The Strategic Implications of a
Objective: To bring the Law of Light, Life, Liberty and Love to humanity.
The Minds of the People
Heavy Artillery, Aviation Opposition press
Infantry Public Opinion
Shock Troops, Tanks Articles by Prominent Men
Heavy Artillery, Aviation (with which to open offensive) Proclamation of Crowley as "England's Literary Martyr" using Scotland Yard as ammunition dump.
Service of Supply Poetry, books, and novels by Crowley selected for their special merit and given as reference for his "literary genius". All writers & newspapers who have slandered him exposed—the reaction to proven guilt will be to hang the criminal—we hope.
Strategic Reserves The Law of Thelema presented as
1. A way of life—for those few who can understand it using OTO as the outer vehicle. 2. Philosophy—for high brows. 3. A "Church of Light, Life, Love & Liberty" for the devout. 4. An interlocking but separate "Lodge" for the Masonic type of mind. 5. Young people's organizations along the lines of Boy Scouts.
It is necessary to broaden the scope of the Law of Thelema so that people of all types may be able to appreciate that particular part which they can understand. In this manner the thought processes of the majority will be so directed that all those who can Understand the Law will be given the opportunity to do so while at the same time providing a guide for those whose Understanding is incomplete.
Logistics — (1) be certain of Scotland Yard, (2) obtain articles, (3) prepare Crowley literature for inspection by public, (4) complete plans for strategic reserves.
Strategy — open campaign with barrage of "Crowley is Englands' literary martyr" pattern fire. At zero hour charge the line with the articles and pamphlets written by prominent men—this coordinates infantry assault with artillery point fire to reduce specific strongholds made manifest after the campaign is opened. When this objective is gained the position is then consolidated against counterattack and the reserves are speeded forward to rout the disorganized enemy. To win the battle is not to win the war. Attack, consolidate, attack! All must be one continuous opera . . .