Magick in Theory and Practice

Subscriber's Edition



Published under the pseudonym of the Master Therion [Aleister Crowley].


Published Date:

1930. Although 1929 is stated as the publication date, this book was not actually published in this state until 1930. The publication date of 1929 refers to the publication date of the first volume.


Privately published by the author.


The Lecram Press, 26 rue d'Haut poul, Paris.

Published At:

Paris / London.


xxxiv + 436.


Priced at 42 shillings.


3000 copies printed on machine-made paper and bound in a reddish buckram with a buff colored dust-jacket. This book was originally published in four parts which were later assembled into the "subscriber's" edition.


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- Hymn to Pan

- Introduction

- The Magical Theory of the Universe

- The Principles of Ritual

- The Formulae of the Elemental Weapons

- The Formula of Tetragrammaton

- The Formula of Alhim: also that of Alim

- The Formula of I.A.O.

- The Formula of the Neophyte

- The Formula of the Holy Graal: and of Abrahadabra, and of Certain Other Words; with some remarks on the Magical Memory

- Of Equilibrium: and of the General and Particular Method of Preparation of the Furniture of the Temple and the Instruments of Art

- Of Silence and Secrecy: and of the Barbarous Names of Evocation

- Of the Gestures

- Of our Lady BABALON, and of the Beast whereon she rideth: also concerning Transformations

- Of the Bloody Sacrifice and Matters Cognate

- Of the Banishings and of the Purifications

- Of the Consecrations: with some Account of the Nature and Nurture of the Magical Link

- Of the Oath

- Of the Invocation

- Of the Charge to the Spirit: with some Account of the Constraints and Curses occasionally necessary

- Of the License to Depart

- Of Clairvoyance: and of the Body of Light, its Powers and its Development, also concerning Divinations

- Of Dramatic Rituals

- Of the Eucharist: and of the Art of Alchemy

- Of Black Magick: of the Main Types of the Operations of Magick Art: and of the Powers of the Sphinx

- Appendix I - Bibliography and Curriculum of the AA

- Appendix II - One Star in Sight

- Appendix III - Notes on the nature of the “Astral Plane”

- Appendix IV - Liber Samekh - Theurgia Goetia Summa (Congressus Cumm Daemone)

- Appendix V - A few of the principal correspondences of the Qabalah

- Appendix VI - A few principal Rituals

- Appendix VII - A few of the principal instructions authorised by the AA








Dust Jacket