Published in the Weekly Critical Review

Paris, France

5 February 1903

(page 5)



Giant, with iron secrecies ennighted,

Cloaked, Balzac stands and sees. Immense disdain,

Egyptian silence, mastery of pain,

Gargantuan laughter, shake or still the ignited

Statue of the Master, vivid. Far, affrighted,

The stunned air shudders on the skin. In vain

The Master of “La Comédie Humaine”

Shadows the deep-set eyes, genius-lighted.


Epithalamia, birth-songs, epitaphs,

Are written in the mystery of his lips.

Sad wisdom, scornful shame, grand agony

In the coffin-folds of the cloak, scarred mountains lie,

And pity bides i’ th’ heart. Grim knowledge grips

The essential manhood. Balzac stands, and laughs.


Aleister Crowley.