Rodin in Rime

Seven Lithographs by Clot, from the Water-Colours

of Auguste Rodin with a Chaplet of Verse


Contains seven lithographs executed by Auguste Clot after the original sketches with water-colors of Auguste Rodin which were presented to Crowley during a visit in 1903.


Dedicated to Kathleen Bruce.


It’s said that many of these books were destroyed or damaged due to a flood that occurred in a warehouse where they were being stored prior to sale.


Published Date:



Society for the Propagation of Religious Truth (S.P.R.T.)


Chiswick Press.

Published At:

London, England.


x + [7 bound in lithographs] + 68.


Priced at £5 and five shillings.

State (a):

2 copies printed on vellum.

State (b):

10 copies printed on China paper and bound in white buckram.

State (c):

488 copies printed on hand-made paper and bound in white buckram.


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- Balzac (In French)

- Rodin (In French)

- Dedication

- Rodin

- The Tower of Toil

- La Belle Heaulmiere

- Femme Accroupie

- Caryatide

- Juene Mère

- L’Amour qui Passe

- Tête de Femme-La Casque d’Or

- Les Bourgeois de Calais

- Reveil d’Adonis

- La Main de Dieu

- Desespoir

- Épervier er Colombe

- Resurection

- L’Eternel Printemps

- Acrobates

- L’Age d’Airain

- Faunesse

- Madame Rodin

- Le Penseur

- La Pensée

- Le Baiser

- Couches d’Enfer

- La Guerre

- W. E. Henley

- Syrinx and Pan

- Icare

- La Fortune

- Paolo et Francesca

- Les Deux Génies

- La Cruche Cassée

- La Tentation de Saint-Antoine

- Eve

- Femmes Damnées

- Nabuchadnosor

- Mort d’Adonis

- Balzac

- Socrate

- Colophon:  An Incident





















State (c)


Lithograph 1


Lithograph 2


Lithograph 3


Lithograph 4


Lithograph 5


Lithograph 5


Lithograph 7