Published in the Cambridge Magazine Cambridge University, Cambridge, England 11 May 1899
You play with a full pack, And deal them one by one; You lead the Ace with Queen and Jack (As you have rightly done); But lo ! a spot upon your sun, A worm in your pea-pod— I trump you, when you have begun To reckon on the odd.
With what a mighty smack Your King of Trumps is won! Your partner’s face grows very black; He doesn’t think it fun. A Yankee would have used a gun, A schoolmaster a rod— A ten ace may be led of none Who reckon on the odd.
And now, amid the wrack Of your position, Their old established suit comes back, With an unfettered run; It is no time for jibe or pun, But to beseech the sod To yawn for you, who did not shun To reckon on the odd.
At Ulm the troops of Mack Surrendered in a bod- Y, in a cul-de-sac, At Bonaparte’s attack; Be wary lest, strong clod,[1] You reckon on the odd.
1—The author is indebted to Mr. Francis Thompson for this felicitous and, withal, epigrammatic way of writing “ man.” |