(circa 1955)


by Kenneth Grant





A new and compelling influence is enveloping the earth and as yet there are few individuals who are open to the influx of the subtle vibrations of this influence.


Its rays proceed from a source as yet unexplored by those who are not at one with it in essence and in spirit, and it finds its present focus in the outer universe in the transplutonic planet Isis.


In the inner being of man, also, this influence has a centre which will slowly begin to stir in mankind as a whole as the influence strengthens and flowers. As it is at the beginning of its course in relation to man, however, many ages will pass before he may avail himself fully of the great powers and energies which this influence is silently and continually bestowing on all who know how to identify the inner core of their being with its deep and inscrutable heart.


New Isis Lodge, which is a Lodge of the Secret and Magical Brotherhood known in the West as the Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.), comprises a body of doctrine concentrated in 10 Principal Degrees (0°—IX°).


These Degrees have been designed with the purpose of disseminating the Teachings concerning New Isis and how each individual may best enter into the stream of its power and harness the subtle vibrations which it is forever dispensing.


As may be seen from a study of the Table appearing at the end of this Manifesto, these 10 Degrees are divided into two sets of four and one set of three degrees, having the Ninth Degree as their crown and summit. The Tenth Degree is of an administrative nature and its esoteric and inner character is known only to the Governing Body of the Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.).


The Mysteries of Isis and Her ensouling energies as radiating forth upon Man from Her macrocosmic centre in the transplutonic planet of that name are gradually revealed to him, and after various obligations have been fulfilled and discharged, certain pledges taken and bonds confirmed, then he becomes in turn a governing Officer with power to direct the course of Brethren in New Isis Lodge.


On becoming a member of the Sovereign Sanctuary he forms bonds of an insoluble nature with the Current of Energy which is veiled beneath the symbol of Isis, and henceforth forms part of an unbreakable chain of protection about the Seat of Stone within the Holy of Holies. Of his further course and illumination, and of the Mysteries wherein he partakes, nothing is made manifest in this place.


The various Grade Ceremonies through which the Candidate passes constitute, in each case, a ritual sealing, or confirmation, of what he has learned up to the stage represented by any particular Ceremony.


Thus each ceremony depends for its full effect upon the Candidate's personal and interior grasp of the Esoteric Teachings with which he has been entrusted and not upon any inherent initiatory quality in the Ceremony itself. Thus, the Candidate should always bear in mind that he progresses solely by his own personal endeavour and sees in the Symbols of the ceremonial confirmation of his particular stage of progress, that alone which his awakened inner eye can show him.


Initiation, Illumination and Magical Potency are merely confirmed by and in the Rites, and not conferred.


New Isis Lodge possesses special unpublished and secret documents containing knowledge of certain Magical Formulae implicit in Liber Legis, but Qabalistically or otherwise concealed from the eyes of the profane, and a Sister-Lodge in Germany has undertaken the Saturnian element of this further revelation, as New Isis has the Isiac.


New Isis Lodge is in accordance with the Master Therion (a Past Grand Master of O.T.O.); with the present Master S , [Saturnus—Karl Germer] who is World-Head of the O.T.O. in the Outer, and who operates in the United States of America; and with the afore-mentions Lodge in Germany controlled by the Master G [Eugen Grosche].


