Ark of the Covenant


Grady McMurtry


5 December 1961



Lion lust

Queen of Spheres

Monad windowless divining

Arrow thrust

Deathless years

Star alembic role defining


Neptune's trident

Sea storm strident

Waves combining

Forms intwining

Sea salt teeming

Pledge redeeming

Bivalve plenum

Star-spate venom

Screwing physis

Starry Isis




Grail task

Night sky manic

Fierce love of Heaven, pull of soul

Lampshade mask

Love joy panic

Diana Zagreus, take your toll!


Sailor drowning

Hound dog clowning

Meaning hidden

Knowledge midden

Salt shape sigil

Star spray vigil

Name reviling

Goddess smiling

Snake vibration

Sharp elation




