: but the ear that will not hear Is deafer than the adder none may charm.
JEPHTHAH. I know it, and will not await the answer. But dawn shall see a solemn sacrifice, And solemn vows, and long swords glittering, And moving columns that shall shake the earth With firm and manly stride; and victory Most like a dove amid the altar-smoke.
CHORUS. We, passing here the night in prayer, will wait And with thee offer up propitious doves, And firstling males of all the flocks of us.
JEPHTHAH. Not so: but I will have you hence in haste To gather food and arms and carriages, That all our soldiers may have sustenance, And fresher weapons. I alone will spend The long hours with Jehovah, at His throne, And wrestle with th’ accuser. So, depart!
CHORUS OF ELDERS. When the countenance fair of the morning And the lusty bright limbs of the day Race far through the west for a warning Of night that is evil and gray, When the light by the southward is dwindled, And the clouds as for sleep are unfurled, The moon in the east is rekindled, The hope of the passionate world. The stars for a token of glory Flash fire in the eyes of the night, And the holy immaculate story Of Heaven is flushed into light. For the night has a whisper to wake us, And the sunset a blossom to kiss, And the silences secretly take us To the well of the water that is; For the darkness is pregnant with being, As earth that is glad of the rain, And the eyes that are silent and seeing Are free of the trammels of pain. Like light through the portals they bounded, Their lithe limbs with cruelty curled, And the noise of their crying resounded To kindle the death of the world. For the heaven at sunset is sundered, Its gates to the sages unclose, And through waters that foamed and that wondered There flashes the heart of a rose; For its petals are beauty and passion, For its stem the foundation of earth, For bloom the incarnadine fashion Of blessings that roar into birth; And the gates that roll back on their hinges The soul of the sage may discern, Till the water with crimson that tinges Beyond them miraculous burn; And the presence of God to the senses Is the passion of God in the mind, As the string of a harp that intenses The note that its fire may not find. For here in the tumult and labour And blindness of cowering man, The spirit has God for a neighbour, And the wheels unreturning that ran Return to the heart of the roses, And curl in the new blossom now, As the holiest fire that encloses Gray flame on the holiest brow. So midnight with magic reposes, And slumbers to visions bow. For the soul of man, being free, shall pass the gates of God, And the spirit find the Sea by the feet of Him untrod, And the flesh, a lifeless ember, in ashen fear grow cold, As the lives before remember the perished hours of gold. [Exeunt all but Jephthah.
JEPHTHAH. Surely, my God, now I am left alone Kneeling before Thy throne, I may grow beautiful, even I, to see Thy beauty fair and free. For on the vast expanses of the wold I hear the feet of gold, And over all the skies I see a flame That flickers with Thy Name. Therefore, because Thou hast hid Thy face, and yet Given me not to forget The foaming cloud that shaped itself a rose, Whose steady passion glows Within the secretest fortress of my heart, Because, my God, Thou Art, And I am chosen of Thee for this folk, To break the foreign yoke, Therefore, Existence of Existence, hear! Bend low Thine holy ear, And make Thyself, unseen, most terrible To these fierce fiends of hell That torture holiest ears with false complaint: Bend down, and bid me faint Into the arms of night, to see Thine hosts March past the holy coasts, A wall of golden weapons for the land, And let me touch Thy hand, And feel Thy presence very near to-night! I sink as with delight Through places numberless with fervid fires Of holiest desires Into I know not what a cradle, made Of subtle-shapéd shade, And arms most perdurable. I am lost In thought beyond all cost— Nay, but my spirit breaks the slender chain That held it down. The pain Of death is past and I am free. Nay, I, This body, dead, must lie Till Thou come home again, O soaring Soul. The gates supernal roll! Flash through them, O white-winged, white-blossom ghost! Ah, God! for I am lost. [Jephthah remains motionless. [Morning dawns.
Enter Jared, Soldiers, Prophet.
SOLDIERS. Hail, captain! We are ready now for death, Or victory, if shining wings are fain To hover over dauntless hearts. Behold Our ready bands to follow to the fray.
JEPHTHAH. Welcome! hail ye this happy dawn as one That shall see freedom smile on us, and peace, And victory, and new hours of happiness.
CHORUS OF SOLDIERS. Out of the waters of the sea Our father Abraham beheld The lamp of heaven arise and be The monarch quenchless and unquelled; But we on this far Syrian shore See dawn upon the mountains pour.
The limit of the snows is bright; As spears that glitter shine the hills; The foaming forehead of the light All air with cloudy fragrance fills; And, born of desolation blind, The young sweet summer burns behind.
The Altar of the Lord is set With salt and fire and fervid wine, And toward the east the light is let For shadow for the holiest shrine: One moment hangs the fire of dawn Until the sacrament be sworn.
Behold, the priest, our captain, takes The sacred robes, the crown of gold, The light of other sunlight breaks Upon his forehead calm and cold And other dawns more deep and wise Burn awful in his holy eyes.
A moment, and the fire is low Upon the black stone of the altar, The spilt blood eagerly doth glow, And lightnings lick the light, and falter, Feeling the vast Shekinah shine Above their excellence divine.
The Lord is gracious to His own, And hides with glory as a mist The sacrifice and smitten stone, And on the lips His presence kissed Burn the high vows with ample flame That He shall swear to by the Name.
JEPHTHAH. Highest of Highest, most Concealed of all, Most Holy Ancient One, Unnameable, Receive for these Thy servants this our oath To serve none other gods but Thee alone. And for my own part who am judge of these I vow beyond obedience sacrifice, And for the victory Thou shalt give, I vow To sacrifice the first of living things That with due welcome shall divide the doors Of my house, meeting me, an offering Burnt before Thee with ceremony meet To give Thee thanks, nor take ungratefully This first of favours from the Hand Divine.
SOLDIERS. A noble vow: and God is glad thereat.
PROPHET. I charge you in the name of God, go not! I see a mischief fallen on your souls Most bitter. Aye! an evil day is this If ye go forth with such a sacrifice, And vows most hideous in their consequence.
SOLDIERS. It is the prophet of the Lord.
JEPHTHAH. Possessed By Baal; scourge him hence; he lies, for God With powerful proof and many lightnings came Devouring up the offering at the altar.
PROPHET. O Jephthah, it is thou on whom it falls, The sorrow grievous as thy life is dear.
A SOLDIER. He is the prophet of the Baalim. We have enough of such: in God’s name, home! [Stabbing him.
PROPHET. Thy spear shall turn against thyself, alas! But welcome, death, thou looked-for spouse of mine! Thy kiss is pleasant as the shaded well That looks through palm leaves to the quiet sky. [Dies.
JEPHTHAH. Thou didst no evil in the slaying him, For God is a consuming fire; high zeal Against idolatry lacks not reward. And now the sun is up: for Israel, march!
JARED. Good luck be with your spears; and homecoming Gladden victorious eyes ere set of sun. [Exeunt Jephthah and Soldiers.
Enter Eleazar, Ahinoam, Chorus of Elders.
CHORUS. The sun is past meridian. No sound Of trampling hoofs assails th’ unquiet wind, Nor trembles in the pillared echo-places, And windy corridors of pathless snow. But let us wait, expecting victory. No fugitive returns, nor messenger: They have not shocked together, or perchance The grim fight rolls its sickening tide along Homeward or southward, undecided yet; Or victory made certain but an hour Lends no such wings to jaded horses as May bear a jaded rider to our gates; Wait only, friends, and calm our troubled mind, Nor stir the languid sails of our desire With breath of expectation or despair. Rather give place to those untroubled thoughts That sit like stars immobile in the sky To fathom all the desolate winds of ocean, And draw their secrets from the hidden mines Whose gold and silver are but wisdom, seeking Rather things incorruptible above Than sordid hopes and fears. But look you, friends, Where in the sun’s eye rolls a speck of cloud Lesser than the ephemeral gnat may make Riding for sport upon a little whirl Of moving breezes, so it glows and rolls, Caught in the furnace of the sun, opaque To eyes that seek its depth, but penetrable By those long filaments of light beyond. See, the spot darkens, and a horseman spurs A flagging steed with bloody flanks, and waves A cloudy sword to heaven—I am sure He brings us eagle-wingéd victory, And tiding of no battle lost for Israel. Yes, he grows great before the sun, and stands Now in his stirrups, and shouts loud, and waves A blade triumphant. Now the weary horse Stumbles with thundering strides along the last Furlong, and greets us with a joyous neigh As if he understood the victory.
Enter Second Messenger.
SECOND MESSENGER. Rejoice, O Israel, for this day hath seen Utter destruction overtake, and death Ride furious over, trampled necks of men Desperate in vain, and seen red hell gape wide To swallow up the heathen. Victory Swells the red-gleaming torrent of pursuit, And Israel shakes her lazy flanks at last A lion famished, and is greedy of death.
CHORUS. O joyful day! And where is Jephthah now?
MESSENGER. Faint with the heat of a hard battle fought, But following hard after with the horse. For from Aroer even unto Minnith He smote them with a slaughter most unheard, And twenty cities saw from trembling walls Twice twenty thousand corpses; stragglers few Call to the rocks and woods, whose dens refuse Shelter and refuge to the fugitives, But, in revolt against the natural order, Gape like the ravening jaws of any beast To let the furious invaders down Into the bowels of the earth, and close Upon those grisly men of war, whose life Groans from the prison that shall crush it out.
CHORUS OF ELDERS. Be thou most blessed of the Lord for ever! But what shall he that hath delivered us Have for his guerdon when he comes in triumph? A milk-white ass shall bear him through the city, And wreaths of roses be instead of dust, And dancing girls, and feet of maidens most, Shall strike a measure of delight, and boys With bright unsullied curls shall minister Before him all the days of life God grants, And all his platters shall be made of gold, And jewels beyond price shall stud them all. What sayest thou, O wisest of our race, Ahinoam, the aged priest of God, Who weighest out the stars with balances, And knowest best of men the heart of man?
AHINOAM. Ye are as children, and nowise your tongues Speak sense. I never hear your voice but know Some geese are gabbling. Sing to him perchance! The voice of old men is a pleasant thing.
CHORUS. What say ye, brethren, shall we sing to him Some sweet low ditty, or the louder pæan?
AHINOAM. They verily think I speak, not mocking them.
CHORUS. Who shall uncover such a tongue for wiles, And pluck his meaning from his subtle words?
AHINOAM. Who shall speak plain enough for such as these To understand? Or so debase his thought As meet their minds, and seem as wisdom’s self?
CHORUS. Leave now thy gibing in the hour of joy, And lend sweet wisdom to awaiting ears. Thy voice shall carry it, thy words shall bear Full fruit to-day. Speak only, it is done.
AHINOAM. I am grown old, and go not out to wars. But in the lusty days of youth my face Turned from the battle and pursuit and spoil Only to one face dearer than my soul, And my wife’s eyes were welcome more desired Than chains of roses, and the song of children, And swinging palm branches, and milk-white—elders.
CHORUS. Fie on thy railing! But his wife is sick, And cannot leave the borders of her house.
AHINOAM. But he hath one fair only daughter! Friends, With maidens bearing timbrels, and with dances, Let her go forth and bring her father home.
JARED [aside]. Horrible! I must speak and silence this Monstrous impossible villainy of fate.
CHORUS. O wise old man, thou speakest cleverly.
AHINOAM. So do, and praise be given you from God.
ELEAZAR. God, Who this day has slumbered not, nor slept, He only keepeth Israel: He is God!
CHORUS. When God uplifted hands to smite, And earth from chaos was unrolled, And skies and seas from blackest night Unfurled, twin sapphires set with gold, And tumult of the boisterous deep Roared from its slow ungainly sleep, And flocks of heaven were driven to fold, Then rose the walls of Israel steep, For in His promise we behold The sworded Sons of glory leap Our tribes in peace to keep. Deep graven in the rocky girth Of Israel’s mountains, in the sky, In all the waters of the earth, In all the fiery steeds that ply Their champing harness and excel The charioteers of heaven and hell, In all the Names writ secretly And sacred songs ineffable, In all the words of power that fly About the world, this song they spell: He keepeth Israel.
AHINOAM. Ye praise God of full heart: I would to God Your minds were somewhat fuller, and could keep Discretion seated on her ivory throne. What folly is it they will now be at, Gray beards, and goatish manners? Hearken them!
CHORUS. In the brave old days ere men began To bind young hearts with an iron tether, Ere love was brief as life, a span, Ere love was light as life, a feather, Earth was free as the glad wild weather, God was father and friend to man.
AHINOAM. Then when with mildness and much joy our judge Draw hither, let us send to meet his steps In sackcloth clad, with ashes on their heads, His cruel brethren, that he spare their lives.
CHORUS. In the heart of a conqueror mercy sits A brighter jewel than vengeance wroken, And grace is the web that his people knits, And love is the balm for the hearts nigh broken. Peace is arisen, a dove for token, Righteousness, bright as the swallow flits.
JARED [aside]. So, in his victory is our disgrace.
CHORUS. Fair as the dawn is the maiden wise Pale as the poppies by still white water, Sunlight burns in her pure deep eyes, Love lights the tresses of Jephthah’s daughter; Kissing rays of the moon have caught her, Rays of the moon that sleeps and sighs.
JARED [aside]. In our disgrace, behold! Our vengeance strikes. I am inspired with so profound a hate— He shall not triumph: in the very hour When his o’ermastering forehead tops the sky I strike him to the earth. I need not move. Silence—no more—and all accomplishes. Leviathan, how subtle is thy path!
CHORUS. Not now may the hour of gladness fade, The wheel of our fate spins bright and beaming; God has fashioned a sun from shade, Mercy and joy in one tide are streaming, Fortune is powerless, to all good seeming; Fate is stricken, and flees afraid.
JARED. Bring me the sackcloth and the ashes now.
ELEAZAR. Behold! the crown of all our maiden wreath, Adulah, white and lissome, with the flames Of dawn forth blushing through her flower-crowned hair.
CHORUS. Behold a virgin to the Lord! Behold a maiden pale as death, Whose glance is silver as a sword, And flowers of Kedar fill her breath, Whose fragrance saturates the sward, Whose sunny perfume floating saith: From my ineffable desire is drawn The awful glory of the golden dawn.
Behold her bosom bare and bold Whose billows like the ocean swing! The painted palaces of gold, Where shell-born maidens laugh and sing, Are mirrored in those breasts that hold Sweet odours of the sunny spring. Behold the rising swell of perfect calm In breezy dells adorable of balm!
Behold the tender rosy feet Made bare for holiness, that move Like doves amid the waving wheat, Or swallows silver in the grove Where sylph and salamander meet, And gnome and undine swoon for love! Her feet that flit upon the windy way Twin fawns, the daughters of the rosy day.
Behold, the arms of her desire Wave, weave, and wander in the air, Vines life-endued by subtle fire So quick and comely, curving bare; The white diaphanous attire Floats like a spirit pale and fair; The dance is woven of the breeze, the tune Is like the ocean silvered by the moon.
Behold the maidens following, And every one is like a flower, Or like an ewe lamb of the king That comes from water at the hour Of even. See, the dancers swing Their censers; see, their tresses shower Descending flames, and perfumes teem divine, And all the air grows one pale fume of wine.
Their songs, their purity, their peace, Glide slowly in the arms of God; His lips assume their sanctities, His eyes perceive the period Of woven webs of lutes at ease, And measures by pure maidens trod, Till, like the smoke of mountains risen at dawn, The cloud-veils of the Ain are withdrawn.
Pure spirits rise to heaven, the bride. Pure bodies are as lamps below. The shining essence, glorified With fire more cold than fresh-fallen snow, And influences, white and wide, Descend, re-gather, kindle, grow, Till from one virgin bosom flows a river Of white devotion adamant for ever.
Enter Adulah and Chorus of Maidens.
ADULAH. Fathers of Israel, we are come to you With many maidens praising God, for this, The victory of my father. Happy girls! Whose brothers struck to-day for Israel, Whose fathers smote the heathen; happiest, Ye blushing flowers, beyond your younger spring
That bends in you toward summer, faint and fair, Whose lovers bared their swords to-day; and ye, O reverend heads, most beautiful for gray, The comely crown of age, that doth beseem Your wise sweet beauty, as the ivy wreathes The rugged glory of the sycamore, Have ye heard aught of Jephthah’s home-coming? For our cheeks tingle with th’ expected kiss Of hardy warriors dear to us, and now By double kinship rendered doubly dear. For O! my father comes to gladden me With those enduring kisses that endow Heart, hope, and life with gladness. Comes he soon?
ELEAZAR. Maiden most perfect, daughter of our lord, And ye, most fairest branches of our tree, Maidens of Israel, we await you here That ye, no other, may go forth to meet The chief victorious. And after you Those villains that once cast him out shall forth In sackcloth to his feet, if haply so He spare their vagabond and worthless lives.
ADULAH. Not so, my father. In my father’s name I promise unto all great happiness, And vengeance clean forgotten in the land; “Vengeance is mine, Jehovah will repay.” My father shall not frown on any man.
JARED [aside]. She is most gracious: I must speak and save. [Aloud.] Friends! [Aside.] Stay—Is this a tempter voice that soothes My conscience? Art thou that Leviathan, Thou lipless monster, gnashing at my soul Abominable teeth? Art thou the fiend Whom I have seen in sleep, and waking served? O horrible distortion of all truth That I must serve thee still. Thy word’s a lie, That if I keep my silence, I do good To her, the milk-white virgin sacrifice, And only smite the bloody father down! A lie, I say! A lie! Yet—dare I speak, Those eyes upon me, torturing my soul And threatening revenge? His fingers gross, Purple, and horrible, to blister me With infamous tearing at my throat. O Hell! Vomit thy monsters forth in myriads To putrefy this fair green earth with blood, But make not me the devilish minister Of such a deed as this! No respite?—Must? Irrevocable? I dare not call on God. Thou, thou wilt serve me if I do this thing? Oh, if this be a snare thou settest now, Who hast once already mocked our pact, I swear By God, I cast thee off. Leviathan! Accept the bargain. And I seal it—thus. [Writing in the air
I will keep silence, though they tear my tongue Blaspheming from my throat. My servant now!
ELEAZAR. Mingled emotions quickly following Fear upon fear, and joy and hope at last Crowning, have maddened Jephthah’s kinsman here. Mark his lips muttering, and his meaningless Furious gestures, and indignant eyes Starting, and hard-drawn breath! Him lead away Tenderly, as beseems the mercy shown To his repentance by this maiden queen. The Lord is merciful to them that show Mercy, and all such as are pure of heart; Thy crown, Adulah, wears a double flower Of these fair blossoms wreathed in one device Of perfect love in perfect maidenhood.
JARED [recovering himself]. Nay, but my voice must fill the song of joy With gratitude, and meet thanksgiving. Me More than these others it beseems, who love Less dearly for their innocence than I, Pardoned of my unpardonable sin.
ADULAH. The flowers turn westerward; the sun is down Almost among those clouds that kiss the sea With heavy lashes drooping over it, A mother watching her own daughter swoon To sleep. But look toward the southern sky; It is my father. Let us go to him, Maidens, with song and gladness of full hearts.
SEMICHORUS OF MAIDENS I. The conqueror rides at last To home, to love; The victory is past, The white-wing dove Sails through the crystal air of eve with a pæan deep and vast. Jephthah!
SEMICHORUS OF MAIDENS II. Forth, maidens, with your hands White with new lilies! Forth, maidens, in bright bands, Virgins whose one sweet will is To sing the victory of our God in all sky-girdled lands! Elohim!
SEMICHORUS I. With dancing feet, and noise Of timbrels smitten, With tears and tender joys, With songs unwritten, With music many-mouthed, with robes in snowy equipoise. Jephthah!
SEMICHORUS II. With hearts infused of fire, Eyes clear with many waters, With lips to air that quire, We, earth’s desirous daughters, Lift up the song of triumph, sound the lutes of our desire! Elohim!
SEMICHORUS I. With branches strewn before us, And roses flung In all the ways, we chorus With throat and tongue The glory of our warrior sires whose victor swords restore us Jephthah!
SEMICHORUS II. With angels vast and calm That keep his way, With streams of holy balm, The prayers of them that pray, We go to bring him home and raise to Thee our holy psalm, Elohim!
ELEAZAR. Go ye, make ready for the happy march. [Exeunt Adulah and Maidens.
And we too, changing these funereal vestments Will clothe in moonlike splendour, candid robes Of priestly purity, our joyous selves. O fortunate day! O measured steps of noon, Quicken, if once ye stayed for Joshua, To keep sweet music to our hearts. Away! [Exeunt all but Jared.
JARED. I will await, and hide myself away Behind yon bushes, to behold the plot Bud to fulfilment. Then, Leviathan, I am thy master. Mockery of a God That seest this thing prosper—Ha! thine altar! Let me give thanks, Jehovah! O thou God That rulest Israel as sheep and slaves, But over me no ruler; thou proud God That marshallest these petty thunder-clouds That blacken over the inane abyss But canst not tame one fierce desire of mine, Nor satiate my hatred, nor destroy This power of mine over thy devil-brood, The hatchment of thine incest, O thou God Who knowest me, me, mortal me, thy master, Thy master—and I laugh at thee, the slave! Down from Thy throne, impostor, down, down, down To thine own Hell, immeasurable—
[The storm, gathering to a climax, bursts in a tremendous flash of lightning, and Jared is killed.
Enter Jephthah and Soldiers.
JEPHTHAH. A terrible peal of thunder! And the sky Seems for an hour past to have been in labour And, safely now delivered, smiles again. For see, the sun! O happy sunlight hours— What is this blackened and distorted thing?
A SOLDIER. Some fellow by the altar that kept watch, Some faithful fellow—he is gone to God.
JEPHTHAH. How is’t the cattle have been driven home? I trusted we had found a tender lamb, A lamb of the first year, unblemished, white, To greet me, that we do meet sacrifice, Fulfilling thus my vow, and all our duty. [A noise of timbrels and singing. Surely some merriment—our news hath reached. Glad news and welcome: God is very good.
Enter Adulah, running, followed by singing Maidens.
ADULAH. Father!
JEPHTHAH. My daughter! [He suddenly stops, and blanches, understanding. Alas my daughter! [He continues in a dazed, toneless voice. Thou hast brought me very low, and thou art one of them that trouble me; for I have opened my mouth unto the Lord, and I cannot go back.
ADULAH. My father, O my father!
Enter Eleazar and Chorus.
ELEAZAR. Most welcome, conqueror!
[Jephthah waves him aside. What is this? What is this?
CHORUS. Speak, Jephthah, speak! What ill has fallen? Speak!
[Silence. After a little the Chorus of Maidens understand, and break into wailing. The old men gradually understand, and fill the air with incoherent lamentations. Behind Jephthah the soldiers, with white lips, have assumed their military formation, and stand at attention by a visible effort of self-control.
ADULAH. My father, if thou hast openéd thy mouth Unto the Lord, fulfil the oath to me, Because the Lord hath taken vengeance for thee Of all thine enemies, the Ammonites. Let this be done for me, that I may go Two months upon the mountains, and bewail, I and my fellows, my virginity!
CHORUS OF MAIDENS. O the time of dule and teen! O the dove the hawk has snared! Fate the cruel and obscene, Fate that snaps us unprepared, We, who else had dared Every mountain cold and keen, Cleft and stricken in between By the joy our bosoms shared; Would to God we had not been, We, who see our maiden queen, Love has slain whom hate had spared. Sorrow for our sister sways All our maiden bosoms, bared To the dying vesper rays, Where the sun below the bays Of the West is stooping; All our hearts together drooping, Flowers the ocean bears. All the garb that gladness wears To a rent uncouth attire Changed with cares; Happy songs our love had made Ere the sun had sunk his fire, In the moonrise fall and fade, And the dregs of our desire Fall away to death; Tears divide our labouring breath That our sister—O our sister! Moon and sun and stars have kissed her She must touch the lips of death, Touch the lips whose coldness saith: Thou art clay. Let us fare away, away To the ice whose ocean gray Tumbles on the beach of rock, Where the wheeling vultures mock Our distress with horrid cries, Where the flower relenting dies, And the sun is sharp to slay; Where the ivory dome above Glimmers like the dawn of love On the weary way; Where the ibex chant and call Over tempest’s funeral; Where the hornéd beast is shrill, And the eagle hath his will, And the shadows fall Sharp and black, till day is passed Over to the ocean vast; Where the barren rocks resound Only to the rending roar Of the shattering streams that pour Rocks by ice eternal bound, Myriad cascades that crowned Once the far resounding throne Of the mountain spirits strong. All the treacherous souls that throng Desolate abodes of stone, Barren of all comely things, Given to the splendid kings, Gloomy state, and glamour dark, Swooping jewel-feathered wings, Eyes translucent with a spark Of the world of fire, that swings Gates of adamant below Lofty minarets of snow. Thence the towering flames arise, Where the flashes white and wise Find their mortal foe. Let us thither, caring not Anything, or any more, Since the sorrow of our lot Craves to pass the abysmal door; Never more for us shall twine Rosy fingers on the vine; Never maiden lips that cull Myriad blossoms beautiful; Never cheeks that dimple over At the perfume of the clover, With the laughing summer seas Of the smile of hearts at ease; Never bosoms bright and round Shall be garlanded and bound With the chain of myrtle, wreathed By the fingers of the maid Each has chosen for a mate, When the west wind lately breathed Murmurs in the wanton glade Of the day that dawneth late In a maiden’s horoscope, Dawning faith and fire and hope On the spring that only knew Flowers and butterflies and dew, Skies and seas and mountains blue, On the spring that wot not of Fruit and falling leaves and love; Never dew-dashed foreheads fair Shall salute the idle air; Never feet shall wander deep Where the fronds of fern, asleep, Kiss her rosy feet that pass On the spangled summer grass, Half awake, and drowse again; Never more our feet shall stain Purple with the joyous grape, Whence there rose a fairy shape In the fume and must and juice, Singing lest our eyes escape All his tunic wried and loose With the feet that softly trod In the vat the fairy god; Never more our eyes shall swim, Looking to the ocean brim In the magic moon that rose Through the archipelagos, When the Grecian woods were wet With our dewy songs, that set Quivering all seas and snows, Stars and tender winds that fret Lily, lily, laughing rose, Sighing, sighing violet, Dusky pansy, swaying rush, And the stream that flows Singing, ringing softly: Hush! Listen to the bird that goes Wooing to the brown mate’s bough; Listen to the breeze that blows Over cape and valley now At the silence of the noon, Or the slumber-hour Of the white delicious moon Like a lotus-flower. Let us sadly, slowly, go To the silence of the snow.
ADULAH [embracing Jephthah]. Whose crystal fastnesses shall echo back The lamentations of these friends of mine But not my tears. For I will fit myself By solitude and fasting and much prayer For this most holy ceremony, to be A perfect, pure, accepted sacrifice. Only this sorrow—O father, father, speak!
ADULAH. Most unblameable, we come again. I would not weep with these; I dare not stay, Lest I weep louder than them all. Fare well, My father, O my father! I am passing Into the night. Remember me as drawn Into the night toward the golden dawn. [Exeunt Adulah and Maidens.
CHORUS. Toward the mountains and the night The fairest of all Israel go, Toward the hollows weird and white, Toward the sorrow of the snow; To desolation black and blind They move, and leave us death behind.
The Lord is great, the Lord is wise Within His temple to foresee With calm impenetrable eyes The after glory that shall be; But we, of mortal bodies born, Laugh lies consoling unto scorn.
The God of Israel is strong; His mighty arm hath wrought this day A victory and a triumph-song— And now He breathes upon His clay, And we, who were as idols crowned, Lie dust upon the empty ground.
She goes, our sorrow’s sacrifice, Our lamb, our firstling, frail and white, With large sweet love-illumined eyes Into the night, into the night. The throne of night shall be withdrawn; So moveth she toward the dawn.
All peoples and all kings that move By love and sacrifice inspired In light and holiness and love, And seek some end of God desired, Pass, though they seem to sink in night, To dawns more perdurably bright.
So priest and people join to praise The secret wisdom of the Lord, Awaiting the arisen rays That smite through heaven as a sword Remembering He hath surely sworn: Toward the night, toward the dawn!
Behold the moon that fails above, The stars that pale before the sun! How far, those figures light as love That laughing to the mountains run! Behold the flames of hair that leap Above her forehead mild and deep!
She turns to bless her people still: So, passes to the golden gate Where snow burns fragrant on the hill, Where for her step those fountains wait Of light and brilliance that shall rise To greet her beauty lover-wise.
The silver west fades fast, the skies Are blue and silver overhead; She stands upon the snow, her eyes Fixed fast upon the fountain-head Whence from Eternity is drawn The awful glory of the dawn!
ELEAZAR. Let every man depart unto his house.
CHORUS. He hath made His face as a fire; His wrath as a sword; He hath smitten our soul’s desire; He is the Lord. He hath given and taken away, hath made us and broken; He hath made the blue and the gray, the sea for a token; He hath made to-day and to-morrow; the winter, the spring; He bringeth us joy out of sorrow; Jehovah is King. [Exeunt. Jephthah is left standing with white set face. Presently tears come into his eyes, and he advances, and kneels at the altar.
A short explanation of the scheme of theology adopted in this play appears necessary. The Hebrews of the period had formulated the idea of Deity as manifesting from the fundamental conception of Negative Existence: The איו Ain, negativity, unfolded; the םור איו Ain Soph Aur, the limitless light. This limitless ocean of negative light concentrates a centre כתר, Kether, the Crown, and this is our first positive manifestation of Deity, or, as the Hebrews technically call it, an emanation or םפירא Sephira. Of these Sephiroth there are ten, each emanating from the last, and successively male or female toward the next below or above. These are I, the Kether; 2, חכמה, Chokmah, Wisdom; 3, בינה, Binah, Understanding, often symbolized as the great Sea; 4, חסר, Chesed, Mercy (or ברולה, Gedulah, Magnificence); 5, נבורה, Geburah, Strength; 6, תפארת, Tiphereth, Beauty; 7, נצח, Netzach, Victory; 8, הוד, Hod, Splendour; 9, יסוד, Jesod, the Foundation; and 10, מלכות, Malkuth, the Kingdom.
In the Tetragram יהות, translated in our Bible “Jehovah” or “the Lord” the last nine Sephiroth are summed up. The first also contains the idea of existence, the Divine Name connected with this Sephira being אהיה, Eheieh, Existence. Below this world of Atziluth or of God is that of Briah or Thrones; to this world belong the Archangels; still lower that of Yetzirah or Formation; to this world ten orders of angels are attributed; and lastly, the world of Assiah, or of action (the material world). The further development of these facts, their connection with the numerical system, the parts of the soul, and many other interesting details may be studied in the seventy-two volumes of the written Qabalah, though, perhaps (a word to the wise is enough), truth lies hidden deeper yet in the ten volumes of that Qabalah which is unwritten, and which is only granted to those who by previous incarnations have fitted themselves for so sublime a knowledge. The brief sketch above will, however, make clear the Oath of the people and the Prayer of Jephthah, among other phrases which may seem at first sight less unintelligible to ordinary analysis.
That I have made Jephthah a Magician is also in accordance with tradition. Great captains were always great priests, in the secret Qabalistical sense. The priests themselves, then as to-day, were foolish old men trained to bolster up the externals of religion. The real rulers, then as to-day, were not, officially, priests; the sceptre was wielded by those who, swathed in thick darkness, and enthroned on their own thunderclouds, looked with the eye of gods upon this earth, and carried out the designs of God with tranquil power. I have depicted such a Servant of God stepping down from his throne at the precise moment when his presence was required, and the tragedy represented in the play stands for the impotent spite of the Evil One, venting itself in personal malice.
In short, I have ventured (I trust that in so doing the human pathos of the story has lost nothing, even from the merely legendary point of view), behind the veil of man’s blindness, and the inexorable Até, to hint at the cloudy conflict of the mysterious forces that rule beyond our vision or our comprehension; and if, at the end, I have dared to lift that veil, and to put in the mouths of uninitiates words appreciative of those glorious destinies that overrule the cruelties of fate, let me find my excuse in that love for, and faith in, “the holy spirit of man,” which itself may do so much toward the final regeneration of humanity, and the uniting of man once more with that God of whom Porphyry has written, “We are but a little part of Him.” |