The Holy Hymns to the Great Gods of Heaven by Aleister Crowley
(composed in collaboration with the Art-Bachelor Gualterius de R. [Walter Duranty], Universitytis Cantabrigiensis, for the use of the Knights of the Sacrosanct Order of KDSH.)
I. Juppiter. Haud secus ac puerum spumanti semini vates Lustrat, dum gaudens accipit alter aquas; Sparge, precor, servis, hominum rex atque deorum Juppiter omnipotens, aurea dona, tuis.
Thus the priest purifies the boy with foaming seed. While the other in his orgasm receives the waters. O Omnipotent Juppiter, king of men and gods. Sprinkle, I pray, thy golden gifts on thy servants.
II. Mercury. Jungitur en vati vates; rex inclyte rhabdou Hermes tu venias, verba nefanda ferens.
Behold! the priest is joined with the priest. O famous king of the wand, Hermes, mayest thou come bearing unspeakable words.
III. Venus. Tu Venus orta mari venias tu filia Patris, Exaudi penis carmina blanda, precor. Ne sit culpa nates nobis futuisse viriles, Sed caleat cunnus semper amore meo.
Thou, O Venus, risen from the Sea, come thou daughter of the Father. Hearken to the bland songs of the penis. I pray. Let it be no sin to us to have buggered the virle bum. But let the c*** always be hot with my love.
IV. Juppiter Ammon. Per regni sancti signum da Juppiter Ammon Da nobis plena monera plena manu.
Through the mark of the holy kingdom, give Juppiter Ammon, Give to us plentiful gifts with a full hand.
V. Mars. Hoc solet ad Martem ritu coluisse ferocem Vir purus cunni sic placet omne deo. Hostis fac collum nostro subiisse triumpho Numina tum Martis carmina saeva canam.
It is customary to worship fierce Mars with this rite. A man unsoiled by c*** thus pleases the god in every way. Make the neck of our enemy go under the yoke; Then will I sing the savage powers of Mars.
VI. Iacchus. En templo resonat nunc mystica vannus Iacchi. Accedas adyto, Sancta Columba, tuo. Intra dum nates agitat thrysum pueriles Vates; omne actum est; Sancta Columba, veni.
Lo, the mystical fan of Iacchus resounds in the temple. Enter thy sanctuary, Holy Dove. While the priest thrusts his thyrsus between boyish buttocks, All is accomplished; come Holy Dove!
VII Vesta. Vesta beata adsis virgo da lampada nobis Det semen dominus terque quaterque suo(ae). Det demen lammam vitalem vimgue deorum, Omnia quae redeant, Vesta beata, tibi.
Aprox: Blessed Vesta be present, maiden, give a lamp to us. May the master give semen three times and four times to his . . . May he give seed, a life flame and the strength of the gods. Everything that returns, blessed Vesta, to you.
VIII. Priapus. Semina nunc molli dat mentula saeva cinaedo. Aspectu gaudens ipse Priapus adest. Gaudens exaudi; nobis sit mentula semper Et Rigida et roseo semen ab ore jacens.
Aprox: Now the grim penis gives semen to the soft catamite. Rejoicing at the sight Priapus himself is present. Rejoicing, listen: may we always have a penis Both stiff and shooting semen from its rosy mouth.
Quot stellae tot sint, precor, Phalle, Amores hujus Di vere universi. anni 1913 E.V. Kal. Ian. A.d.I.