The King's Friend or The Hereditary Grand Arse-hole-Teazer of Mugwumpshitstein.
How's this for style and matter?
Messenger. My liege, I prithee, list ye of your grace Sir Codling wallows in his grievous gore Pierced by the envious dagger of a knave Adjusted ill to just a just knight.
King. How now, forsooth! Od's bodikins and bubs I wot the saucy malapart got scathe How wast 'twas twisted, wastrel? Tossed he not The strumpet-cycle on his bloody spear?
Messenger. God's guts, my liege, thou sayest sooth. He took His amorous toothpick from its skinny sheath And spurted him with such a creamy spurt (ForeGod I thought the kine were come to milk!) Full in the mangy belly of the cur And blew him to green bugg—
King. (enter Queen with a carrot up her arse)
Queen. Liege lord, dear partner of my royal bed I must—
King. Pull out my turtle-toner then!
Exit Messenger with the delicacy and refinement of his noble nature, and the Q comes violently.