The Collected Works of Aleister Crowley

Three Volumes bound as One


This is the “Essay Competition” edition with all three volumes bound as one.


Ivor Back, an old friend of Crowley's who was both a practicing surgeon and an enthusiast of literature served as the editor for the Collected Works.


Published Date:



Society for the Propagation of Religious Truth (S.P.R.T.).


Ballantyne, Hanson & Co., Edinburgh & London.

Published At:

Boleskine, Foyers, Inverness.


(x + 270) + (viii + 282) + (viii + 248).




Printed on India paper and bound in limp linen boards.


Download Text As:


   - View Scan (volume I)

     (from "Travellers' Edition")

   - View Scan (volume II)

     (from "Travellers' Edition")

   - View Scan (volume III)

     (from "Travellers' Edition")






Volume I

- Aceldama

- The Tale of Archais

- Songs of the Spirit

- The Poem

- Jephthah

- Mysteries

- Jezebel and other Tragic Poems

- An Appeal to the American Republic

- The Fatal Forse

- The Mother's Tragedy

- The Temple of the Holy Ghost

- Carmen Saeculare

- Tannhäuser

- Appendix - Qabalistic Dogma

Volume II

- Oracles: The Autobiography of an Art

- Alice: An Adultery

- The Argonauts

- Ahab and other Poems

- The God-Eater

- The Sword of Song

- Berashith: An Essay in Ontology Science and Buddhism

- The Excluded Middle: or, the Sceptic Refuted

- Time

- Epilogue

Volume III

- The Star and the Garter

- Why Jesus Wept

- Rosa Mundi and other Love-Songs

- The Sire de Malétroit's Door (Written in collaboration with Gerald Kelly)

- Gargoyles

- Rodin in Rime

- Orpheusm

- Epilogue and Dedication

- Appendix A

- Appendix B





