The Scented Garden of Abdullah the Satirist of Shiraz




Published under the pseudonym of Major Alain Lutiy.


Gerald Yorke, in his “Bibliography of the Works of Aleister Crowley,” states that the majority of the books were destroyed by HM Customs in 1924. Further examination has shown that many copies may have been destroyed prior to the seizure by HM Customs and that only thirty-three copies were seized by HM Customs in 1924 and later destroyed in 1926.


Published Date:





Philippe Renouard.

Published At:

Paris, France.


viii + 140.


State (a) priced at ten guineas and State (b) priced at two guineas by subscription.

State (a) priced at fifteen guineas and State (b) priced at three guineas upon publication.

State (a):

10 copies printed on Japanese vellum and bound in limp vellum with green ties.

State (b):

200 copies printed on Van Gelder hand-made paper and bound in turned-in parchment papers.


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- Introduction

- Περι της Παιδεραστειας



- I. The Abyss

- II. The Jinn-Vision

- III. The Ambassadors

- IV. Aflatun

- V. The Debauch

- VI. The Curtain

- VII. The Duststorm

- VIII. The Whore

- IX. The Hakim

- X. The Black Stone

- XI. Aziz

- XII. The Apples

- XIII. The Blind Beggar

- XIV. The Comparisons

- XV. The Complaisances

- XVI. The Jasmine-Jar

- XVII. The Complaints

- XVIII. The Tryst

- XIX: The Cherry-Tree

- XX. The Qasi

- XXI. The Love-Potion

- XXII. The Forehead-Writing

- XXIII. Mirrikh

- XXIV. The Blasphemer

- XXV. The Atheist

- XXVI. The Tower of Shinar

- XXVII. The Camel Rider

- XXVIII. The Potter

- XXIX. The Mirag

- XXX. The Scribe

- XXXI. The Unicorn

- XXXII. The Bull-Frogs

- XXXIII. The Mullah

- XXXIV. The Talisman

- XXXV. Zemzem

- XXXVI. Suraiya

- XXXVII. The Crane

- XXXVIII. The Garden

- XXXIX. The Bargainings

- XL. The Namings

- XLI. The Riddle

- XLII. Bagh-I-Muattar







State (a)



State (b)


1908 Prospectus



1908 Prospectus
