When out the misty future clears The written history of the years, Across those scrolling pages laced The fury of our storm is traced In burnished gold, for from the walls Of mighty Karnak’s carven halls Shrill silvery bugles sound the charge! Come, Soldier-Priests of ancient Tharge Arise ye Templars of the Graal Send forth the ringing challenge: Hail The rebirth of the Laws of Pan Reclaim your heritage and span The waiting world. That which effaced Our holy cause must be erased With fiery sword and lifted rod The mystic symbol of our God! And when the dawn proclaims the day Then may the crawling Christians pray.
Thus it came that as the aeons crept or fled the spirit grew; Out of elemental substance foamed the hot and potent brew.
Foamed and spewed in theurgic rhythm, roared a thundering litany; Molded from its psychic forces our enshrined epiphany!
Stood our pantheon incarnate vesting full the Will of Man, Glowing in its royal splendor, filling the imperial plan.
Brooded then within the mountains, From the park, between the fountains Came a cyclone funnel roiling, Holy, sacred Nago coiling Rearing high the hydra hood Which sign and token of the Rood Guards with his canopy the Priest, Our Lord of Lords, our King—THE BEAST!
Now our champion before us Striking in the sight of Horus Down into the valley swinging; With a surging timbre ringing Bright battle axe and arching sword Slash in and through the serried hoard Of those who thought to bound their hope Within their own small meagre scope.
Hooves of thunder are a pealing Roll as back they stagger reeling From the black mailed Knights of Heiro, Adepts of the station zero, Sit their steeds of mighty thew Swing out and then come shearing through To criss and cross behind these cattle Stampeding from the shock of battle!
So mote it be!
Ho the rebels Hail the carnage, See the piles of stinking slain Where the Christians met their Masters South of Ulan, on the plain.
So in triumphal procession march the Lords of Karnak back Tie their wounds and burn their dead before their bloody arms they stack.
As in wild and joyous revelry carillon and cymbals ring Giving homage to our chosen Gods and glory to our King.
For on the littered plain this day was cleared an ancient wrong The infidels were made to pay and yield unto the strong.
Yea, ruthless as the cleansing sea we crush the Christian might And now they lie enslaved before our revered Gods of Night!
What mortal man can do to Man they did unto our sires But we, immortal, gathered strength from sacrificial fires.
Reincarnated stand the host that bridged the gulfs of time Avenging what the Church of Rome had poisoned in its prime!
We honored not a craven slave But followed one who deigned to brave And tread the curving, star strewn path Beyond our universe, the wrath Of Chaos slumbered, to our sight The darkness sheds eternal light.
Now to the joyous sacrifice As cringing heathens pay the price By dozens and by hetacomb They taste the justice that was Rome Upon our altars, as we feast And give ovation to the Priest Whose slashing knife unstops a flood Of living, heady, salted blood To overflow the hallowed cup The Chalice held that we may sup The symbol of eternity; Our union, our fraternity Of mind and body, soul and thought: Our one is all, our ALL is nought!