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ROSE of the World! Ruby with blood from the bright veins of God Caught in the chalice of your heart, and pearled With dew at many a melting period When the amethyst lustre of your eyes dissolves The veil that hides your naked splendour From these inform resolves And halting loves of your poor poet’s soul With Radiance mild and tender, So that I see awhile the golden goal! Yea! all your light involves Me, me tenebrous, me too cold and base Ever to kindle to the maiden face (Three years my wife, three years of me unwon!) That would be mine, be mine, Were I but man enough To endure the rapture of that sudden sun The knowledge of your love, The assumption of me into that sweet shrine Whose godhead duly knows Only the one wind of the utmost heaven Through hyacinthine deeps Down from the sapphirine steeps And azure abyss that blows; Only the one sun on the steppéd snows; Only the one star of the sister seven; Only the one moon in the orchard close In the one hour that unto love is given Of all the hours of bliss; Only the one joy in a world of woes; Only the one spark in the storm-cloud riven; Only the one shaft through the rose-dawn driven, Thy shaft, Eros! Not as Apollo or as Artemis Loosing gray death from golden thong To slay the poet in a song, The lover in a kiss; But to divide the inmost marrow With that ensanguine arrow; But to unite each bleeding part Of that most universal heart; Leaving us slaves, and kings; Bound, and with eagle’s wings; One soul, comprising all that may be thought, One soul, conscious of nought.
ROSE of the World! Your mystic petals spread Like wings over my head. The tide of burning blood upon my face Drowns all the floating images That danced their spectre saraband In Bacchic race, phantastical embrace, Upon the sepulchres, the dizzy seas Of this my mind, Sabbatic rout that spanned These straits my soul! Ay, they are dead and drowned (And damned, I doubt!) Ah God! I am exhaust In the red moon’s holocaust! God! God! The chasms secret and profound Suck down the porphyry flood Of your maniacal, ensorcelled blood That maddens and bewitches. My life is suffocated—now I swoon— I die! I am in hell, red hell, red hell, Circles me closer; all the soul’s afire As if the boreal moon With all the icy Lapland hags That shiver on ’s hibernal crags Were but a thin white shell Hoarding the seed of many a million suns, Giving its life up unto its desire— Out bursts the womb of my unguessed-at godhead; The rose flames out in the flood; and all at once, A brilliance disembodied, I am shattered like the dew upon your leaves; So that the lampless hour Strikes, and an unborn universe perceives Its lonely mother-flower, Us, in our love’s arcane Briatic bower. We scatter light, a music-tingling shower; We breathe out life, a crimson whisper; We radiate love, a velvet-soft complaint, Most like the echo of a chime at vesper Rung far across narcissus-haunted leas, Lilied lagoons, and moon-enchaunted seas, By the high-bosomed boy, large-eyed, with fasting faint, That shares an hermitage with some devoutest saint.
AS, in our life, I passed the awful gate Where like a Cerberus sate The triform silence, Fate, And bade the red blood bloom Within that Palace of untasted gloom; As, in our life, confronting the black forms— Colossal ghosts, like storms!— I did abide in the most holy hall And let the dread word fall, Nor bade the red axe falter There as I bowed mine head Upon the amber altar, And shed my life out there before ye all, Careless if I had summoned from the skies Some young true God, or spoiled the sacrifice, And were but dead as any man is dead! So I have given up my inmost life Even unto you, sweet wife, Careless—yet conscious of the babe-stirred womb Of some dread Mother older than the Tomb, Wiser than Life, more pitiful than Death.
YOUR wine-stained and wine-coloured hair unloosing, Mingle your wine-wise breath, Spiritual siren! with the scent seducing Your body sheds, scarred with the bleeding kisses My tenderness bit in, Like to a lion feeding in wild white wildernesses, My spirit sensible to your skin: Mingle them to a crescent character That shall set shimmering all the parchment fine And send a steam like wine Laden with ecstasy and pain Choral through all the passion-stained and passion-trembling air. Inspire a closer strain Such as strange orchids give, and hyacinths, Among the broken pedestals and plinths Where the gray Lords of Time, of Time forgotten, Lie in the herbage rotten Of the unpeopled forest.
O SONG! O amorous and seducing, I see thee as thou soarest, So that, the girders of the soul unloosing, That Child of you and me, O rose of roses, That Child whose life encloses Our lives, is therefore I, may wander ever By the fritillary-fringéd river, Through lotus gardens of the sleepy gods, On hills where every timid oread tries Blue gentian as disguise From holier (though she think profaner) eyes, On seas where, it may be, (to even the odds!) Each nymph and undine issues from the foam Armed with a pearly mirror and with a coral comb To tire her beauty, lure me to the lakes Of light where strikes the day to hyaline floors Whereon blithe fish and emerald water snakes Play all the day, and all their innocence adores Is some old anchor with its rusty flakes Fallen from God knows what forgotten ship. No! not in Fancy’s palace will I play, Nor in imagination’s deep will dip The timid foot; but rather will I strip Each rag of thought, and leap Into the sunset deep Still glowing with the glamour Of your life’s blood, and ashen gold With floating gossamer your hair, that might enfold A giant god, and strangle him anon With starry serpents like Laocoon, A stoic god that might enamour And draw him with its tendrils into time.
MY mouth was wet with the delicious crime Of kissing you, one night, when in a vision Your hair was like a forest of tall pines In winter; black strange dwarfs with crooked spines And elfin eyes, and bleating mouths that worked All manner of grimace and bleak derision Bore them away; hollow-eyed ghosts that lurked About the sea made thereof masts; they fitted Tall ships and goodly, furrowing the deep To harvest merchandise; strong and keen-witted The mariners; oho! the breezes leap Like lovers on them; lo! they faréd forth To South, East, West and North, Iceland, the Indies, Sicily, and Spain. . . . . Lo! men have heard of all these ships not one, not one for ever more again.
SEEING your naked body in the bed Against the jetty silk, I thought you lay Just as the Milky Way Lies in the unkenned hollows of the sky. One swarthy ray of red Leapt from your hither eye, And straight my dream began To map that heaven—your eye, Aldeboran! I launched the magic boat, and early found The Pirate’s cave and the Enchaunted Ground; The cedared Lebanon, The Wizard’s Grot, the well of spice, The Hanging Gardens of great Babylon:— All these then did I visit in a trice, And even did confirm the Bible tale By playing Jonah to your Jonah’s whale. So, to the stars!
A POET is at ease In all such voyages: Why, as a boy, I steered Up to the Scorpion and tweaked his tail, Plucked foolish Capricornus by the beard And kissed the Blessed Damozel that leaned upon the golden rail, Drank from the glad rim of the grail Or soothed the squally Twins (for they could weep!) And while I smiled “In Heaven how safe I am!” Found myself in my little bed asleep Having been butted thither by the Ram.
BUT in the dream of you, my starry sweet, It is my earth I lose six times in seven. I have the Freedom of the City of Heaven; But strange (though fair) are all the stars I meet. The dull familiar and the homely drear Are lost for ever. Being asleep, I fear. Wake! Let me cut the cable of my mind! My harbour lies before, and not behind. Dreams are all lies; those jetty shadows lie When the full moon doth crown the midnight sky. But shadows image truth, and dreams come true, For when I wake my arms are full of you.
ANOTHER time, through tides from chaos rolled I was upborne by this my scarabee With scales like plates of porphyry and gold And wings like flakes of the green light that pours Through the blue heart of the Hawaian sea. So to the hollow shore We came, and did behold a silver avenue That wound through cypress groves and woods of yew Unto the hills; hideous hyaenas laughed, Mean jackals snarled and screamed, and wild dogs bayed: Bayed at the waning moon that lapsed above Out of all light (had I not been in love, And drunken on the quintessential draught) So that the forest folk were sore afraid. But when I came upon the open space I might perceive my lady’s face, And knew she waned because that I was late. Twin hills like ivory glinted; on their slopes Blue rivers coursed, and many a nightingale Told all its tremulous tale To viewless dryads, or elate Trilled out its bleeding hopes Into the mist of light that hid (I know) Bassarids, Bassarids Dionysus-mad. Then, in that vision glad, I saw twin towers of crimson ruby rise Into the scented snow That fell like dew from the heart-hungry skies. But when I came between the hills, behold The moon’s silver and gold Stood in the zenith, that I lost my guide. There stood I passion-pale Like a lost lamb that seeks the starry fold Within that warm and scented vale Clothed with narcissus, hyacinth, tuberose, Snowdrop and lily, all white, all cream, all gold, With never a blush like dawn’s to flush or fail Upon their garden-close. O wide is the world, wide, wide! Be sure that I was lost, Lost, lost for ever; are there palimpsests Wherein a man might study at great cost His journey thence? O Rose of gramarye, My riddle you shall ree. My head was happy, laid betwixt your breasts.
ANOTHER time I passed the holy well And plunged (as Phoebus in the western ocean) Into a forest of fine flame that crowned The holy hill; all was enchaunted ground, The flames like scented tendrils of a vine Or sensitive rays that spell Strange curves to match their master-god’s emotion. And ever nearer to the scarlet slash I clomb, where the strange perfumes struck me like a lash And the dread fires scorched up my life. There, O insufferable delight I mock with the weak word of wife, I was sucked down into the crater rim, Into the crimson damask dim Candescent cave of night— O then I mock myself with words! They are like cardinal-coloured birds And honey-coloured doves: Yet one thing mortal serves to name another As mortal as itself. Why must our deathless loves Be stained by the black-hearted mother That called things by dead names? The sunny elf Language shall play with the ethereal flames But never dare approach The central and volcanic fire, The inmost Force, nor, like a glittering army Send forth its scouts to encroach Upon our citadel desire. Ay! though these flaming sentences Eat like strong acid in my vitals, char me, Blast me like lightning, smash me like black seas Towering above the lofty ship Whose masts did menace to the skies, They are but plaisters of cool leaves that dip In pleasant water to the white-hot wise Terrible flames of hell that would devour me, Did not the raptures of thy love embower me In meads Elysian, fields of foamless fire, Nights of invincible desire, Things beyond words, beyond the want of them, Beyond the pauses and the ecstasies . . . . Where should my dream get such a diadem Of voiceless thoughts as these?
THESE dreams reform Themselves into a rainbow to the storm Of simple passion; let me from the string Take many-coloured wing As a swift-thoughted arrow Vertically shot against the sun! I would you were a sow And these my verses were your squealing farrow That they might suck the milk of your perfection Unto them, that the world’s ear might be won, The world’s heart melted now, The world’s mind drawn from its dejection, By the sure fact that not in idle dream But sole in sense supreme Certainly visible and tangible Were you, O Rose, whose root remotest hell Nourishes, and whose top flowers higher than the Throne Of the Eternal one. Thou shouldst not leave me alone To gaze upon the sun And take the glory of his excellence— Not unto me close curled And on my body’s beauty crucified In silver spirit clad with gold of sense, But sending forth thy rays life-pearled As a bridegroom squandering his strength upon the bride —Thou art sufficient to redeem the world.
O! IS the secret of the starry deep Nothing but pain and pleasure, grief and joy? Is God a wanton boy To play with us so bitter cheap By such a jewelled light? Be thine the power, Rose of the Stars, in this thy tortured hour When the wee lips that clung to thee are cold, To give the world a light of other gold From that men hoard, from that the suns afford In their implacable cars As they roll on impassive; bid thy Lord (O Rose, Rose of the Stars!) And slave make known thy beauty and thy passion In his imperfect fashion, So that thy wisdom and they strength are sold In every mart of earth; So that thine eyes enfold The universe in one great look of love Bring this, bring this to birth! And neither hate below, nor hate above, Nor chance, nor force, nor cunning shall deprive Man of thy gift, a love alive With more than men to-day can understand.
GIVE me thine hand, Rose of the Stars, and we will soar above Wisdom and Strength and Love, Into the sphere where all delight retires In azure flames and silver-edgéd fires. Now through the veil we shoot Like snaky lightning through a thundercloud Up to the awful precipice-skirted place Where deaf, blind, palsied, mute There sits the leprous God; we laugh aloud Seeing him face to face, Blowing him like a shaken sheaf of snow With a brief gust of wind Over the cliffs of his ensanguine throne; Seating ourselves thereon, as men shall know, Above soul, spirit, heart, thought, being, mind, All—but most irrevocably entwined And irrevocably alone.
THERE was a boy with O! the face of dawn, The mother-of-pearl that shimmered on his skin, The breasts like golden roses circling red, The limbs like limbs of a young fawn For litheness—O! for innocence of sin His eyes burned wondrous bright, his sun-crowned head Danced with its sweet and sacred hopes, So that he paced the enamelled slopes Laughing upon the laughing lake below, Expectant of some strange experience Worth all the woes of sense, Some drop of nectar worth a world of wine, Some grace of One divine Worth more than all life’s grace, and more than life Intense, Was there a wonder if the silken boy Found her a-playing on the bluebell marge And drank from golden vats the wine of joy; Hot, eager, overcoming in her breath, As she would draw him to those large And firm white breasts and mix her liquid life With his in pagan strife? Or with a grace like God, a stealth like love, Pour on him from above Wine from the purple vats of death? Nay! ’tis no wonder—shall they wonder then, These bat-eyed newspaper-besotted men, If thou and I have found the Elixir rare That giveth Life to those whoso drinketh it, The Stone beyond compare, The harmony of the Circle and the Square, All that surpasseth mortal wit Even to imagine? we have found it, Rose, Rose of the Stars, Rose of the utmost snows! Where? Where Love knows.