Notes on the Manuscript Volume of Abramelin Talismans Drawn by Aleister Crowley.


This volume now (1950) in the possession of Lady Harris [Frieda Harris].

(Later sent to Karl Germer.)



The talismans are constructed as in MacGregor Mathers 'The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage', only the lettering in Enochian. With one exception they are drawn in black on white vellum; the one exception is drawn in red. They are loosely inserted in the same order as published in Abramelin. Some are missing, one—that of Segilah—is in the possession of G.J. Yorke. Only those listed below were used in actual operations by Crowley. This is proved in some cases by notes in Crowley's hand and in all cases by the fact that they are stained, some heavily, by being anointed during ritual ceremonies.


Chapter One, number eight. "To know things past regarding enemies".

In Crowley's hand: 'Let me be discreet in forming CATENA'.


Chapter Three. To cause any Spirit to appear and take any form.

[number] One. To appear in the form of a Serpent

[number] Three. To appear in human form.

In Crowley's hand: 'To discover my forehead square, Nov 6, 1906'.


Chapter Nine. To transform animals into men and men into animals.

[number] Six. Into wolves.

In Crowley's hand: 'XVI . VI . VII . . Let me be vigilant.'


Chapter Sixteen. To find and take possession of all kinds of treasures, provided they be not at all (magically) guarded.

[number] Three. For a great treasure.

In Crowley's hand: 'V.V.V.V.V. commands this talisman to operate for Aleister Crowley, if thereby will be aided. It will be used for no other purpose. V.V.V.V.V.'


Chapter Eighteen. To heal divers maladies.

[number] Five. For inveterate paralysis.


Chapter Nineteen. For every description of affection and love.

[number] Five. To acquire the affection of a judge.


Chapter Twenty-two. This chapter is only for evil, for with the symbols herein we can cast spells and work every kind of evil; we should not avail ourselves hereof.


All five talismans show signs of frequent use. They are 1) to cast spells upon men. 3) to cast a spell upon the Liver. 4) this symbol should never be made use of. (Cased = overflowing of unrestrained lust). 5) to cast a spell upon the heart. 6) upon the head and other parts of the body.


