Ah Hell
With all the creeds from wich to pick how can I tell wich one to chose? Or upon which my faith to stick, This is a game one shouldn't loose!
Now Kipling sez that should we fall, Gehenna's Portal open wide. Aw, he's just kidding us, that's all. Hmm, I don't feel so good inside.
Mohamet sez that when we bow And tread down to the many-names, Lilith is there to stroke our brow And feed us to the licking flames!
The greatest show of all is here, Just step right up, Gents and Ladies. A one-way ticket, paid with beer, Takes you to the Land of Hades.
Now when our time has come to roll, Will we descend to ring the bell Of the bottomless pit of Sheol Or the Urdeutsch—Frozen Gates of Hell?
To live a jolly life is fun, I pay the preacher to be worried. Perhaps I'll wish I'd made no pun When it is me who's being buried!