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Orpheus recounts his journey to Hades—“As I pass in my flight

Invokes the guardians—“Hail to ye, wardens

Continues his voyage—“The phantoms diminish

Invokes Hecate—“O triple form of darkness! Sombre splendour!

Continues his voyage—“The night falls back

Trio: Minos, Æacus, Rhadamanthus—“Substantial, stern, and strong

Orpheus’ plea—“O iron, bow to silver’s piercing note!

Trio: Minos, Æacus, Rhadamanthus—“Brethren, what need of wonder

Orpheus continues his voyage—“Ah me! I find ye but ill counsellors

Invokes Hades—“Now is the gold gone of the year, and gone

Invokes Persephone—“In Asia, on the Nysian plains, she played

Persephone awakes—“Ah me! I feel a stirring in my blood

Orpheus pleads with her—“And therefore, O most beautiful and mild

Persephone invokes Hades—“Ah me! no fruit for guerdon

Orpheus invokes the Furies—“In vain, O thou veiled

Septet: The Furies, Orpheus, Hades, Persephone, Echidna—“Ha! who invokes? What horror rages

Orpheus invokes Hermes—“O Light in Light! O flashing wings of fire!

Orpheus’ song of triumph—“The magical task and the labour is ended

Continues to recount his journey—“So singing I make reverence and retire

Sings his triumph—“O light of Apollo

Sings, but with misgiving—“Alas! that ever the dark place





Company of Mænads—“Evoe! Evoe Ho! Iacche! Iacche!

     Song—“Hail, O Dionysus! Hail

     “Evoe Ho! Give me to drink

     Hymn to Dionysus—“Hail, child of Semele

     “He is here! He is here!

Dionysus—“I bring ye wine from above

Mænads—“O sweet soul of the waters! Chase me not

Orpheus his spell—“Unity uttermost showed

     His allocution—“Worship with due rite, orderly attire

     His hymn to Pan—“In the spring, in the loud lost places

     His alarm—“What have I said? What have I done?

Lament for Orpheus—Quartet: a Spirit, the River Hebrus, Calliope, the Lesbian Shore—

What is? what chorus swells

Sappho’s song—“Woe is me! the brow of a brazen morning

Duet: Calliope, the Lesbian Shore—“Silence. I hear a voice

Finale. Nuith—“Enough. It is ended, the story

















     Neither were his hopes frustrated: For having appeased them with them

melodious sound of his voice and touch, prevailed at length so far, as that

they granted him leave to take her away with him; but on this condition,

that she should follow him, and he not to look back upon her, till he came

to the light of the upper World; which he (impatient of, out of love and care,

and thinking that he was in a manner past all danger) nevertheless violated,

insomuch that the Covenant is broken, and she forthwith tumbles back again

headlong into Hell.—The Wisdom of the Ancients.



     Moody Pluto winks while Orpheus plays.—Rape of Lucrece.







     As I pass in my flight

          On the awed storm cloud,

               Steeps steeper than sleep,

     Depths deeper than night,

          I have furrowed and ploughed

               (Deep calling to deep!)

     Through the spaces of light,

          The heads of them bowed

               For the fears that weep,

     And the joys that smite,

          And the loves disallowed.

               They are risen; they leap;

     They wing them in white,

          Crying aloud

               Words widowed that keep

The frost of their fires forgotten and faded from Memory’s steep.


     As I pass in my glory

          O’er sea and land,

               I smite the loud tune

          From a fervid hand,

     By the promontory,

               The mountainous moon.

     Vivid and hoary,

               Twin birds, as I hark

     Take fire, understand

               The ways of the dark,

                   As an angel did guide me,

     Waving the brand

          Of the dawn’s red spark.

          My measures mark

     The influence fine

     Of the voyage divine

          Of the airy bark

     Wherein I travel

     O’er mountain and level.

               The land, and the sea,

     And the beings of air,

          And the lives of the land,

     And the daughters of fire,

          And the sons of the Ocean,

               Come unto me;

     My chariot bear,

          My tunes understand,

     My love desire,

          Share my emotion.

     They gather, they gather,

     Apollo, O father!

          They gather around;

          They echo the sound

     Of the tune that rejoices,

          The manifold measure

     Of feet tuned to voices

          Of terrible pleasure.

     We pass in our courses

          Above the grey treasure

     Of seas in Earth’s forces,

          Her girdle, her splendour.

     We bridle the horses

               Of sea as we lend her

          Tunes subtle and tender

     To sink in her sources.

               The air’s love? We rend her!

     We pass to the West,

     We sink on the breast

     Of the Ocean to rest.


     As I pass, as I madden

          In fury of flight,

     The sea’s billows gladden

          Invoking the light.

     The depths of her sadden

          Not seeing the sight

     Of the glorious one,

     Whose steed is the Sun,

          Whose journey is certain,

     Who speeds to the gate,

          The visible curtain

     Of visible fate.

          My soul takes no hurt in

     Their gloom: I await

          The portals to rise

          In the desolate skies.

     I trust to my song

     Irresistibly strong

          To sunder and shatter

          Those towers of matter.

     They rise! Oh! They rise,

          The terrible towers

               Of Hades: they lift

     Across the white skies

               Those terrible-cliffed

          Rocks, where the hours

     Beat vainly: where lies

               The horrible rift

          Of the earth’s green bowers

               Where the wan ships drift,

               And the sun’s rays shift,

     And the river runs

          Whose banks have no flowers,

     Whose waves have no suns.

          Sheer to the terror

     Of heaven, the walls

          Strike; and the mirror

     Of water recalls

          No truth, but dim error.

     The soul of me falls

          Down to the glamour

     Of dream; and fear

          Beats like a hammer.

     Here! it is here!

          Lost are my friends;

     The elements shrink

          Where the life-world ends

     On the icy brink

          Of the sunless river;

          Ends, and for ever!


     I pass to the portals

          Of death in my flight.

               I sound at the gates.

     I call the immortals

          Of death and of night.

               I call on the Fates

     By the summons of light.

          The gates are rended;

     The rocks divide;

          My soul hath descended

     Abreast of the tide.

          I, single and splendid,

     Death have defied!

I pass by the terrible gates and the guardians dragon-eyed.


     I thunder adown

          The vast abyss.

     (The journey’s crown

          Is a woman’s kiss!),

               What terrors to master!

               What fear and disaster

     To gain the renown

          And the fadeless bliss!

     I thunder aloud

          On the rocks as I fly,

     Borne on a cloud

          In the gloomy sky.

     Shaped like a shroud,

          Draped like a pall,

          I shrink not; I fall

     To the blackness below

     With my soul aglow.

          No taint of a fear!

     For I know, I know

          Eurydice near,

          Eurydice here!

     The purpose divine

     Thrills my soul as wine.

Now I pass to the soul of the dark, confronting the innermost shrine.


     Hail to ye, warders

     That guard the borders

          Of Hades! All hail to ye, dwellers of night!

     But I am the soul

     In a man’s control.

          Ye have nought to do with the dweller of light!


     Hail to ye, hail

     In the hollow vale,

          Your weapons are lifted against me in vain.

     My lyre shall charm ye,

     My voice disarm ye,

          For I am the soul overshadowed of pain!


     Hail to ye, wardens

     Of Death’s grey gardens!

          O flowerless and vineless your bowerless vale!

     But I must alone

     To the wonderful throne.

          Let fall the vain spears, shadows! Hail to ye! Hail!


     The phantoms diminish,

          The shadows fall back.

               Lost in the vision

     In fires that finish

          Stark and black

               With lust and derision;

     And all the illusion

          Is fallen to the ground.

               The warders are beaten;

     They go in confusion;

          Their place is not found.

               The air hath eaten

     With wide-gaping jaws

          A furious folk.

     Lost is the cause

          In Tartarean smoke.

     I, through the wall

          Of impassable gloom,

               Apart from the sun,

     Pass as a ghost,

          Bearing the lyre.

     The sad notes fall

          To the sorrowful womb;

               One after one

     They leap as a host

          With weapons of fire

     On a desolate coast,

     Where love is lost

And the bitterness clings of fear, and the sadness dogs of desire!


     Thrice girded with brass,

          Thrice bound with iron,

               The gate is in three

                    Pillars of gold.

     But I will pass

          (My heart as a lion,

               My lyre as a key!)

                    To the gates of old,

     To the place of despair

          And the walls of dread,

               The halls of the doomed,

          The homes of the dead,

     The houses where

     The beautiful air

               Is as air entombed.

     Nothing can shake

          Those terrible walls.

     No man can wake

          With silver calls

The home of the lost and the lone, the gate of the Stygian thralls.


     But thou, O Titan!

          O splendour triform!

               Gloomiest dweller

                    Of uttermost night!

     My journey enlighten!

          O soul of the storm!

               Waker and queller

                    Of sombre delight,

     Hecate! hearken

          The soul of my prayer!

     Glitter and darken

          Through sulphurous air!

Let the sacrifice move thee to joy, the invoker thy glory declare

     In words that shall please

     Thy terrible peace,

          O speedy to save,

In flames of fine fire that bedew the deepest Tatarean cave!


[Invoking Hecate]

O triple form of darkness! Sombre splendour!

     Thou moon unseen of men! Thou huntress dread!

     Thou crownèd demon of the crownless dead!

O breasts of blood, too bitter and too tender!

     Let me the offering

     Unseen of gentle spring

     Bring to thy shrine’s sepulchral glittering!

I slay the swart beast! I bestow the bloom

Sown in the dusk, and gathered in the gloom

     Under the waning moon,

          At midnight hardly lightening the East;

And the black lamb from the black ewe’s dead womb

     I bring, and stir the slow infernal tune

          Fit for thy chosen priest.


Here where the band of Ocean breaks the road

     Black-trodden, deeply-stooping, to the abyss,

     I shall salute thee with the nameless kiss

Pronounced toward the uttermost abode

     Of thy supreme desire.

     I shall illume the fire

     Whence thy wild stryges shall obey the lyre,

When thy Lemurs shall gather and spring round,

Girdling me in the sad funereal ground

     With faces turnèd back,

          My face averted! I shall consummate

The awful act of worship, O renowned

     Fear upon earth, and fear in hell, and black

          Fear in the sky beyond Fate!

I hear the whining of thy wolves! I hear

     The howling of the hounds about thy form,

     Who comest in the terror of thy storm,

And night falls faster ere thine eyes appear

     Glittering through the mist.

     Of face of woman unkissed

     Save by the dead whose love is taken ere they wist!

Thee, thee I call! O dire one! O divine!

I, the sole mortal, seek thy deadly shrine,

     Pour the dark stream of blood,

          A sleepy and reluctant river

Even as thou drawest, with thine eyes on mine,

     To me across the sense-bewildering flood

          That holds my soul for ever!


     The night falls back;

          The shadows give place;

               The threefold form

     Appears in the black,

          As a direful face

               Half seen in the storm.

     I worship, I praise

     The wonderful ways

     Where the smitten rays

          Of darkness sunder.

     The hand is lifted;

     The gates are rifted;

          The sound is as thunder!

     She comes to the summons,

     Her face as a woman’s,

          Her feet as a Fear’s,

     Turned back on her path

     For a sign of wrath:—

          She appears, she appears!

     I step to the river.

     The lyre-strings quiver;

     The limbs of me shudder;

          So cold is the mist;

               So dark is the stream;

                    So fearful the boat;

     So horrid the rudder;

          So black is the tryst;

               So frightful the beam;

                    So fearing to float;

     The steersman so dread,

The shadowy shape of a ghost that guides the bark of the dead!


     Agèd and foul,

          His locks wreathe about him.

     Horrid his scowl!

               Haggard his soul!

               My songs control

          While they fear him and doubt him.

     I step in the boat,

          And the waters ache,

          And the old boards shake.

     I shall hardly float,

          So heavy the soul

               Of a living man

          On those waters that roll

     Nine times around

     The fatal ground;

Yet still to my singing we move on the river Tartarean.


     So darker and colder

          The stream as we float:

               Blacker and bleaker,

                    The mist on the river!

     Stronger the shoulder

          Impels the sad boat.

               Sadder and weaker

                    Shudder and quiver

     The notes of the lyre.

     Quenched is my fire

          In the fog of the air.

     Dim my desire

          Cuts through the snare.

     The cold confounds me;

     The mist surrounds me;

          Life trembles and lowers;

     Earth fades from my life.

     The love of my wife,

          The light of the flowers,

          Earth’s beautiful bowers,

     Pass, and are not.

I am awed by the soul of the place, the hopeless, the desolate spot.


     Here is the wharf

          Wearily standing,

     Misshapen and dwarf,

          Well fit for such landing!

     Darker the bloom

          Of the night-flowers glows,

     Shadowing the tomb,

          The indicible woes.

          Dark and unlovely the cypress still grows

     Deformed and blistered,

          Stunted and blackened,

     Where the dead gleams glistered,

          The dusk-lights slackened.

     Such is the shore

          Who reacheth may never

          Return o’er the river!

     Here pace evermore

          The terrible ghosts

     Malignant of men,

          Whose airless hosts

               In wars unjust

     Went down to the den;

               Whose fury and lust

     Turned poison or steel

          On their own bad lives.

     Here whirls the grim wheel

          Where the dead soul strives

     Ever to climb

          To the iron nave,

     Find Space and Time,

          Or a God to save,

          Or a way o’er the wave.

     The Fate contrives

     That he never thrives.

          Revolving anon,

          The gleam is gone,

     And the shadowy smile

     Of Hecate darkens.

     My sad soul hearkens;

                    Moves fearfully on:—

O place of all places discrowned! Lamenting, I linger awhile!

     But fronting me tearful,

          Me full of lament,

     Shoots up the fearful

               Den of the hound.

          Ages they spent,

     Gods, in the graving

          That cavern profound,

     That temple of hate

          Of horror and craving:—

     O who shall abate

          The moaning, the raving?

     Dark the dull flame

          Of the altar, the flood

          Of the black lamb’s blood!

     But who shall proclaim

          That his soul can descry

The depth of that cavern immense where the guardian of Orcus may lie?

     Sleepest thou, devil?

     Monster of evil!

     Spawn of Typhon

               By Echidna’s lust!

     The hateful revel

               In blood and dust!

          The obscene crone

     And the monster’s terror!

          The hideous thrust

               Of an unclean thirst

     In the halls of error!

          Expunged and accurst,

     A lapping of hate,

          A bride-bed rotten,

     And thou, miscreate

          And misbegotten!


     O Hecate, hear me!

          The terrors awaken,

          The cavern is shaken

               With horrible groanings.

               Cryings and moanings

     And howlings draw near me.

     I tremble, I fear me!

          My lyre is forsaken.

     The heart of the hollow

          Is helpless to bear

     The notes of Apollo

          Through Stygian air.


     But heavier shrieking

          Revolves and resounds

          In the ghastly profounds;

     And the voice unspeaking

               Of the hound of the damned

          Runs eager, and bounds,

               Malignantly crammed

     In my ears, and the noise

     Of infernal joys

          In the houses of sin:—

Let me pass to a direr place, to the terrors unspoken within!


     Dead silence succeeds

          The sound of the prayer.

               Again the loud lyre

     Shudders and bleeds

          In the desolate air

               With a sound as of fire!

     The hound recedes;

          But the gates stand there,

               Barring desire,

     Barring the way

          Of the dead unburied,

               Unshrived, and unblessed;

     They stand and pray

          In legions serried,

               Beating the breast,

          Tearing the hair,

               Rending the raiment.

          There is none to care,

               No golden payment

     Availeth at all.

     There is none to call;

          There is none to pity:

     They stand in their pain

          At the gate of the city.

               There is none to feel

          Or give relief;

     They are lost; they are vain;

          They are eaten of grief.

     They are sore afraid,

          They are weary with care.

     There is none to aid.

               There is none to pity.

          They wail in despair

               At the gate of the city.


     But I, shall I halt

          At the thrice-barred portal

     In the lampless vault,

          I, half an immortal?

     By love of my mother,

          By might of my lyre,

               By Nature’s assistance,

     I, I, not another

          Demand my desire,

               Rebuke your resistance,

     By mighty Apollo

          Whose power yet abides,

     Though his light may not follow

          Through Stygian tides!

     By my power over things

          Both living and dead,

               By my influence splendid

                    In heavenly court,

     The song of me springs.

          My favour is dread.

               Be your portals rended!

                    Your bolts be as nought!

     The ethereal kings

          Encompass my head.

               My soul hath transcended

                    The limits of thought!

     Unbar me the gates!

          Revolve me the hinges!

     Mine be the Fate!

          Mine be the springes

     Wherein ye have taken

     The spirits forsaken!

          But I, shall I quail at a nod?

          Shall I fail for a God?

     Is the soul of me shaken?


     Darklier winding

          And steeper the way,

     Baffling and binding

          Eyes used to the day.

     Bocks cloven by thunder

          And shattered by storm

     Awry or asunder

          Rise and reform

     In marvellous coils

          Round the adamant road

     Whose tangles and toils

          Lead on the abode,

     Where dwell in the light

          Of justice infernal

     The judges that smite,

     That judge men aright,

          Whose laws are eternal!

     Those kings that in reigning

     For bribing or feigning

          Swerved never an hair

     From justice and truth;

          Turned never a care

     To wrath or to ruth;

          Did justice, and died.


     Thither I haste

          To face the austere

               Faces of peace.

               Shall the lyre cease?

     Its music be waste?

          Themselves not hear?

I stride to the presence and sing: and my soul is not conquered of fear.


Now the road widens and grows darker still

     As if the shadow of some ancient tower

Cast its deep spell on the reluctant will.


Still tortuous winds the deep descent; the hour

     Lies bitterer on my soul: I fear to fail,

To loose in vain the lyre’s dissolving power


On the white souls armed in that triple mail

     Of justice, virtue, truth: percipience

Beyond the mute and melancholy veil


That covers from the drowsy eye of sense

     The subtle thought that hides behind the mask.

I fear indeed: but now the soul intense


Of truth precedes me and informs the task

     Of the steep ways: I gladden and go on

Ready to sing, to answer, or to ask


As all may happen: now the stern light shone

     Vivid across the blackness, and the rock

Recedes: the narrow stair is changed and gone


And the wide air invades: a mighty shock

     To my numbed senses void of vital air

And to my lure reverberate to mock


With changing echoes and discordant, where

     The dome reached up, almost to earth, so high

Rolled back the pillars and the walls, aglare


With iron justice’ frightful symmetry

     Blazoned in blood-like flame, gushing from springs

Unseen, unguessed, incredible! There fly


The dreaded banners of the demon kings

     In fearful colours, and the vast inane

Dome catches music from my mouth, and rings


Back iron curses to the blessings vain

     I pour in desperate fervour from the lyre.

So, baffled by the echoes of hell’s pain,


Blinded by grisly glamour of hell’s fire,

     I take my refuge in the solitude

And grandeur of that irony of ire,


That mockery of mercy: thus I brood

     Apart, alone, upon the cause of Things

And wait those fearful Three. A lifeless mood


Stirs my grey being: ay! no passion springs

     In flowerless halls as these: awhile the mind

Wanders on void unprofitable wings


No whither: gains new strength at last to find

     Custom breed sight and hearing: in the hall

The sounds grow clear, the black fires fail to blind.


I see the mighty buttress of the wall

     Lost in its mighty measure: hear again

The lyre’s low notes and light distinctly fall


A gentle influence in the place of pain.

     Oh now the central glory of the place

Falls splendid on the unbewildered brain,


And I am found contemplating a face

     More passionless than mortals’: central sits

Throned on pure iron, with brass for carapace,


Minos: and either side of him befits

     The mighty Rhadamanthus throned on gold

And canopied with silver: sternly knits


His brows the awful Æacus, in cold

     Splendour of justice throned on carven lead;

And o’er his head twin dragons bend and hold


A cobra’s hood made of some metal dread

     Impossible on earth: how calm, how keen

Flash their wise eyes, those judges of the dead,


In silent state: how eager, how serene

     Are the broad brows: the heart shrinks up and sinks,

Seeing no gallery to slip between


And pass those agèd ones—oft a man thinks

     He faces truth! I know this hour, alas!

That face to face with naked truth he shrinks.


His web of woven fiction may not pass

     (He who believes it to be truth) with them

Who see his mind as though it were a glass


Without a shadow. Yet the ninefold gem

     And million-facet glory of my song

Glittering, made splendid in the diadem


Of flashing music shall assoil the wrong,

     A finer truth interpret. Though the heart

And core of music hold a poisonous throng


Of lies—yet, sing it to sufficient Art,

     The lie abolishes itself—the tune

Redeems the darkness—the keen flashes start


Of truth availing though the midnight moon

     Darken, the stars be quenched in utter cloud,

And the high sun eclipsed at very noon.


So flash I back the glory calm and proud

     Irradiating the Three. So shall my lyre

Sweep the vast courts with acclamation loud


Of splashing music, of exulting fire

     That revels in its penetrating cover

Of azure life that smites its flickering spire


Of sworded splendour inwards, to discover

     Not justice, not discernment, not desire,

Not passion, but the sheer will of a lover!



Substantial, stern, and strong,

Who lifts an alien lyre?

Confounds our echoes dire

With strange and stubborn song?



Here in the House of Dole

Where shadows hardly dare

Stand, who doth deem to fare

Forth from the outer air

Mortal, a strenuous soul?



The large and lordly land

Fertile of earth hath sent

With dolorous intent

Some shape or element.

What spell of might hath rent

The veil of Hell, and bent

Death’s purpose to his hand?



What shaft from the bow of Apollo?



     What quiver of wonder

Hath cleft the black walls of the hollow?



               What terror?



                    What thunder

Hath shaken Hell’s gates to the base?



Hath mockèd the guards to their face?



     Hath rent him asunder

The portals of Dis in his wrath?



     Hath made for his will

An arrow of light for his path?



     Left stagnant and chill

The waters of Styx unappeased?

The keys of our prison hath he seized,



     A mortal!



                    An ill

Most alien to Heaven, by Zeus!



     But impiety’s doom,

By Poseidon, shall fill for his use

     No well-omened tomb.



By Hades, our dogs let us loose!

     Let death in the gloom

Bring peace to the Hall of the Dead!



               A passionate being!

No weal to the light of his head

               In the place of the seeing!



Awake, wild justice of dread!

     Lest shadows be fleeing

In fear of the portent to lurk

     In a deeper-detested

Cave, ere we wake to the work.



     Black snakes many-crested,

Arise! lest the calm of the murk

     From our places be wrested.



Who art thou?



                    What ails thee to irk

     From earth tender-breasted

To the milkless dugs of the grave

     And the iron breasts of the pit?



Can a bodily presence save

     Against a shadowy wit?



Thy hope doth dwell, O slave,

     Where thy mother fashioned it,

Oh heart of a fool, in thy breast.



     Away, away to the skies!



That our dead may take their rest.



     Arise to the air, arise!



Away to the mountain crest!



     Veil, veil from the awful eyes!



Endure thy heart as it may,

     And steel thine heart,

Thou shalt hear and know and obey

     As I say “Depart”;

Lest the arrow find its way

     And the sternly-shapen dart.



A second our justice waits.



     It falleth anon.



O fool of hopes and hates

     Arise and begone!



O toy of the mirthless fates!

     Who art thou to con

The mysteries of the dead in the back-souled bastion?


Minos, Æacus, Rhadamanthus

Away! away! to the light of day!

     Now as it may: then as it must.

We are loath to pardon, and loath to slay,

     Void of greed and anger and lust,—

But we are iron and thou art clay;

     We are marble and thou but dust.



O iron, bow to silver’s piercing note!

     O marble, see the shape of ivory!

My justice fountains from a sweeter throat

     My death is bound beyond eternity.


O wise and just, hear ye the voice of man,

     Not seeking to involve in woven spells

Or trickery the decree Tartarean,

     By words to blink that justice which is Hell’s!


I came indeed before this awful throne

     To seek a party favour, but I wait

Shuddering and silent, stedfast and alone,

     And change my music at the call of Fate.


For while ye spake in tumult, in this ear

     A music rang from earth’s remotest mine,

From star and comet, flaming wheel and sphere,

     From Hell’s deep vault and from the House divine.


A voice diverse, a voice identical

     Called me this hour from bitterest woes and black,

Constraining eloquence and mighty thrall

     Of cosmic agony, and wrung me back


From my poor plea to challenge in my song

     The whole domain of deeply-seated law,

Launch thunders not Olympic at the strong

     Bars of the Order backed with strength and awe


That men call Will of Zeus: the after scheme

     And primal fate and most primoridal plan

Shaped from the earth’s first protoplasmic dream

     Up to the last great mischief that is man.


All this I challenge: that the suns and stars

     Work in due order and procession meet

Without caprice in viewless, changeless bars,

     Nor self-determinate in their wingless feet.


All nature and all consciousness and thought

     He hath thrown asunder and divided them;

Fixing a gulf of agony athwart,

     Where rolls a tide no soul of man may stem.


Himself fixed high, he mocked us with his name

     Of “reconciler,” and of “one beyond all”;

And cast his shadow to the deep, to shame

     That oneness in its own division’s thrall;


So that Himself appears in cloud and fire

     Distorted in the world’s distorted mirror;

And dark convulsion and confusion dire

     Stands for his form of error and of terror.


But I perceive, I Orpheus, Lord of Song,

     And every Lord of Song that me shall follow

Down steeps of time’s own agony and wrong,

     Shall see the lightning bridge the dreadful hollow


With jagged flame of master-music, hear

     The blind curse thunder forth against in vain

When the swift glory of the rolling sphere

     Of song pours forth its utterance, keen with pain,


Mad with delight, and calm beyond woe and pleasure.

     Yea, every son of this my soul shall know

In the swift concourse of his music’s measure

     One thing impatient of this to and fro


March of hell’s dancers. I perceive a key

     To lock the prison of the world on him

That built the iron walls and made decree

     Long past in æons now grown gray and dim,


Like halls ancestral whence their folk have fled,

     The marbles all are broken, and the weeds

Grown o’er the bones of the unquiet dead,

     And time’s remorse avails not on its deeds.


I see that time is one: future and past

     Are but one present; space is one, the North

And South and all the sixfold shame holds fast

     No more: the poet’s fiat hath gone forth


And tamed the masters of division. Me

     Nor sun can burn, nor moon make mad, nor time

Alter: I drown not in the deepest sea,

     Nor choke where icy mountain ridges climb


The steeps of heaven: but these, these children, cry

     Their bitter cry for justice. Mighty Ones,

Lords of the Dusk, incline ye, mercifully,

     Rightly, to misery of all stars and suns


And planets and all grains of dust that sorrow—

     Hark! from grim Tartarus, most doleful bound,

Their throats of anguish notes of triumph borrow

     At my loud strain’s unprofitable sound.


For who are ye? Poor judges of the dead,

     In your stern eyes the sadness is mine own,

Mingled with sense that all your forces dread

     Are vain to take the spirit from one stone.


I would have called to ye in wild strong joy;

     “Arise, O Lords of Justice, and be girt

With lightnings, and be ardent to destroy

     This Fool’s creation and to heal its hurt


With swift annihilation!” Ye are vain,

     Alas! poor powers! But yet the damned rejoice

Hearing the splendour, prophet in my strain,

     And certain comfort in my mighty voice.


For this shall be, that in the utter end

     Shall be an end, that in the vast of time

Shall come a ceasing, and the steel bar bend

     Of the God’s will, himself from his sublime


Pinnacled house in heaven headlong cast

     Like his own thunder to the abyss of nought

When space and time and being shall be past,

     And the grim thinker perish with his thought.


Therefore I leave in hands unshakable

     The destinies of being, and care not

For all the miseries of the damned in hell,

     Or the vain gods’ unenviable lot.


I leave the cry of chaos, and recall

     My private pang and woe particular,

One drop of water by mischance let fall

     From some white slave’s divinely carven jar.


O Lords of justice, universal woe

     Hath yet its shadows in a singer’s soul,

He feels the arrow from a party bow

     Who yet hath strength to struggle with the whole.


I love my wife. The many-coloured throne

     Of Grecian meadows hath nor charm nor lure

Now she is gone. Lamenting and alone

     My dulled heart aches, most that it must endure.


Give this decree, O masters! Few the days

     And light the hours since Heracles descended

The dusky steep, the intolerable ways,

     And one prey—Theseus—from your prisons rended


By might of godhead and the skill of man.

     But now with music from a Muse’s breast

Sweetened with milk of tenderness, I scan

     Your eyes with hope, and with a man’s unrest


And a man’s purpose I appeal. Be just,

     O ye whom greater justice baulks and bars!

Return my lover from the unkind dust

     To the sweet light of the eternal stars!


Be kind, and from the unjust place of fear

     Return by kindness her, the innocent one,

From the grey places to the waters clear

     And meadows fair, and light of moon and sun!


Relent. Reverse the doom. I see your eyes

     Quiver despite ye: but your hands ye wring;

Little by little bitter tears arise

     Like stubborn water from a frozen spring,


And deep unrest is seated in your limbs.

     Ye pity me. Ye pity. Mute and weak

With the long trouble of persistent hymns

     I bow myself and listen while ye speak.



     Brethren, what need of wonder

     That Hell is burst asunder

Shaken from base to brow, as if with Zeus’ own thunder?

     What wonder if our peace

     Broke, and our mysteries

Quaked at the presence of these solemnities?



     Child of the earth and heaven,

     Our spirits thou has riven

With words we must admit, with power of song—whence given?

     Neither of God nor man,

     Thy song’s amazing span

Hath caused strange joy among the woes Tartarean.



     Never in the centuries

     Till godlike Heracles

Burst the wild bonds, hath mortal found the fatal knees;

     Nor hath the bitter cry

     Of worlds in agony

Answered the groans of those who weep, and cannot die.



     Iron of heart and strong,

     We also suffer wrong.

We know these words are just. We avail not. Though thy song

     Were the sole word of Zeus,

     Should that avail to loose

The bands of being firm, invulnerable dews

     Tincturing its bitter brass,

     Shielding its vital mass

From every word that cries, “Thus, and thy day shall pass.”



     Typhon! Typhon! Typhon!

     Heard ye that awful moan

Leap through the blackness from the miserable throne?

     Vain as each pallid ghost,

     Where is thy fatal boast,

Destroyer named of old on Khem’s disastrous coast?

     Old power of evil curled

     Below the phantom world,

Canst thou destroy, whose might to misery is hurled?



     What god beyond these twain

     Abides or may remain

Seated, too strong to quell, the Lord of Being’s pain.

     Aloof from time and chance

     Fate, will and circumstance,

Canst Thou not wither Life with one indignant glance?

     Thy name we know not; Thine

     Is the unbuilded shrine.

We doubt us if Thou be among the powers divine!



     Bound by strict line and law,

     Fearful with might and awe,

     We hold the powerless power

     For many an agèd hour.

     We move not from our place.

     We ask nor give not grace,

Nor change our lordly looks before a suppliant’s face.



     Stern in all justice, we

     Assent aloud to thee,

     We affirm thy cause as right:

     We put forth all the might

     Of aid: and all is done.

     Our utmost power is none

To lift one soul to live and look upon the sun.



     For righteous thought and deed

     Apportioning its meed;

     For evil act and mind

     Rewarding in its kind;

     So sit we: but our power

     Apportions not an hour

To light the dying lamp, revive the faded flower.



     But thou, be strong to sing!



     Loose arrows from the string!



     Bid the wild word take wing!



     Hades hath evil fame

     To suppliants—bitter shame!—





     Yet the swift prayer, abide

     His word whate’er betide.

     What worse?



                         The Gods thy guide!

     Go and assail him!




     The Queen of Hell!



                         That way

     Leads to the light of day.



     A woman’s heart may yearn,

     To a man’s love may turn.



     Should she, the ravished, spurn

     A man whose love is reft?



     Meadows and flower, she left

     To Him—O bosom cleft

     With a wife’s loss!—a wife.



     Too doubtful is the strife.



     Yet go! perchance to life.



     Go! and the Gods above

     Guard thee, O soul of love!



     I doubt me much thereof.



Ah me! I find ye but ill counsellors.

For I will conquer. Have I spent these stores

Of will and song for nought? Hell’s heart may rend,

But mine endureth even to the end.


Severe and righteous Lords, O fare ye well!

Are not my feet forced forward on a road

Leading to innermost abodes of Hell


Exalted as above the green abode

Of nymphs on broad Olympus, raises high

Its head the kingly snow, gigantic load


Of sombre whiteness cleaving through the sky

For gods to dwell in—So I pass the hall

And seek the gloomy thrones of majesty,


Where I may pledge my last despairing call

Unto the mightiest of the House of Dread,

And loosen Death’s inexorable thrall


And bring my lover from among the dead.

Now in the blackness of the rocks that span

The dolorous way I spy a golden thread


Veined in the strength of the obsidian

Flowing and growing, joining vein to vein,

Like fresh blood in the arteries of man,


Up to the very heart. And as I go

Loosen the knees of anguish and grow dim

The shattering flames of pain: the songs of woe


Flicker and alter to a solemn hymn

Chanted in slowest measure in deep awe.

Now as a yew-tree sends a mighty limb


Shooting to sunset, the black road’s black maw

Gapes to the westward; the great trunk divides

And all the armies of infernal law


Stand ranked about the venerable sides

Of the black cave: they speak not; dumb they stand

And all the frost of all the air abides


Upon them, as a vampire stooped and spanned

The white throat of a maiden and held still

Her powers by virtue of its hate’s command,


Somewhat like love’s: so all the solemn chill

Invades those statued ranks of warriors,

And I pass through, the lightning of my will


A steady stream of flame: high instinct pours

Its limpid light of water on my mind,

So that I range inhospitable shores


Assured of Her I shall most surely find

Ere the end be: awake, O living lyre,

Since in the narrow way and pass confined


I see a darkness infinite as fire,

Clear as all spirit vision, lustrous yet

As ebony shows in caverns rendered dire


By dreadful magic, or as if pure jet

Had taken of itself an inner light,

And its own blackness filled night’s coronet


With a new jewel: so I see aright

Where no light is like earth’s. The path grows broad

And lofty, till the whole hall springs to sight,


And I am standing where the dreaded Lord

And Lady of the region of the lost

Hold awful sway: yet here the flaming sword


Of sight is broken by the deadly frost

That clusters round their thrones: a mist of fire

Congealed to vital darkness: yet exhaust


Like a seer’s magic glass of air: expire

The dumb black hours in fear: but I am ware,

Well ware, by instinct surer still and higher


Than the own sight of soul that they are there,

No mockery of their presence: so even hither

My mother’s might is on me, on I flare


Into wild war of song: my keen notes wither

The flowers of frost about me and I turn

Ever the strength and mastering frenzy thither


With energy of madness: yea, I burn!

My soul burns up upon the lyre! I lend

My whole life’s vigour to one song, to earn


Their guerdon of the gods, a god to friend,

And seek through devious ways a single end.


[Invoking Hades


Str. I


Now is the gold gone of the year, and gone

     The glory of the world, and gathered close

     The silver of the frost. Far splendid snows

Shine where the bright anemone once shone.

     Ay! for the laughter live

     Of youths and maids that strive

In amorous play, the ancient saws of eld

     And wisdom mystical

     From bearded lips must fall,

Old eyes behold what young eyes ne’er beheld:

Namely, the things beyond the triple veil

     Of space and time and cause, eternal woof

     Of misery overproof:

And aged thoughts assail

     The younger hopes, and passion stands aloof,

And silence takes possession, and the tale

     Of earth is told and done.

Then from the Sire of all the Gods, from War

     And Love and Wisdom and the eternal Sun

Worship is torn afar:

     While unto Thee, O Hades, turn we now,

     Awful of breast and brow,

And hear thee in the sea, behold thee in the Star.


Ant. I [Echo of the Damned]


Ay! is the earth and upper ether gone,

     And all the joy of earth, and gathered close

     The darkness and the death-wind and the snows

On us on whom the sun of air once shone.

     What souls are left alive

     Vainly lament and strive,

For they shall join the dead of utmost eld;

     The concourse mystical

     Who see the seasons fall

Shall soon behold what all we have beheld:—

The accursed stream, the intolerable veil

     Of night and death and hell, disastrous woof

     Of anguish overproof

That fruitless wills assail

     Ever in vain: good fortune stands aloof

And all kind gods: we, taking up the tale

     Of dead men past and done,

Declare that ceaseless is the eternal war,

     And victory stedfast set against the Sun.

Yet we perceive afar

     Even in Hades, at the end, not now,

     Some light upon his brow,

Some comfort in the sea, some refuge in the Star.


Str. 2.


O thou! because thy chariot is golden,

     And beautiful thy coursers, and their manes

          Flecked with such foam as once upon the sea

Bore Aphrodite, and thy face is olden,

     Worn with dim thought and unsuspected pains,

          And all thy soul fulfilled of majesty;

Because the silence of thy house is great,

And thy word second spoken after Fate,

And thy light stricken of thine own grim hand;

Because thy whisper exceedeth the command

Of Zeus; thy dim light far outshines his glory;

     Because, as He the first is, Thou the last:—

          Therefore I take up sorrow in my hands,

And ply thine ear with my most doleful story,

     Asking a future, who have lost a past:

          A guerdon of my singing like the land’s

When spring breaks forth from winter, and the blood

Of the old earth laughs in every new-born bud.


Ant. 2 [Echo of the Damned]


O thou! because thy lyre is keen and golden,

     And beautiful thy numbers through our veins

          Pouring delight, as on the starry sea

Burn gems of rapture; though the houses olden

     Relax awhile their unredeeming pains,

          And through dead slaves thrill bounteous majesty?

Though the strong music of thy soul be great:—

Shall thy desire avail to alter Fate?

Or impious hands unloose the awful hand?

Or futile words reverse the great command?

Or what availeth? Though great Hades’ glory

     Stoop to thy prayer, and answer thee at last,

          Should Clotho catch the thread in weaving hands,

Respin what Atropos once cut—that story

     Were vain for thee—that which is past is past,

          Nor can Omnipotence avail the land’s

Death—Spring’s is alien through ancestral blood,

And a new birth is current in the bud.


Str. 3.


Think, then, the deed impossible is done

     Since Theseus fared forth to the ambient air!

His thread once cut—was that indeed respun

     Or patched by witchery? a deceit? a snare?

I tell ye; past and future are but one,

     And present—nothing; shall not Hades dare

His own omnipotence against the Sun,

     And let no tittle of his glory share

With all the earth’s recuperating wheel,

And every dawn’s sure falchion-flash of steel?


Ant. 3. [Echo of the Damned]


Indeed, a deed impossible was done

     Were the new Theseus heavier than the air.

Nay! but a new thread phantom-frail was spun

     And men’s blind eyes discovered not the snare,

Else were that elder cord and this yet one,

     Cut but in fancy. Yet, shall mortal dare

To fling a wanton word against the Sun,

     And stand forth candidate for lot and share

Where hangs Prometheus, rolls Ixion’s wheel,

And the stone rolls upon the limbs of steel?




These echoes, in my mind foul torturers,

     Present my fears, and image my distrust.

No answer comes, no voice the silence stirs

     With joyful “may” or melancholy “must.”

Nor, though the gloom requicken, may I see

     Hades enthroned, my prayers who heedeth nought

Nor glowing tear of bowed Persephone

     Drooped earthward for the ninefold misery wrought.

In utter sorrow ever bound she stays,

     Hears not my song, nor heedeth anything,

Whose mind lamenting turns to ancient days

     And Nysian meadows and the hour of spring.

Yea, but perchance to touch that secret chord

     Were to awake that sorrow into life;

Sting, as a wound a deep-envenomed sword,

     The inmost soul of the Aidonean wife.

Listen! I tune my music to that hour;

     The careless maidens and the virgin laughter,

The bloom of springtide and the fatal flower,

     And all that joy the sorrow echoing after.

So that, dread Hades, thou mayst hear and yield,

     Thyself unmastered and inexorable,

The gentle maid as crying in that field,

     Now thy soul’s keeper on the throne of Hell!

Hail, Hades! Thou who hearest not my song,

     Repealest not the heaven’s unjust decree,

Revengest not for me the woe and wrong,

     Shalt glean my sorrow from Persephone.

Hail, Hades! In the gloom the echoing cry

     Swells, and the chorus darkens as I sing,

And all the fibres of Eternity

     Shake as I loose the loud indignant string.

Hail, Hades! hear thy wrong proclaimed aloud,

     And thou the wronger safe because too great.

To like offence harden thy neck, and proud

     Blow thou the dismal challenge unto Fate!


In Asia, on the Nysian plains, she played,

          A slender maid,

With the deep-bosomed Oceanides;

          Where the tall trees

Girded the meadow with grave walls of green.

          Alone, unseen,

The tender little lady strayed,

          Moving across the breeze.


It was a meadow of soft grass and flowers,

          Where the sweet hours

Lingered and laughed awhile ere noon reposes.

          There were red roses

And crocus, and flag-flowers, and violets,

          And hyacinth, regrets

Of the ill-fortuned God, the quoit-player;

          And soft cool air

Stirred all the field—and there were jessamines

          And snaky columbines.

So all these maidens played, and gathered them

          From sad green stem

Rejoicing blooms with sunlight mixed therein.

          But she, for sin

And iron heart of the ill-minded Zeus,

          Caught up the dews

Deep on her ankles, and went noiselessly

          Toward the laughing sea,

And sought new blossoms—O the traitor, Earth,

          That brought to birth

That day, as favouring the desire that swelled

          Beneath her heart of eld,

Where dwelt the lonely, the detested one

          Intolerant of the sun,

Hades! But Earth for love of him, for spite

          Of the young girl’s delight,

And shame of her own age, brought forth that hour

          The fatal flower,

Narcissus—which what soul of man shall smell

          Goes down to hell,

Caught in the scent of sin—for such a doom

          Demeter’s flying loom

Hath woven for revenge and punishment.

          The bright child went

Thither; an hundred heads of blossom sprang;

          The green earth sang,

And the skies laughed, and danced the sea’s young feet

          For joy of it.

So the child went across that fairest plain

          To pluck, to strain

That blossom of all blossoms to her heart.

          Her long hands dart,

Exceeding delicate and fair, to cull

          That bloom too beautiful,

Eager to gather the fresh floral birth.

         The grim black earth

Gaped; roared athwart the gulf the golden car;

          And flaming far

The four white horses with their flashing manes!

          The might-resisting reins

Lay in the ghastly hands, the arms of fear

          Of that dread charioteer,

Death; and great Hades armed stood glittering,

          Stooped to his spring,

And whirled the child to the beneath abode.

          O heavy load!

O bitter harvest of rich-rolling tears!

          What cry who hears?

A shrill shrill cry to father Zeus cried she,

          Forlorn Persephone!

Heard was that agony of grief by none

          Save only by the Sun,

And Her who sat within her awful cave,

          Contemplative and grave,

Hecate, veilèd with a shining veil

          Utterly frail

As the strange web of dainty thoughts she wove,

          Somewhat like love.

She heard, and great Apollo: neither stayed

          Hades, nor stretched to aid

A pitying hand. O pitiful! O grief

          Baffling belief!

The gentle child—the cruel god—Ah me!


Thus of thy grace, thy sorrow, thy young way

          Torn from the day

Of all thy memory of soft shining flowers

          And happy-hearted hours,

Mayst thou be very pitiful to me

          Who aye have pitied thee,




Ah me! I feel a stirring in my blood.

Pours through my veins a delicate pale flood

Of memory. Not the pale and terrible

Goddess whose throne is manifest in Hell

—I am again a child, a playful child.



And therefore, O most beautiful and mild

Sweet mother! art the girl beloved again

Of Hades mighty on the Nysian plain.

And therefore are thine eyes with sorrow dim

For me, and thy word powerful with Him.



     Ah me! no fruit for guerdon,

     Who bore the blossom’s burden;

There shines no sunlight toward Persephone.

     Ravished, O iron-eyed!

     From my young sisters’ side,

Torn and dragged down below the sundered sea,

     No joy is mine in all thy bed,

     And all thy sorrow shaken on my head.


     Cursed above gods be thou

     Whose blind unruffled brow

Rules the grim place of unsubstantial things!

     Hated, to me thy face

     Turns not the glance of grace.

I rule unloved above the infernal kings,

     And only thee in all deep Hell

     I charm in vain, despair my royal spell.


     By might of famine long

     And supplication strong

Demeter won the swift Hermetic word:

     In bitter days of eld

     Thus by great force compelled

The glad earth saw me, careless of my lord,

     Rise to her crystal streams and sapphire seas,

     And Theseus thus owed life to Heracles.


     Thou mockest me with power;

     Thy sceptre’s awful dower

Avails me nothing. Shall a mortal bring

     Such pity wrapped in song

     And Echo’s choral throng

Of all things live and dead to hear me sing;—

     And I by pity moved and love

     Have not thy voice to grant him grace thereof?


     Inexorable Lord!

     Accursèd and abhorred

Of men, begin in Hell to show thy grace!

     Not to a man’s weak life,

     Not to thy shuddering wife,

But to the queen’s unfathomable face

     Dread beyond sorcery and prayer,

     And fearful even because it is so fair!


     Yea, from the ghastly throne

     Unchallenged and unknown

Let the fierce accents roll athwart the skies!

     My voice is given, my power

     Fares forth to save the flower

Broken but plucked not by these fingers wise.

     I love the song—be thou not mute,

     But turn a lucky lot towards the suit!




     In vain, O thou veiled

          Immutable queen!

     Thy strong voice bewailed,

          Thy fair face was seen!

     It flushed up and paled;

          The song echoed clean—

But alas! for the veil of the night and the fear that is ever between!


     Of pity unfilled

          And void of remorse,

     He moves unappealed

          In the terrible course.

     But the lyre is unchilled:—

          By force unto force

He shall answer me power unto power at the source of its source!


     Dost thou hear how the weight

          Of the earth and the moon

     Shudder, as if fate

          Were involved in the tune?

     The portals of hate

          Shake at the rune

Of the magical nature-cry, the song from the mountains hewn!


     To the horrible hollow

          In Tartarus steep,

     O song of me, follow!

          I flee to the deep.

     That word of Apollo

          Shall shudder and leap;

That word in the uttermost night shall awake them who know not of sleep.


     Hear, O ye Three,

          In the innermost pit

     Dwellers that be!

          Tartarus, split!

     Arise unto me

          For I call ye with wit

Of the words that constrain and compel, of the summons ordered and fit!


     O daughter of Earth,

          Tisiphone dread,

     The ophidian girth,

          And the blood-dripping head,

     In hideous mirth

          Bring living and dead

To torture! Arise! I conjure by the might of the words I have said.


     Megæra, thou terror,

          O daughter of Night

     Whose sight in a mirror

          Is death of affright,

     Wingèd with error,

          I chain thee, and cite

The words that thy soul must obey if a mortal but say them aright!


     Alecto! I call thee,

          My words ring thee round.

     My spells enwall thee.

          My lyre is crowned

     With might to appal thee

          With terror profound.

Arise! O Alecto, arise! for my song hath compelled thee and bound.


     Ye furies of Hell!

          Ye terrors in Heaven!

     The strength of the spell

          Is as thunder at even

     The rocks of the fell

          That hath blasted and riven

Come forth! I invoke ye, Erinyes, the charm of the One that is seven.


     By the Five that are One,

          And the One that is Ten;

     By the snake in the sun

          And her mirror in men;

     By the Four that run

          And return them again;

By the fire that is lit in the Lion, the wave in the Scorpion den!


     By the One that is Seven,

          The whirling eyes;

     The Two made Eleven,

          The dragon’s devise;

     The Eight against Heaven,

          All crowns of lies;

Come forth! I invoke ye, Erinyes, move, answer, take shapes and arise!


     By the cross and the wheel

          I call ye to hear;

     By the dagger of steel

          I command ye, give ear!

     By the word that ye feel,

          The summons of Fear;

Come forth! I invoke ye, Erinyes, move, answer, arise and appear!


     For my purpose is swift,

          And my vengeance strong;

     I shall not shift;

          I shall cry the wrong.

     My voice I uplift

          In terrible song

As your forms take shape before me in the likeness for which ye long.


     The shape of my passion

          And bitter distress

     Shall clothe ye, and fashion

          An equal dress.

     Ye shall force compassion

          With awful stress

From the soul that hath mocked me, and turned his heart from my song’s excess.


     The ruler of Hell,

          The invisible Lord,

     Hath laughed at my spell,

          Hath slept at my word.

     He hath heard me well—

          Awake, O Sword!

Shall he flout a suppliant thus and no answer of favour accord?


     If mercy be sundered

          From splendour and power;

     If he answer with thunder

          The plaint of a flower;

     Shall justice wonder

          If Furies devour

So bitter a heart, set a term to his date that was aye but an hour?


     Avenge me, ye forces

          Of horror and wrath!

     Clear the dread courses!

          Split open the path!

     With cruel remorse is

          His heart brought to scath.

And a terror is on him at last, the seed of his hate’s aftermath.



Ha! who invokes? What horror rages

     Here, to compel our murderous hands to smite?



What mortal summons? Who his battle wages

     So strongly as to call the seed of Night?



Ha! The grim tyrant of despair engages

     Our deadly anguish with his useless might.



Detested fiends! avaunt!



               He speaks!



                    He thunders!



His lightnings split the living rock.



                         Hell sunders

The livid walls and iron-bound prisons of death.



Thus! to your towers and wail!



                         He speaks!



                              His breath

Is cold as ours.



          Depart! Due silence keep,

Lest I enchain ye in a fouler deep

Than aught your horror pictures!



                         Dost thou hear,




          Sweet sister!



                    Dost thou think we fear

Who are all fear? or feel, who are but pain?



Creep round his heart, and cluster in his brain,

Ye serpents of my hair!



          His blood shall drip

For sweet warm juice on my decaying lip.



My fearful wings enfold him!



                    My foul eyes

Hold his in terror!



                         All my agonies

Crawl in his vitals!



                         He is mine, mine, mine!

Pour forth of Thebes’ abominable wine!

Mine, O thou god, detested and adored!



Mine! he is mine! my lover and my lord!



Mine! I am in his shape!



                         Despair! Dispute

Never my passion!



                         Sisters! Be ye mute!

I am the livid agony that starts

Damp on his brow; the horror in his heart’s

Envenomed arteries! and I the fear,

The torment, and the hate!



                         Be of good cheer!

Rend him apart! Hunger and lust we sate,

Equal in terror on that heart of hate.



Hell’s throne be kingless!



                         Mortal! is it well,

Our vengeance on the impious lord of Hell?



Well! it is well! And yet my eyes are wet

To see such anguish.



                         Tear the fatal net!



Bite with strong acid his congealing blood!



Rend out the bowels!



                         Pour the monstrous flood

Of unclean wisdom in his soul!






O face of woman wretched and unkissed,

What hast thou here to do with us?



                         Be quiet!



Quench not the fire of murder!



                         Loose the riot

Of worms beneath the skull!



                    Tear wide apart

The jaws!



               Force fear against the inmost heart!



Mercy! I plead, sweet sisters!



                         And I plead

Vengeance, and help in my extremest need

Pile up the torture! Had he not the power,

And silence mocked me?



                         Urge us hour by hour,

Thou couldst not add one particle of pain.



He speaks not! Bid his torture speak again!



Speak, murderer!



                    Hades! answer us!




These torments from thy being, us from Hell,

Or Zeus from Heaven!



                         Or else obey!









          O throne of hell! O night! O day

Of anguish exquisite beyond control,

Fibre and substance of my inmost soul!

There is a power not mine, and yet in me

Burning its cold and cruel agony

With icy flames, its cutting poison fangs

Striking my being with detested pangs.

Alas! of me and not to be expelled,

Conjured, assuaged, averted. Grey as eld

The juice of blood that stagnates in my veins,

Appals their current with avenging pains:—

O pain! O pitiful and hateful sense

Of agony and grief and impotence!

O misery of the day when Orpheus bore

First his loud lyre across the Stygian shore!

Hath Hell no warders? Is the threefold gate

Brazen in vain against the foot of Fate?

Now is but little choice—abase my pride,

Or sink for ever to the gloomy tide

Of fire beneath the utmost reach and span

Of Stygian deeps and walls Tartarean.

Yet I abide.



                    Fall! Fall!



                                   Descend the abyss!



Link the lewd fiend with your incestuous kiss!






               O hither!



                         Steams a newer shape

Of threefold terror.



                         Shall the god escape

The monstrous wedlock?



                         Let him turn again

His horrid passion to the Nysian plain!






               Mother of the Sphinx and snake

Of Colchus, and the marsh-beast of the lake

Lernean, of Chimæra and Hell’s hound—









                         Awake from the profound!



Here is a worthy partner unto thee

To wake thy womb with monstrous progeny

Yet more detested and detestable

Than all the shapeless brood of hate and Hell.



Ha! rose-lipped lover! Welcome to this bed!



She plays with words of love!



                         Her black eyes shed

Disease for tears.



                         Her fangs and lips are red

With gouts of putrid blood.



                         Her guile employs

The sweet soft shape of words of upper joys

More bitterly to rack his soul.



                         Ha, sister,

The embrace!



          She conquers.



               He hath moved.



                         He hath kissed her!



Ha! the worse hate of hate in love’s white dress.



And lewdness tricked to look like loveliness.



Uttermost pain in pleasure’s hour supreme.



Hate’s nightmare waking love’s unreal dream.



Claws, teeth, and poison!



                         How she plies her pest!



Strangling she holds him.



                         In the inmost breast

Her hands defile him.



                         In his rotting brain

Her teeth, her breath, pass all imagined pain.






               We conquer!



                         Have we power?



                                   The king

Endures, and is not moved at anything.



He will not now relent.



                         He’s ours for ever!



Ai! Ai!









                         Now he yields—or never!



Release! Relent!



               Fair lover, let my embrace

Still gladden thee to rapture! let my face

Be like a garden of fresh flowers to cull,

And all thy being and thy body full

As mine of gentle love—then sink to sleep!



Ha! Ha! She mocks him! In the utter deep,

Her house of evil, sleep is stranger there.



She sings!



     The final misery! Beware!



     O tender lover!

      My wings still cover

          Thy face, and my lips

     Are on thine, and my tresses

     Like Zephyr’s caresses

          When the twilight dips.



This passes all. Relent. Release! Depart!

I yield: my power is broken, and my heart

Riven, and all my pride ruined, and me

Compelled to earth to loose Eurydice.






     Baffled! O misery! Bethink,

Proud Hades, ere thy torture gar thee drink

Humiliation’s utmost dregs!



                              I spake.

Depart ye! lest my power regained awake,

And smite ye with a terror more than ye.



We are borne on bitter winds.



                              We sink.



                                   We flee!



To the abyss!






                         Nor hope in vain

The ill-hearted one shall feel our fangs again.



Murder and violation, deafened ear

To suppliants, these our friends are.



                         Hate and fear

Leave not for long that bosom.



                         Now away!

Back from this night more splendid than our day!



We may not drag him down this chance.




Not, O my sisters!



                    The next suppliant’s prayer




               Come, my sisters, we’ll be there.



Well, be it so. O wizard, by this strength

Thou hast availed in deepest Hell at length.

I grant thy prayer. Eurydice be given

To the sweet light and pleasant air of heaven!

Even on this wise. With Hermes for a guide

Up the dread steeps there followeth thee thy bride,

And thou before them singing. If thou yearn

Towards her, if thy purpose change or turn

While in these realms; if thou thy face revert;

That shall be hostage unto me for hurt

Of further magic: she shall fade and flee

A phantom frail throughout Eternity,

Driven on my winds, adrift upon my seas!

These are thy favours, and thy duties these.

Invoke thou Hermes, and thy lyre restring!



This I accept and this shall be, O king!


[Invoking Hermes]


O Light in light! O flashing wings of fire!

     The swiftest of the moments of the sea

          Is unto thee

     Even as some slow-foot Eternity

With limbs that drag and wheels that tire.

O subtle-minded flame of amber gyre,

     It seems a spark of gold

     Grown purple, and behold!

          A flame of gray!

     Then the dark night-wings glow

     With iridescent indigo,

          Shot with some violet ray;

And all the vision flame across the horizon

     The millionth of no time—and when we say:

          Hail!—Thou art gone!


The moon is dark beside thy crown; the Sun

     Seems a pale image of thy body bare;

     And for thine hair

     Flash comets lustrous with the dewfall rare

Of tears of that most memorable One,

The radiant Queen, the veilèd Paphian.

     The wings of light divine

     Beneath thy body shine;

          The invisible

     Rayed with some tangible flame,

     Seeking to formulate a name,

          A citadel;

And the winged heels are fiery with enormous speed,

     One spurning heaven; the other trampling hell;

          And thou—recede!


O Hermes! Messenger of inmost thought!

     Descent! Abide! Swift coursing in my veins

     Shoot dazzling pains,

The word of Selfhood integrate of Nought,

The Ineffable Amen! the Wonder wrought.

     Bring death if life exceed!

     Bid thy pale Hermit bleed,

          Yet Life exude;

     And wisdom and the Word of Him

Drench the mute mind grown dim

     With quietude!

Fix thy sharp lightnings in my night! My spirit free!

     Mix with my breath and life and name thy mood

          And self of Thee.


[Hermes appears: Orpheus departs.


The magical task and the labour is ended;

     The toils are unwoven, the battle is done;

My lover comes back to my arms, to the splendid

     Abyss of the air and abode of the sun.

The sword be assuaged, and the bow be unbended!

     The labour is past, and the victory won.


The arrows of song through Hell cease to hurtle.

     Away to the passionate gardens of Greece,

Where the thrush is awake, and the voice of the turtle

     Is soft in the amorous places of peace,

And the tamarisk groves and the olive and myrtle

     Stir ever with love and content and release.


O bountiful bowers and O beautiful gardens!

     O isles in the azure Ionian deep!

Ere ripens the sun, ere the spring-wind hardens

     Your fruits once again ye shall have me to keep.

The sleep-god laments, and the love goddess pardons,

     When love at the last sinks unweary to sleep.


The green-hearted hours shall burst into flowers.

     The winds shall waft roses from uttermost Ind.

Our nuptial dowers shall be birds in our bowers,

     Our couches the delicate heaps of the wind,

Where the lily-bloom showers all its light, and the powers

     Of earth in our twinning are wedded and twinned.


So singing I make reverence and retire;

Not with high words of worship fairly flung

To that sad monarch from the magic lyre,


And half the triumphs in my heart unsung,

Surpassing, as such triumphs must, all praise

Of golden strings and human-fashioned tongue.


But now I follow the uprising ways

By secret paths indubitably drawn

Straight from the centre of the trackless maze


To light of earth and beauty of the dawn,

A sure swift passage taught of wit divine

To the wide ocean, the Achæan lawn.


For, wit ye well, not easy is that shrine

Of access to the mortal, as some tell,

Not knowing,: easy and exact the line


Of light to upper air: but awful spell

And dire demand the inward journey needs:

That is the labour, that the work: for Hell


Is not designed for men’s aspiring deeds.

The air is fatal, and the fear unspanned,

Even ere the traveller fronts the Stygian meads


And utmost edge of the detested land.

Wherefore already doth the light appear

Shaped in the image of a little hand


Far up the rocky cavern: warm and clear

The good air sends its fragrance: glory then

To the great work accomplished even here,


Promise and purpose unto little men

Bound in life’s limits: death indeed I sever

By will’s efficiency and speechless ken


Of power not God’s but man’s. Forget this never,

O mortals chained in life’s detested den!

I leave this heritage to you for ever.


     O light of Apollo!

          O joy of the sky!

     We see thee, we follow,

          We draw to thee nigh.

     We see thee unclouded,

          Whose hearts have been thinned,

     Whose souls have been shrouded,

          Whose ears are bedinned,

     By hell’s clamour. How did

          The strength that has sinned

     Avail in the crowded

          Abodes of the wind?


     By lightning of rapture

          The soul of my song

     My love doth recapture;

          Lead up to the long

     Years in blithe measure

          Of summer and ease;

     Linger at leisure

          For passion and peace.

     Sadness and pleasure

          Relent and release:—

     A torrent, a treasure,

          A garden of Greece!


     Selene, our sister,

          Our lover and friend,

     Thy light hath long missed her:

          That hour hath an end.

     All æons to squander

          We chance at our will:

     We may woo, work or wander

          Through time to our fill,

     Hither or yonder

          By fountain or hill,

     Each day growing fonder,

          Each night growing still!


     Bright Hermes behind me


     Guides: shall he blind me?

          My spirit be charmed?

     The song shall not swerve her,

          Its glory shall shed

     Respite, deserve her

          From gulfs of the dead.

     Ah me! let it nerve her

          These conduits to tread

     That lead to the fervour

          Of earth overhead!


     Fire, thou dear splendour

          Of uppermost space,

     Turn to me tender

          Thine emerald face!

     Thy rubies be blended

          With diamond light!

     Thy sapphires be splendid,

          Extended to sight!

     The portals be rended

          That govern the night,

     And the guardians bended

          To magical might!


     O air of the glorious

          Garb of the globe,

     Don thy victorious

          Glittering robe!

     The sun is before us;

          The moon is above.

     Rise and adore us

          Ye dwellers thereof!

     The Muses restore us

          To Greece: as we move

     Swell the wild chorus

          Of welcome and love!


     Alas! that ever the dark place

     Should from its rocky base

Give up no echo of the god’s strong stride,

     And no one whisper steal and thrill

     My heart, dissolve the ill

That gathers close and fears me for my bride.


     I were no worse if I were blind.

     I may not look behind

To catch one glimpse of the dear face that follows,

     Lest I should gain forbidden lore

     And wisdom’s dangerous store

Of the black secrets of those heights and hollows.


     Alas! the way is over long,

     And weary of my song

I sing who yearn to catch my love, and hold

     In such ten-thousandfold caress

     As shall annul distress,

And from the iron hours bring the years of gold.


     Alas! my soul is filled with fear,

     Is the hard conquest here?

Where is Eurydice? The god hath faded

     Back to invisible abodes

     And on these rocky roads

Comes no deep perfume of her hair light-braided.


     Alas! I listen; and no breath

     Assures the walls of death

That life remembers, that their hate is quelled.

     My ears, my scent avail me nought;

     My slavish eyes are brought

By the command wherewith I am compelled.


     Alas! my heart sinks momently.

     Fear steals and misery.

From faith in faith of Hell my thoughts dissever.

     Yet, O my heart! abide, endure!

     Seek not by sight to assure,

Or she is lost to thee and lost for ever!


     Now breathes the night-air o’er the deep,

     And limb-dissolving sleep

Laps my own country, and the maiden moon

     Gleams silver barley from the sea,

     And binds it royally

Into a sheaf that waves to the wind’s tune.


     The rocky portals rise above.

     Here I may clasp my love,

Here Hermes shall deliver. Ah! how shook

     Yon cliff at the wind’s ardent kiss!

     This is the hour of bliss—

The sea! The sea! Eurydice! Look, Look!


     Ai! but like wind-whirled flowers of frost

     The flying form is lost!

Cancelled and empty of Eurydice

     The black paths where she trod!

     Ai! Ai! My God! My God!

Apollo, why hast thou forsaken me?


















Lysander (reads).

    “The riot of the tipsy Bacchanals

     Tearing the Thracian singer in their rage.”




That is an old device.

—Midsummer Night’s Dream.



What could the Muse herself that Orpheus bore

     The Muse herself, for her enchanting son

     Whom universal Nature did lament

When by the rout that made the hideous roar

     His gory body down the stream was sent

Down the swift Hebrus to the Lesbian shore?




A brighter Hellas rears its mountains

     From waves serener far;

A new Peneus rolls his fountains

     Against the morning star.

Where fairer Tempes bloom, there sleep

Young Cyclads on a sunnier deep.


       ●       ●       ●       ●       ●       ●



     Another Orpheus sings again

     And loves, and weeps, and dies.






Mount Ida: The Company of Mænads



Evoe! Evoe Ho! Iacche! Iacche!


Hail, O Dionysys! Hail!

     Wingèd son of Semele!

Hail, O Hail! The stars are pale.

Hidden the moonlight in the vale;

     Hidden the sunlight in the sea.


Blessed is her happy lot

     Who beholdeth God; who moves

Mighty-souled without a spot,

Mingling in the godly rout

     Of the many mystic loves.


Holy maidens, duly weave

     Dances for the mighty mother!

Bacchanal to Bacchus cleave!

Wave his narthex wand, and leave

     Earthy joys to earth to smother!


Io! Evoe! Sisters, mingle

     In the choir, the dance, the revel!

He divine, the Spirit single,

He in every vein shall tingle.

     Sense and sorrow to the devil!


Mingle in the laughing measure,

     Hand and lip to breast and thigh!

In enthusiastic pleasure

Grasp the solitary treasure!

     Laughs the untiring ecstasy!


Sisters! Sisters! Raise your voices

     In the inspired divine delight!

Now the sun sets; now the choice is

Who rebels or who rejoices,

     Murmuring to the mystic night.


Io! Evoe! Circle splendid!

     Dance, ye maids serene and subtle!

Clotho’s task is fairly ended.

Atropos, thy power is rended!

     Ho, Lachesis! ply thy shuttle!


Weave the human dance together

     With the life of rocks and trees!

Let the blue delirious weather

Bind all spirits in one tether,

     Overwhelming ecstasies!


Io Evoe! I faint, I fall,

     Swoon in purple light; the grape

Drowns my spirit in its thrall.

Love me, love me over all,

     Spirit in the spirit shape!


All is one! I murmur. Distant

     Sounds the shout, Evoe, Evoe!

Evoe, Iacche! Soft, insistent

Like to echo’s voice persistent:—

     Hail! Agave! Autonoe!



Evoe Ho! Iacche! Hail, O Hail!

Praise him! What dreams are these?



                    Sisters, O sisters!



Say, are our brethren of the rocks awake?



The lion roars.



                    O listen to the snake!



Evoe Ho! Give me to drink!



                         Run wild!

Mountain and mountain let us leap upon

Like tigers on their prey!



                         Crush, crush the world!



Tread earth as ’twere a winepress!



                         Drink its blood,

The sweet red wine!



                         Ay, drink the old earth dry!



Squeeze the last drops out till the frame collapse

Like an old wineskin!



                         So the sooner sup

Among the stars!



                              The swift, swift stars!



                    O night!

Night, night, fall deep and sure!



                    Fall soft and sweet!



Moaning for love the woods lie.



                    Sad the land

Lies thirsty for our kisses.



                    All wild things

Yearn towards the kiss that ends in blood.



                    Blood! Blood!

Bring wine! Ha! Bromius, Bromius!



                    O sweet God,

Come forth and lie with us!



                    We, maidens now

And then and ever afterwards!



                    Chaste, chaste!

Our madness hath no touch of bitterness,

No taste of foulness in the morning mouth.



O mouth of ripe red sunny grapes! God! God!

Evoe! Dwell! Abide!



                    I feel the wings

Of love, of mystery; they waft soft streams

Of night air to my heated breast and brow.



He comes! He comes!



                    Silence, O girls, and peace!

The God’s most holy presence asks the hymn,

The solemn hymn, the hymn of agony,

Lest in the air of glory that surrounds

The child of Semelé we lose the earth

And corporal presence of the Zeus-begot.



Yea, sisters, raise the chant of riot! Lift

Your wine-sweet voices, move your wine-stained limbs

In joyful invocation!



                    Ay, we sing.


     Hail, child of Semelé!

     To her as unto thee

Be reverence, be deity, be immortality!


     Shame! treachery of the spouse

     Of the Olympian house,

Hera! thy grim device against the sweet carouse!


     Lo! in red roar and flame

     Did Zeus descend! What claim

To feel the immortal fire had then the Theban dame!


     Caught in that fiery wave

     Her love and life she gave

With one last kissing cry the unborn child to save.


     And thou, O Zeus, the sire

     Of Bromius—hunger dire!—

Didst snatch the unborn babe from that Olympian fire:


     In thine own thigh most holy

     That offspring melancholy

Didst hide, didst feed, on light, ambrosia, and moly.


     Ay! and with serpent hair

     And limbs divinely fair

Didst thou, Dionysus, leap forth to the nectar air!


     Ay! thus the dreams of fate

     We dare commemorate,

Twining in lovesome curls the spoil of mate and mate.


     O Dionysus, hear!

     Be close, be quick, be near,

Whispering enchanted words in every curving ear!


     O Dionysys, start

     As the Apollonian dart!

Bury thy hornèd head in every bleeding heart!



     He is here! He is here!



     Tigers, appear!



     To the clap of my hand

     And the whish of my wand,




          I have found

     A chariot crowned

     With ivy and vine,

     And the laurel divine,

     And the clustering smell

     Of the sage asphodel,

     And the Dædal flower

     Of the Cretan bower;

     Dittany’s force,

     And larkspur’s love,

     And blossoms of gorse

     Around and above.



     The tiger and panther

     Are here at my cry.

     Ho, girls! Span there

     Their sides!



                   Here am I!

     And I! We are ready.



     Strong now and steady!


First Mænad

     The tiger is harnessed.


Second Mænad

     The nightingale urges

     Our toil from her far nest.


Third Mænad

     Ionian surges

     Roar back to our chant.


Fourth Mænad

     Aha! for the taunt

     Of Theban sages

     Is lost, lost, lost!

     The wine that enrages

     Our life is enforced.

     We dare them and daunt.



     The spirits that haunt

     The rocks and the river,

     The moors and the woods,

     The fields and the floods,

     Are with us for ever!



     Are of us for ever.

     Evoe! Evoe!



     Agave! He cometh!



     Cry ho! Autonoe!



Ho! Ho! Evoe Ho! Iacche! Evoe! Evoe!


     The white air hummeth

     With force of the spirit.

     We are heirs: we inherit.

     Our joys are as theirs;

     Weave with you prayers

     The joys of a kiss!

     Ho! for the bliss

     Of the cup and the rod.

          He cometh! O lover!

     O friend and O God,

          Cover us, cover

          Our faces, and hover

     Above us, within us!

          Daintily shod,

          Daintily robed,

     His witcheries spin us

     A web of desire.

     Subtle as fire

     He cometh among us.

          The whole sky globed

               Is on fire with delight,

     Delight that hath stung us,

          The passion of night.

     Night be our mistress!

     That tress and this tress

     Weave with thy wind

     Into curls deep-vined!

          Passionate bliss!

     Rapture on rapture!

     Our hymns recapture

          The Bromian kiss.

     Blessèd our souls!

          Blessèd this even!

     We reach to the goals

          Of the starriest heaven.

     Daphnis, and Atthis, and Chrysis, and Chloe,

     Mingle, O maidens! Evoe! Evoe!



I bring ye wine from above,

     From the vats of the storied sun;

For every one of ye love,

     And life for every one.

Ye shall dance on hill and level;

     Ye shall sing in hollow and height

In the festal mystical revel,

     The rapturous Bacchanal rite!

The rocks and trees are yours,

     And the waters under the hill,

By the might of that which endures,

     The holy heaven of will!

I kindle a flame like a torrent

     To rush from star to star;

Your hair as a comet’s horrent,

     Ye shall see things as they are!

I lift the mask of matter;

     I open the heart of man;

For I am of force to shatter

     The cast that hideth—Pan!

Your loves shall lap up slaughter,

     And dabbled with roses of blood

Each desperate darling daughter

     Shall swim in the fervid flood.

I bring ye laughter and tears,

     The kisses that foam and bleed,

The joys of a million years,

     The flowers that bear no seed.

My life is bitter and sterile,

     Its flame is a wandering star.

Ye shall pass in pleasure and peril

     Across the mystical bar

That is set for wrath and weeping

     Against the children of earth;

But ye in singing and sleeping

     Shall pass in measure and mirth!

I lift my wand and wave you

     Through hill to hill of delight:

My rosy rivers lave you

     In innermost lustral light

I lead you, lord of the maze,

     In the darkness free of the sun;

In spite of the spite that is day’s

     We are wed, we are wild, we are one!


First Mænad

O sweet soul of the waters! Chase me not!

What would’st thou!


A Voice as of the Running Brooks



First Mænad

                         Love, love, I give, I give.

I yield, I pant, I fall upon thy breast,

O sacred soul of water. Kiss, ah kiss,

With gentle waves like lips my breast, my two small breasts,

Rose flames on ivory seas!


Second Mænad

                    Nay! Nay! O soul

Of ivy, clingst thou so for love?


A Voice as of the Rustling of Ivy

                                   For love.


Second Mænad

Cling not so close! O no! cling closer then!

Let thy green coolness twine about my limbs

And still the raving blood: or closer yet,

And link about my neck, and kill me so!


Third Mænad

Soul of the rock! Dost love me?


A Voice as of Falling Rockg

               I love thee.


Third Mænad

                                   Woo me then!

Let all the sharp hard spikes of crystal dart,

Press hard upon my body! O, I fall,

Fall from thy crags, still clinging, clinging so,

Into the dark. Oblivion!


A Distant Voice

                         Io Evoe!


                                                  [Orpheus enters.


Crowd of Mænads

Evoe! Evoe! It is a lion!


Fourth Mænad


O lion, dost thou love me?


Fifth Mænad

                    Thee I love,

O tawny king of these deep glades!


Sixth Mænad

                    What wood

Were worthy for thy dwelling?



                    Come, come, come,

O lion, and revel in our band!




I sorrow, seeing ye rejoice.


First Mænad

                         O lion!

That is not kind.



          Too kind. Since all is sorrow,

Sorrow implicit in the purest joy,

Sorrow the cause of sorrow; evil still

Fertile, and sterile love and righteousness.

Eurydice, Eurydice!


Second Mænad

                    Drink wine!



Ay, mask the grisly head of things that are

By drowning sense. Such horror as is hid

In life no man dare look upon. Woe! Woe!



Call then reproach upon these maiden rites!



Nay! virtue is the devil’s name for vice,

And all your righteousness is filthy rags

Wherein ye strut, and hide the one base thought.

To mask the truth, to worship, to forget;

These three are one.



                    What art thou then? a man?



No more.



               No longer?






                              What then here

Dost thou amid these sacred woods?



                                        I weep.



Weep then red wine!



                    Or we will draw thy tears,

Red tears of blood.



                    On, girls! this bitter fool

Would stop our revel!



                         Nay! ye bid me cease




          Then listen! drink this deep full cup,

Or here we tear thee limb from limb!



                              Do so!

Ay, me! I am Orpheus, poor lost fool of Fate,

Orpheus, can charm the wildest to my lyre.

Beasts, rocks, obey—ah, Hades, didst thou mock,

Alone of all, my songs? Thee I praise not.

Audacious woman!



                         Tear the fool in shreds!

Then to the dance!



                    The old Egyptian spell!

Stir, then, poor children, if ye can! Ah me!


Unity uttermost showed,

     I adore the might of thy breath,

Supreme and terrible God

     Who makest the Gods and death

          To tremble before thee:—

          I, I adore thee!


O Hawk of gold with power enwalled,

Whose face is like an emerald;

Whose crown is indigo as night;

     Smaragdine snakes about thy brow

Twine, and the disc of flaming light

     Is on thee, seated in the prow


Of the Sun’s bark, enthroned above

With lapis-lazuli for love

     And ruby for enormous force

Chosen to seat thee, thee girt round

With leopard’s pell, and golden sound

     Of planets choral in their course!

O thou self-formulated sire!

Self-master of thy dam’s desire!

Thine eyes blaze forth with fiery light;

     Thine heart a secret sun of flame!

I adore the insuperable might:

     I bow before the unspoken Name.


For I am Yesterday, and I

     To-day, and I to-morrow, born

Now and again, on high, on high

     Travelling on Dian’s naked horn!

I am the Soul that doth create

     The Gods, and all the Kin of Breath.

I come from the sequestered state;

     My birth is from the House of Death.


Hail! ye twin hawks high pinnacled

     That watch upon the universe!

Ye that the bier of God beheld!

     That bore it onwards, ministers

Of peace within the House of Wrath,

Servants of him that cometh forth

At dawn with many-coloured lights

     Mounting from underneath the North,

The shrine of the celestial Heights!


He is in me, and I in Him!

     Mine is the crystal radiance

That filleth æther to the brim

     Wherein all stars and suns may dance.

I am the beautiful and glad,

     Rejoicing in the golden day.

I am the spirit silken-clad

     That fareth on the fiery way.

I have escaped from Him, whose eyes

Are close at eventide, and wise

To drag thee to the House of Wrong:—

I am armed! I am armed! I am strong! I am strong!

I make my way: opposing horns

     Of secret foemen push their lust

In vain: my song their fury scorns;

     They sink, they grovel in the dust.


Hail, self-created Lord of Night!

Inscrutable and infinite!

     Let Orpheus journey forth to see

     The Disk in peace and victory!

Let him adore the splendid sight,

     The radiance of the Heaven of Nu;

Soar like a bird, laved by the light,

     To pierce the far eternal blue!


Hail! Hermes! thou the wands of ill

     Hast touched with strength, and they are shivered!

The way is open unto will!

     The pregnant Goddess is delivered!


Happy, yea, happy! happy is he

     That hath looked forth upon the Bier

          That goeth to the House of Rest!

His heart is lit with melody;

     Peace in his house is master of fear;

          His holy Name is in the West

When the sun sinks, and royal rays

Of moonrise flash across the day’s!


I have risen! I have risen! as a mighty hawk of gold!

From the golden egg I gather, and my wings the world enfold.

I alight in mighty splendour from the thronèd boats of light;

Companies of Spirits follow me; adore the Lords of Night.

Yea, with gladness did they pæan, bowing low before my car,

In my ears their homage echoed from the sunrise to the star.

I have risen! I am gathered as a lovely hawk of gold,

I the first-born of the Mother in her ecstasy of old.

Lo! I come to face the dweller in the sacred snake of Khem;

Come to face the Babe and Lion, come to measure force with them!

Ah! these locks flow down, a river, as the earth’s before the Sun,

As the earth’s before the sunset, and the God and I are One.

I who entered in a Fool, gain the God by clean endeavour;

I am shaped as men and women, fair for ever and for ever.


               (The Mænads stand silent and quiet.)



Worship with due rite, orderly attire,

The makers of the world, the floating souls

Whence fell these crystals we call earth. Praise Might

The Limitless; praise Pallas, by whose Wisdom

The One became divided. Praise ye Him,

Chronos, from whom, the third, is form perceived.

Praise ye Poseidon, his productive power,

And Juno, secret nature of all things,

On which all things are builded: praise ye Love,

Idalian Aphrodite, strong as fair,

Strong not to loosen Godhead’s crown by deed

To blind eyes not a God’s: and praise pure Life,

Apollo in his splendour, whom I praise

Most, being his, and this song his, and his

All my desire and all my life, and all

My love, albeit he hath forsaken me.

These are One God in many: praise ye Him!



We praise indeed who made the choral world

And stars the greatest, and all these the least

Flowers at our feet: but also we may praise

This Dionysus, lord of life and joy,

In whom we may perceive a subtle world

Hidden behind this masquerade of things.

O sisters, hither, thither!



                         All deceit.

Delusive as this world of shadows is,

That subtler world is more delusive yet,

Involving deeper and still deeper: thought,

Desire of life, in that warm atmosphere

Spring up and blossom new, rank poisonous flowers,

The enemies of peace. Nay! matter’s all,

And all is sorrow. Therefore not to be,

Not to think, love, know, contemplate, exist;

This Not is the one hope.



                         Believe it not!

Here is true joy—the woodland revellings,

The smile, the kiss, the laughter leaping up,

And music inward, musings multiform,

Manifold, multitudinous, involved

Each in the deep bliss of the other’s love;—

Ay me! my sisters. Thither!



                         Wake the dance!



Pour luscious wine, cool, sweet, strong wine! Bring life,

Life overflowing from the cup!



                         Hush! Hush!

I hymn the eternal matter, absolute,

Divided, chaos, formless frame of force,

Wheels of the luminous reach of space that men

Know by the name of Pan.



                         Hail! Hail!

Pan! Son of Hermes! God of Arcady

And all wild woodlands!



                         Neither Son, nor Sire,

Nor God: but he is all: all else in him

Is hidden: he the secret and the self

Shrined central in this orb of eyeless Fate,

Phantom, elusive, permanent. In all,

In spirit and in matter immanent,

He also is the all, and all is ill.

Three forms and functions hath the soul; the sea

Murmurs their names repeating: Maris call

The soul as it engendereth things below;

Neptune the soul that contemplateth things

Above; and Ocean as itself retracts

Itself into itself: choose ye of these!

But I hymn Pan. Awake, O lyre, awake!

As if it were for the last time, awake!

                                                       [He sings.


In the spring, in the loud lost places.

     In the groves of Arcadian green,

There are sounds and shadowy faces

     And strange things dimly seen.

Though the face of the springtide as grace is,

     The sown and the woodland demesne

Have a soul caught up in their spaces,

     Unkenned, and unclean!


It takes up the cry of the wind.

Its eyes with weeping are blind.

A strong hate whirls it behind

     As it flees for ever.

Mad, with the tokens of Fear;

Branded, and sad, without cheer;

Year after ghastly year,

     And it endeth never.


And this is the mystical stranger,

     The subtle Arcadian God

That lurks as for sorrow and danger,

     Yet rules all the earth with his rod.

Abiding in spirit and sense

     Through the manifold changes of man,

This soul is alone and intense

     And one—He is Pan.


More subtle than mass as ye deem it

     He abides in the strife that is dust.

Than spirit more keen as ye dream it,

     He is laughter and loathing and lust.

He is all. Nature’s agonies scream it;

     Her joys quire it clear; in the must

Of the vat is His shape in the steam. It

     Is Fear, and Disgust.


For the spirit of all that is,

The light in the lover’s kiss,

The shame and sorrow and bliss;

     They are all in Pan;

The inmost wheel of the wheels,

The feeling of all that feels,

The God and the knee that kneels,

     And the foolish man.


For Pan is the world above

     And the world that is hidden beneath;

He grins from the mask of love;

     His sword has a jewelled sheath.

What boots it a maiden to gird her?

     Her rape ere the æons began

Was sure; in one roar of red murder

     She breaks: He is Pan.


He is strong to achieve, to forsake her;

     He is death as it clings to desire,

Ah, woe to the Earth! If he wake her,

     Air, water and spirit and fire

Rush in to uproot her and break her:—

     Yet he is the broken; the pyre,

And the flame and the victim; the maker,

     And master and sire!


And all that is, is force.

A fatal and witless course

It follows without remorse

          With never an aim.

Caught in the net we strive;

We ruin, and think we thrive;

And we die—and remain alive:—

          And Pan is our name!


For the misery catches and winds us

     Deep, deep in the endless coil;

Ourself is the cord that binds us,

     And ours is the selfsame toil.

We are; we are not; yet our date is

     An age, though each life be a span;

And ourself and our state and our fate is

     The Spirit of Pan.


O wild is the maiden that dances

     In the dim waned light of the moon!

Black stars are her myriad glances:

     Blue night is the infinite swoon!

But in other array advances

     The car of the holier tune;

And our one one chance is in mystical trances;—

     Thessalian boon!


For swift as the wheels may turn,

And fierce as the flames may burn,

The spirit of man may discern

          In the wheel of Will

A drag on the wheels of Fate,

A water the fires to abate,

A soul the soul to make straight.

          And bid “be still!”


But ye, ye invoke in your city

     And call on his name on the hill

The God who is born without pity,

     The horrible heart that is chill;

The secret corruption of ages

     Ye cling to, and hold as ye can,

And abandon the songs of the sages

     For Passion—and Pan!


O thou heart of hate and inmost terror!

     O thou soul of subtle fear and lust!

Loathsome shape of infamy, thy mirror

     Shown as spirit or displayed as dust!

O thou worm in every soul of matter

          Crawling, feasting, rotting; slime of hell!

Beat and batter! shear and shatter!

          Break the egg that hides thee well!

Pan! I call thee! Pan! I see thee in thy whirling citadel.


I alone of all men may unveil thee,

     Show the ghastly soul of all that is

Unto them, that they themselves may hail thee,

     Festering corruption of thy kiss!

Thou the soul of God! the soul of demon!

     Soul of matter, soul of man!

Show the gross fools, thine, that think them freemen,

     What thou art, and what thy heart,

And what they are, that they are thee,

     All creation, whole and part,

Thine and thee, near and far:—

     Come! I call thee, I who can.

Pan! I know thee! Pan! I show thee! Burst thy coffin open, Pan!


What have I said? What have I done?




                                             Pan! Pan!

Evoe, Iacche! Pan!



               The victim!




The sole pure thing in this impure gross lump,

The shapeless, formless horror that is us

And God—Ah! rend him limb from limb!




This is the night. This is the end of all.

No force detains. No power urges on.

I am free! Alas! alas!—Eurydice!

                    (He is torn to pieces. A faint voice—like his—is still heard, ever receding and failing.)


O night!

Fade, love! Fade, light!

I pass beyond Life’s law.

I melt as snow; as ice I thaw;

As mist I dissipate: I am borne, I draw

Through chasms in the mountains: stormy gusts

Of ancient sorrows and forgotten lusts

Bear me along: they touch me not: I waste

The memory of long lives interlaced

Fades in my fading. I disintegrate,

Fall into black oblivion of Fate.

My being divides: I have forgot my name.

I am blown out as a thin subtle flame.

I am no more.


A Spirit

          What is? what chorus swells

Through these dark gorges and untrodden dells!

What whisper through the forest? Far entwines

The low song with the roses and the vines,

The high song with the mountains and the pines,

The inmost song with secret fibre of light,

And in the boiling pools and quorns and chasms

Chases the stryges, Death’s devote phantasms,

Into a brilliant air wherein they are lost.

Deep in the river moans the choral roar,

Till the deep murmur of the Lesbian shore

Washed of the luminous sea gives answer, while

The angry wail of Nature doth beguile

The hours, the wrath of Nature reft of one,

The sole strong spirit that was Nature’s sun,

The orb she circled round, the one thing clean

From all her gross machinery, obscene

And helpless:—and the lonely mother-cry,

The Muse, her hope down-stricken. Magically

The full deep chorus stirs the sky;

Hark! one voice beyond all

Gives love’s own call,

Not hers, Eurydice’s,

But thine, thou sweet blood-breasted nightingale

Waking thy choral wail

From Mitylene to remotest seas!


The River Hebrus

     Was e’er a stream before

     So sad a burden bore

Rolling a melancholy sorrow down from shore to shore?



     O this is bitterness beyond belief.

     Grief beyond grief.

     Boots it to weep? I holp him not with force:

     What should avail—remorse?


River Hebrus

     Hear upon high the melancholy


     Matching the strophe’s agony!

     Tides on a terrible sea!



     Bear, bear the laurelled head

     Of him I loved, him dead,

O Hebrus, ever downward on thy bosom iron-red!


River Hebrus

     All Nature’s tunes are dull.

     The beautiful,

     The harmony of life is null.



     What unto us remains

     But in these broken strains

To hymn with voices jarred the jarred world’s shriek of woe?


     O! O!


River Hebrus

     This discord is an agony

     Shuddering harsh in me;

My waters will empoison the fair fresh-water sea!



     Nay! all is ended now.

     Cover the beaten brow!

     Carry the brain of music into the wide Ægean!

     No priest pronounce thy pæan

     Ever again, Apollo,

     Thou false, thou fair, thou hollow!

     Die to a groan within a shrine!

     Despair thy force divine!

     Thou didst achieve this ruin; let the seas

     Roar o’er thy lost name of Musagetes!



The Lesbian Shore

     Welcome, O holy head!

     Welcome, O force not dead!


     Reverberating joy of music subtly shed!

     Welcome, O glorious, O laurelled one!

     Own offspring of the Sun,

     The ancient harmony was hardly yet begun.

     By thee and by thy life

     Arose the Lesbian maiden.

     Thou art perished as thy wife;

My shores with magic loves and songs of life are laden.



     Weep, weep no more!

     O loyal Lesbian shore,

I hear a murmur sound more sweet than murmur ever bore.

     Not ocean’s siren spell

     Soft-sounded in a spiral shell

Were quite so exquisite, were all so admirable!



Lesbian Shore

     Nay! but the agony of the time

     Rings in the royal rhyme!

She hath touched the intimate, and chanced on the sublime.



     Ay! Ay! a woman’s silky tone

     Makes music for eternity her own,

Till all men’s victories in song seem a discordant groan.



Lesbian Shore

     Upon my cliffs of green,

     Beneath the azure skies,

     She stands with looks of fire,

     Sappho. Her hands between

     Lies the wild world; she flies

     From agony to agony of desire.



          Him, Orpheus, him she sings;

          Loosing the living strings,

Till music fledged fares forth sunward on moon-wrought wings.


Lesbian Shore

          Yea, by the solar name,

          Orpheus her lips acclaim,

The centre and the silence! O! the torrent of fine flame

          Like hair that shooteth forth

          To the ensanguine North

Whence ran the drunken crew, Bassarids in their wrath.




Woe is me! the brow of a brazen morning

Breaks in blood on water athirst of Hebrus.

Sanguine horror starts on her hills tenebrous:

     Hell hath not heard her!


Dumb and still thy birds, O Apollo, scorning

Song; yells drown them, lecherous anthems gabbled,

Laughter splashed of Bassarids, blood-be-dabbled,

     Mad with their murder!


O thou many-coloured immortal maiden,

Dawn! O dew, delight of a world! A sorrow

Hides your holy faces awhile. To-morrow

     Comes for your calling?


Still the notes of musical Orpheus, laden

Never now of pain or of failing, follow;

Follow up the height, or adown the hollow

     Fairy are falling.


O my hopeless misery mind of longing!

O the anguish born in a breast unlovered!

Women, wail the face of a God uncovered,

     Brain dead and breath dumb!


Wail the sense of infinite ardours thronging

Fast and fast and faster athwart the heaven,

Keen as light and cruel as fire, as levin

     Swift and as death dumb!


Freedom, rapture, victory, fill the chorus,

Dying, ever dying, among the billows;

Whispered, ever whispered among the willows:—

     Pour the libation!


Now springs up a notable age. Adore us

Masters now of music above his magic,

Lords of change, leaps pastoral up to tragic,

     Thanks to the Thracian!


Ah, my pain! what desolate female bosoms,

Smitten hearts of delicate males, uncover;

Grip not life for poet or sage or lover,

     Feed on derision.


Yea, in these mature me avenger blossoms

Swift as swords to sever the subtle ether,

Lift the earth, see infinite space beneath her,

     Swoon at the vision.


This, O Orpheus, this be a golden guerdon

Unto thee for gift of amaze and wonder!

This thy sorrow, sword of a heart asunder,

     Beareth a flower.


This the heart of woman—a bitter burden!—

Thou has filled with seed—O a seed of madness!

Seed of music! seed of a royal sadness!—

     This be our dower!


Ah! the bitter legacy left of lyre-light!

Thou wast Nature’s prophet, a wise magician;

Magic fails, and love is a false physician:—

     Deep our disease is!


Now to us the crouching over the firelight,

Eating out for hunger of love our vitals!

(Eaten out the hollower for respitals

     Swift as the breeze is.)


Ay! the golden age is a broken vessel.

All the golden waters exhale, evanish.

Joy of life and laughter of love we banish:

     Damned is the will dead.


Now with brass and iron we writhe and wrestle.

Now with clay the torrent of fire is tainted.

Life apes death: the lily is curled and painted;

     Gold is regilded.


Master, we lament thee, as awful anguish

Seizes on the infinite maze of mortals.

See we love that yearns to the golden portals

     Bound of the grey god.


Love, thy children, laughter and sunlight, languish.

Aphrodite, miracle of the flashed foam,

Burns with beaten agony in the lashed foam;

     Down is the day-god.


Ay! this first of Lesbian lamentations

Still shall burn from æon to idle æon!

(Chorus, epithalamy, ode, and pæan

     Dumb or dishevelled!)


Still my songs shall murmur across the nations,

Gain their meed of misery, praise, and yearning,

Smite their stroke on centuries foully burning,

     Drunk or bedevilled.


Song? No beauty shine in a sphere of music!

Me? my voice be dull, be a void, be toneless!

Match me, sea! than me thou hast many a moan less,

     Many a million!


Sun, be broken! Moon, be eclipsed; be dew sick!

Ocean flat and poisonous, earth demented!

Living souls go shuddering through the tented

     Air, his pavilion!


Ay; the pectis clangs me a soulless discord:—

Let me break my visible heart a-weeping!

Loving? Drinking? Misery. Singing, sleeping

     Touch not my sorrow.


Orpheus, turn the sorrow-chord to the bliss-chord!

All may rise the easier that the one set.

So our eyes from saddening at the sunset

     Turn to to-morrow.



     Silence. I hear a voice

     That biddeth me rejoice.

     I know the whole wise plan

     Of fate regarding Man.


The Lesbian Shore

It is the sun’s dark bride

Nuith, the azure-eyed.

No longer Sappho sings her spell;

His heart divorced, her heart insatiable.

There is deep silence. Earth hath passed

To a new kingdom. In a purpose vast

Her horoscope is cast.




Enough. It is ended, the story

     Of magical æons of song;

The sun is gone down in his glory

     To the Houses of Hate and of Wrong.

          Would ye see if he rise?

          In Hesperian skies

     Ye may look for his rising for long.


The magical æon beginneth

     Of song in the heart of desire,

That smiteth and striveth and sinneth,

     But burns up the soul of the lyre.

          There is pain in the note:—

          In the sorcerer’s throat

     Is a sword, and his brain is afire!


Long after (to men: but a moment

     To me in my mansion of rest)

Is a sundawn to blaze what the glow meant

     Seen long after death in the west;

          A magical æon!

          Nor love-song nor pæan,

     But a flame with a silvery crest.


There shall rise a sweet song of the soul

     Far deeper than love or distress;

Beyond mortals and gods shall it roll;

     It shall find me, and crave, and caress.

          Ah! me it shall capture

          In torrents of rapture;

     It shall flood me, and fill, and possess.


For brighter from age unto age

     The weary old world shall renew

Its life at the lips of the sage,

     Its love at the lips of the dew.

          With kisses and tears

          The return of the years

     Is sure as the starlight is true.


Yet the drift of the stars is to beauty,

     To strength, and to infinite pleasure.

The toil and the worship and duty

     Shall turn them to laughter and leisure.

          Were the world understood

          Ye would see it was good,

     A dance to a delicate measure.


Ye fools, interweaving in passion.

     The lyrical light of the mind!

Go on, in your drivelling fashion!

     Ye shall surely seek long and not find.

          From without ye may see

          All the beauty of me,

     And my lips, that their kisses are kind.


For Eurydice once I lamented;

     For Orpheus I do not lament:

Her days were a span, and demented;

     His days are for aye, and content.

          Mere love is as nought

          To the love that is Thought,

     And idea is more than event.


O lovers! O poets! O masters

     Of me, ye may ravish my frown!

Aloof from my shocks and disasters!

     Impatient to kiss me, and crown!

          I am eager to yield.

          In the warrior field

     Ye shall fight me, and fasten me down.


O poets! O masters! O lovers!

     Sweet souls of the strength of the sun!

The couch of eternity covers

     Our loves, and our dreams are as done.

          Reality closes

          Our life into roses;

     We are infinite space: we are one.


There is one that hath sought me and found me

     In the heart of the sand and the snow:

He hath caught me, and held me, and bound me,

     In the lands where no flower may grow.

          His voice is a spell,

          Hath enchanted me well!

     I am his, did I will it or no.


But I will it, I will it, I will it!

     His speck of a soul in its cars

Shall lift up immensity! fill it

     With light of his lyrical bars.

          His soul shall concentre

          All space; he shall enter

     The beautiful land of the stars.


He shall know me eternally wedded

     To the splendid and subtle of mind;

For the pious, the arrogant-headed,

     He shall know they nor seek me nor find.

          O afloat in me curled!

          Cry aloud to the world

     That I and my kisses are kind!


O lover! O poet! O maiden

     To me in my magical way!

Be thy songs with the wilderness laden!

     Thy lyre be adrift and astray:—

          So to me thou shalt cling!

          So to me thou shalt sing

     Of the beautiful law of the day!


I forbid thee to weep or to worship;

     I forbid thee to sing or to write!

The Star-Goddess guideth us her ship;

     The sails belly out with the light.

          Beautiful head!

          We will sing on our bed

     Of the beautiful law of the Night!


We are lulled by the whirr of the stars;

     We are fanned by the whisper, the wind;

We are locked in the unbreakable bars,

     The love of the spirit and mind.

          The infinite powers

          Of rapture are ours;

     We are one, and our kisses are kind.