Published in the U.K. Vanity Fair

London, England

1 July 1908

(page 20)



Praise Eros wittily!

Praise Eros well!

Tripping it prettily

Down through the dell!

Joyous and eager

Our tresses adorning,

Away to beleaguer

The city of morning!


Away to the leap to

The soft-smiling pool

Whose kisses shall creep to

Us virginal cool!

Race and bescatter

The dew in the grass;

The nymph and her satyr!

The lad and his lass!


O blest is the laughter

Of Arcady's groves

That chases us after

To delicate loves,

The frolics, the fancies,

The fires, the desires,

The dives and the dances,

The lutes and the lyres!


Follow, o follow,

Sweet seed of the sun!

Through the wood, through the hollow,

The race is begun

That shall fill the day up

With the roses of pleasure,

The rod—and the cup—

And the crown of our treasure!


Sweet are our voices;

Our bodies are bare;

Their spirit rejoices

Afloat in the air,

Coiling and curling

In maze of aeons

Its vision unfurling

A pageant of paeans!


Blessed be Love in his

Palace of praise

Whom we follow above in his

Wonderful ways!

Whom we follow above

To the stars and the snows,

Immaculate Love!—

We adore thee, Eros!


Praise Eros wittily!

Praise Eros well!

Tripping it prettily

Down through the dell!

Joyous and eager

Our tresses adoring,

Away to beleaguer

The city of morning!


The above poem is from the forthcoming “World’s Tragedy,” by Mr. Aleister Crowley,

a small edition of which will be privately issued in August.