Published in the U.K. Vanity Fair London, England 6 January 1909 (page 22)
O thou who art throned by the well That feeds the celestial streams! O daughter of heaven and hell! O mother of magical dreams! O sister of me, as I sit At thy feet by the mystical well And dream with the web of my wit Of the marriage of heaven and hell!
O thou who art mad with the Muse That delights in the beauty of form! O desire of the dream of the dews! O, Valkyrie, astride of the storm! I am thine as we ride on the blast To exult in the mystical Muse, As there drip on the desert at last The immaculate Delian dews.
I am thine, I am tine, I am thine! How it slashes the skies as a sword! How it blinds us and burns us with wine Of the dread Dionysian Lord! Evoe! Evoe! Evoe! Iacche! thy chrism of wine! Evoe! Evoe! Evoe! I am thine! I am thine! I am thine!
Aleister Crowley. |