Published in the U.K. Vanity Fair

London, England

10 February 1909

(page 180)



There was a Jew—tradition says—

Who loathed the colour of his fez.


“Black gives an air of gloom,” he said:

“I should look beautiful in red!”


He told the Mullah of his plight.

The good man answered: “Very right!


“Islam is free to all mankind:

You only need to be resigned.”


The Jew agreed; he learnt to pray

Five several times each mortal day.


Instead of Abraham, the Mullah

Called him Habib Husain Abdullah.


But (what indeed is hardly strange)

His views on Art began to change.


 “This red’s a shrieking tone, I swear!

O for the black I used to wear!”


His bullied servants overheard

This wicked renegade-word.


Four soldiers dragged the Jew away

To prison on that very day:


The Cadi and the Caid wept;

They thought a promise should be kept.


 “Be calm” (said they) “and do not strive!

We think of burning you alive.”


“Shame!” said the wretch. “ ’Tis cruel to

Burn me because I am a Jew!”


The wise old Cadi wagged his head.

“I do not see a Jew,” he said.


“This clear distinction must be made.

We only burn a renegade.


The fire they burnt Abdullah at

Went merrily; for he was fat.



In politics take sound advice:

Rat once—rat well! but never twice!



Aleister Crowley.