The Jealous* Patriot (non angeli, sed Angli!)
England, my birthright! Savagely I scourge Smug piety and surly discontent, The stubborn stupor of the Government, The palsy of the people. The slow surge Of cave-bound seas! With bloodied whips I urge The hounds of satire and invective, vent Indignant shrewish spleen. All song is spent Thriftless, a dull unprofitable dirge.
“Jealous,” Time’s slur on “zealous.” Dourly fond, In the dumb core of my strong soul respond Silences sacred beyond speech or token, Sacred to Love : mine England, thou art mine, I thine, the secret of the midmost shrine, The God unguessed-at, and the Word unspoken.
Richmond, Surrey. May 10, ’42.
* “Jealous”: see Skeat, Etymological Dictionary. |