The Yellow What

a Subterfuge in Fugues




King Crowley of Bronchitis-town

To Bernard Swift of great renown

To set his shaver soul at ease

These laryngeal lymphanies.


Where Digitalis roams among

The Endorphins, and on the tongue

Follicular papillae weave

Their lustral locks, and rosy eve

Sheds her soft toenails as she swings

Her brilliant body into Spring's

Befell a woe—and here the band

His sacral plexus with the yard

Played, and the Ammonites of Song

Blew their shrill spirals loud and long.


On to Cassiopeae first

The grave old Hippocampus cursed,

Bleach [illegible]! who would dare

To camp in Bernice's Hair

What true the trusted ibex mars

The parallax of double stars,

And the pale hate of Vega flares,

And swart Typhilit is next unbares

His glaive, ere Granuloma gnashed

Her teeth, and on its shoulder gashed

—That shoulder that had shrugged unmoved

Though OS [illegible] loved!


What happened after who can say?

I wandered sadly by the bay

And saw aneneon' steamers wet

Like drawers of Scarlet Flannelette

I watched the mermaids as they loosed

Their lids on aught might be seduced,

Earnest starfish strove to cram

The strange lore of the pentagram.


In brief, it was a busy [illegible].

I took the Poet's Club in scorn.

How, with the banded fountain pen

That ran me into one pound ten,

With that too finite reservoir,

How could I sing this abbatoir?

Nay! let me just imbue myrie hands'

In the dun blood of Mildred Sandys!


