Paintings in the Chambre
des Cauchemars
Aleister Crowley
There's lots of ways of going
There's lots o' ways to go;
There's lots of ways of going
And they're ways you ought to
Good-bye Trocadere; good-bye,
Maxim's Bar;
There's lots of ways of going
dippy in the
Chambr' Cauch'mars.
Main Wall
Nature Malade.
(This picture is too
complicated to be described effectively. The general
idea is to present a variety of natural objects in
such form and colour as is most antipathetic to
their qualities.) All we see depends on our senses:
suppose they lie to us? Remember that as soon as you
perceive the actual conditions of consciousness
there is no such thing as Truth. Cf. Henri Poincaré,
the Hon. Bertrand Russell, etc.) You have not only
no guarantee that you know anything for certain, but
the certainty that nothing can possibly be known for
certain. Even the axioms of mathematics are no more
than the most convenient factions available in our
present circumstances. We can never know whether two
and two make four, or even what "two" may mean; we
can only agree to agree on an arbitrary
interpretation of fancied phenomena, which we know
to be inaccurate. What we call "God" may be only our
diseased delirium-phantom, and His reality the
one-eyed rotten-toothed petrifaction of Malice shewn
in the picture. And so forth, on parallel
principles, for the other insane abominations which
blaspheme our faith in the Order and Fitness of
animate and inanimate Nature. |
"Stab your demoniac smile
to my brain
Soak me in C[ognac],
C[unt], and C[ocaine]" |
Degenerates between Christian and Jew at Prayer.
Men worship only their own
weaknesses personified. "Hell" is based upon false
intellectual and moral consciousness. |
Wall above door:
Devil-boy Insulting Visitors.
Each soul has its own
Special Means of Grace. |
Double panel of door:
on the Gallows.
Death may release Love,
which life has bound, and join those it has
separated. |
Walls of arch:
Demon (right). |
Scarlet Woman (left).
Life is a passage between the mysteries of
Power and Love: these appall and revolt us insofar
as we refuse to accept reality, and set up ideal
standards suited to flatter our follies and
anaesthetize us to out fears. Grotesque and cruel
lust, obscene and shameless lasciviousness, are
inherent in Nature: he who accepts the facts of the
case finds that they are only the forms which his
own Fear has imposed upon the realities of Life and
Love. |
(Part of north west main
picture below shelves.) |
Wall above window:
Sea-Coast of Tibet; Egyptian Aztecs arriving from
You never know in how
strange a world you live and what strange things may
come to you. |
(on North-East wall)
watching Sam
Weller imposing Silence on Oxonian (or possibly Sir
Owen Seaman); in front of these, a Dragon-Serpent
begins to devour the Seven Hanged Wives in
Bluebeard's Closet.
Honesty, high courage and
wit, shame pompous couture, and dominate its
purposeless powers. Silent Watching (with the jewel
of Illumination in your head) makes you an
indifferent spectator of destruction as it seizes
the seven-headed dead passions (seven deadly sins).
An eighth noose "to Let" awaits your own particular
weakness. |
Wall left of window:
on the Caucasus.
There is a City of Refuge
in the Mountains for you, if you will understand the
strength of Silence and Solitude. Every Tower is
creative, and every Gate transmissive. |
The Window:
Long-Legged Lesbians (recess).
However desperately your
perverse details run after you, you can evade them
by fixing your gaze on the light, and they must be
content with each other. |
Girls (panel, inside).
When you shut out the
Light of Heaven you are liable to see hideous forms
which allure you. |
Panels outside:
Girl and her Eurasian Lover (lower rear).
Shamelessness always
attracts those whose nature is not pure. |
at Sunset.
Although, when earth-light
fades, the House of God becomes hard to see, it
still stands upon its Rock. |
Girl in a Garden.
Nature is naked; there is
no danger unless you interfere by attaching
unnecessary ideas. |
Monks Carrying a Black Goat Across the Snow to
Nowhere (lower left).
Holy Power, walking in the
ways of Purity, can safely dispose of the Evil Brute
personally which man is compelled to carry. |
Lower right of door:
(belongs to North West
Wall main picture). |
Middle right of door:
Dragon-Dog on Guard.
However hideous any Force
may appear, it can be used to protect you. |
Upper right of door:
trembles when he sees the Weakest Saint upon her
Offer your love frankly,
humbly, and freely: that is True Prayer. |
Wall above doorway:
Lady and Her Negro Lover.
Ease and delight are
obtained by blending opposites. |
The doorway:
Swiss Artist holding young Crocodile.
(arch, right)
If you have the Fruit of
Love growing within you, you can handle dangerous
enemies without hurting them or yourself. |
Hermaphrodite from Basutoland. (arch,
However well you are
provided with natural faculties, you will be unhappy
unless you have intelligence. |
Panels, inner:
Cathedral by the Sea in Thunderstorm.
(top right)
The soul, however
fantastic its faith, can dominate, and harmonize
with, the most brilliantly attractive yet
conventional environment. |
Great Booby Glacier. (middle right)
The summits of the soul,
purity (of ice) and environment (of rock) send forth
a slow irresistible river which, melting as it
reaches the outer world, fertilizes the Valleys of
Life. |
on the Watzee-Matterhorn. (middle left)
Illumination comes in its
season to one who lives in a house on the
mountain-side, in the shadow of the Holy Trinity,
and is ready to embark on the Sea of Death. |
Oak being Blasted Some More. (bottom
Nature soon destroys
altogether those who have already lost the principle
of Life by arousing her anger. Lightning only
damages things that are not capable (in kind or in
degree) of conducting it. Make yourself One with ALL
Things. |
on the Loing Canal. (bottom left)
If you make a proper Way
for your Will, and dwell in peace thereby, Love and
Beauty will not fail to visit you, unveiled and at
ease. |
Panels, outer:
of a Wife of a British Official. (top
If you allow yourself to
depend upon a system, you become like a sow. |
Devil our Lord. (top right)
The Sacred Symbols—the
Horns of Power, the Egg of Purity, Safety and Life,
etc., exist in the most terrifying appearances.
Everything that is, is Holy. |
(in LMBC scarf) Bathing. (middle left)
The first task of a young
man is to "cleanse his way"; he should bear the
scarlet banner, which stands for Light, Life, Love,
and Liberty. |
Beast, Robed as a Major Adept, in Baltistan.
(middle right)
Wisdom and Power may be
applied to the most remote regions of experience. |
Blonde on High Bar in the Coliseum of Ed Djem.
(lower left)
Purity and Beauty,
self-balanced, compel the attention and applause of
the whole world. |
Scarlet Woman in Bokhara. (lower right)
Love is ready to travel to
every part of the world, and stand supreme there. |
Panels, below shutters:
Beauty is an object in
itself. |
But Beauty develops into
Nourishment. |
Equinox of the Gods.
This picture is a
hieroglyph of the Body of Wisdom contained in many
Volumes of the Holy Books of Our Order; it is
therefore not possible to give a succinct account of
its meaning.
The general idea is as
follows: Above the earth, spinning in space among
the planets and the stars, are its Two Wardens,
Unchanging Wisdom and Changing Life. Between them,
His head in the midst of the Sun, is AIWAZ, the
Intelligence who brought to Mankind the Word of the
New Aeon, "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of
the Law". He is shewn as "night-sky blue" because
His Mother is "Infinite Space"; and He has the
Scarlet Horns of His Father, the Secret Spring of
all Being. Before Him run His Ministers, the Beast
and the Scarlet Woman, dressed in their respective
colours, the one Black & Gold, the other White &
Red; and they bear the Four Magical Weapons, Wand,
Cup, Sword, & Disk. They have set up a Memorial
Pillar on the Earth: it is inscribed with various
symbols descriptive of the Work of bringing the new
Message of the Masters of Wisdom to Mankind.
A I W A Z gave W I L L
as a L A W
to M A N K I N D
through the mind of
THE BEAST 6 6 6. |
Wall above door:
(Raven on bust of Pallas; phantoms of Horror in
If the Virgin Wisdom of
the All-Father be but a dead image, it becomes the
perch of the Evil Wisdom of Despair. |
Door, upper panel:
Landscape with Pagodas.
Nature and man are equally
essential to the Manifestation of Beauty and Truth. |
Door, lower panel:
You must find yourself in
this picture; it is the omniform Universe whose
interpretation depends on your own point of view. |
Alcove, right:
House of Pleasure.
There is a Beast of Prey
on the Threshold of Pleasure, and a Giantess
beckoning the passers-by; do not lose sight of
these, hypnotized by the half- hidden allurements in
the twilight within. |
Alcove, left:
Eternal Idol.
Man has made God in his
own image; but he has made Him very badly. To him
that image is none the less his God. Gross strength,
brutal lust, idiot glee, crowned by material wealth,
are only the Universe to those who accept it as
such. |
is all." Nine lovers of various species,
watched by spotted dog and bowl of newly-invented
fishes, in an Arabian Nights city, by a river; a
volcano and other mountains in background.
All life is one. Every
variety of life comes into more or less intimate
contact with every variety, without regard to any
theatrical ideas of "fitness". The business of every
self-conscious sentient being is therefore to find
Truth & Joy in every such contact; otherwise he has
failed to master his environment. Whatever may come
your way, meet it with "love under will"; the Union
with it, however horrible or repulsive, will be
Union with God, because ALL that exists is wholly
God, though in a partial and imperfect Manifestation
of His Essence. Thus, a Herculean dwarf (1), a
dilettante in religion, elegance, and art, may be
thrown into [the] society of a dragon-fly (2); it is
Refinement menaced by Frivolity. But it is also the
soul alighting upon the Body, to indwell its
Unconscious Self. This Body is Diphues, ambivalent,
containing all possibilities in itself. (Figures 1 &
2 from right.)
Gross desires (3) may be
compelled to supply themselves with morose
satisfaction, while their object (4) is in the power
of bestial lust (5). But equally "God helps those
who help themselves", and services to others nourish
oneself; while Beauty delights both by actively
informing unenlightened Nature, and passively
awakening ecstasy in merely animal instincts.
(Figures 3, 4, & 5 from right.) The perfected Ideal
of Human Beauty (4) may be the prey of shameless
degradation both as to the satisfaction of its
active desire to creation, finding itself sterilized
by the greed of society (3) and of its passive
aspiration to receive the Grace of God, in whose
stead the Goat of Obscenity (5) defiles it wantonly
with agonizing abominations.
The instinct of maternity
may be starved into substituting loathsome craving
for its proper satisfaction. But also, the natural
yearning after God may find true fulfillment in the
mutual help of mortals to each other. (Fig. 6 & 7
from right.) And the Wisdom of the East (8) may be
obligated to transmit its Truth to a gaudy and
unintelligent parrot (9). Alternatively, True
Philosophy seeks the Truth in the winged and
many-coloured Image of its Dreams, despite their
unintelligible message, rather than in any being of
its own order of existence. (Fig. 8 & 5.) The
Serpent (10) may find itself utterly neglected by
all creation, unable to communicate the Knowledge
which would "make man as Gods". On the other hand,
the Wise One, Lord of Life and Death, is contented
with its own divine and kingly function; he does not
need to come into actual contact with the existence
which he has created. (Lower right corner, apart.)
The dog's loyalty (11) may
be so despised that he is banished to a lonely
pedestal whence he must contemplate the crazy
callousness of the world (upper left corner,
apart.); and the fish (12-20) who might nourish the
brains of mankind may be enclosed in a bowl for the
casual sport of sight-seers. (Left centre.) YET,
equally, faithful and unselfish Love finds happiness
in contemplating the pleasures of others, without
seeking to share them; and the Fish, sacred to
Hermes and the symbol of Christ, go their way in the
pure Waters of Meditation within the translucent
globe of Insight-of-Truth, the pure and luminous
Universe which is their proper sphere. They are set
apart and uplifted as an example to mankind so soon
as it ceases to seek satisfaction in animal
In vain does man build the
towers of thought; nobody inhabits them: and an
unbridged river separates him from barren and
ruthless nature whose beauty only serves to add
horror to its essential inanity. (Background.) On
the other hand, once more, the monuments of human
aspiration serve as viewpoints whence men may behold
the flowing Force of Purity, beyond which lie
summits higher than they themselves can build, where
Firmness in Aspiration (Rock), Chastity covering
Materiality (Snow), and Interior Energy bursting
forth in Light and Fire (the Volcano), soar in
eternal diversity toward the immanent Canopy of
Heaven. |
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