Crowley's Poetry written to

Accompany Austin Osman Spare's

Book The Focus of Life






Blood dripping from the merry mouth

       Of my red concubine

Made crooked curves from North to South

     Between the sleeping swine

I lapped it with my languid tongue

     —Not half my songs have yet been sung!


Death reeled, a druid reveller, both

     From that hot reeling heart

He staggered up from South to North

     And every step was Art

I drank his breath with torture tainted

     —Not half my pictures have been painted!


Love soared from her terrific thighs

     A condor from its chasm

From East to West he spanned the skies,

     One orgie, one orgasm!

Heaven's might is mine, and mine is Hell's

     —I have not spoken half my spells!


               Aleister Crowley



"Now For Reality"


Set thy feet upon thy dreams!

     Spring to sunlight! Godhead grips

All the gold . . . life that streams

     Subtly to thy laughing lips!

Circe, come with Aegipan

     Now to mate the master, Man!



Many a monster, weird with wings

     Lurks in lands untrod:

Thousandfold terrific things

Leap to life when Nature springs

     Tameless from the stupid sod

     Laughing, and seduces God!



I flung afar the stone, mine heart

     And lo! it blossomed with wild wings

It made itself a counterpart

     Of millions of delicious things

I watched it trace its flaming arc

     Across the aeons of the abyss

And never once it missed the mark

     And never once disdained the kiss.

Then, when the infinite inane

     Had been consumed by it beyond

The bird it sought my breast again

     A living laughing diamond!



Nature is a torture-house

     Frightful are the tools of fate,

And sinister the demoniac carouse

     Of the old obscene elate

     Executioner never satiate,

     Allows every privilege to hate—

          O wanderer!

Learn to love, and take for beauty

     All that seems, however loath

'Sapienta Virtuti

     Satis' is a dicer's Oath.

Learn the secret of the Shrine,

     Nor thy wisdom boggle at it!

Ajax rightly slew the swine

     Ex machina Deus patet.



Spurs the Nightmare flank

     And belly?

Grip thine Ankh!

Madden by thy speed

The screaming slut! Thy seed

Swamp her soul with jetted life!

     On her beget

More voluptuous bastard

Joys—and she is mastered!



     Back to the earth!

     The hour of Birth

Strikes Boom-Boom-Boom

          Upon the tomb

          Of the dead sky.

          Cold sanctuary.

               O son of Fate

                    Awake ekate

                    Awake, arise

     With teeming thighs

               and living lust

          For the dark dust!

          Art thou not God

               To strike the sod

                    By Magick Art

                         Into the heart

               of thine own Will?

                    O tense true thrill!



The sign of Apophis and Typhon!

     The Wine that is stricken from the stone!

     The Shrine of the Uttermost Unknown!

The Gesture of the Master of Disaster!

The Vesture of his sinister-souled Minister!

The Summons to the Revel of the Devil

Whose woman's lust devours the Rod of God!



Aãos the fairest of Aaxl's daughters

     Bore unto Him in anguish of incest

Many a myriad Daimons in the Waters

     That were the Blood of her accursed Breast

The foulest and the fiercest and the forms

     That he in his Satanic lust designed

Surged up, swirled round, vast phantoms in the storms

     Of her malignant soul and cobra mind

None but Aãxl himself may comprehend

Their origin or contemplate their End!


