The Lesser Mass of the Gnostics
to be performed on the third day of the "New Moon
In the East is the Queen of Heaven veiled and throned.
The other altar is of black, on which is a crystal globe.
The Priest, dressed in the Blue Robe with the Sin-blaze, enters.
He must not have partaken of any sacrament.
He washes his hands and lips, saying:—
Per symbolam aquae, sanguis dominae lunae, fac me purum.
He next invokes Luna in a dance, with the song "Roll through the caverns of matter" or other invocation suitable.
Finally in his ecstacy he enters the Veil and drinks of the sacrament.
The prayer:—
Ova quae hoc menstruo sanguinis sumpsi mihi praestaent. Omne ovum serpemtem sibi jungat meis in visceris ut dacramentum summum mystica sensu fiat: ad floriam nominis ineffabilis Dianae Castae, Armidos viginis, tuae!