Creed of the Commando
23 May 1943
I am the Commando I have neither Father, nor Mother Nor Sister, nor Brother I was born to kill— And death is my destiny, for I am expendable.
(litany) We are the varied Legions of the Doomed By shadow light of night we storm the shore And break, to spume the beach with bloody gore Against the emplaced cannon, and the roar Of strafing aircraft sluicing down the loomed Embroidered traceries of flaming shell Whose cry the monstrous bat of nether hell Would answer as the mating call, and dwell
Among the new cut dead not yet
entombed. I am the Commando My Father burned in lakes of flaming oil Blown from a tanker’s crushed, torpedoed bowels I was born to kill— And death is my destiny, for I am expendable.
(litany) We are the varied Legions of the Damned Out of the night our barges loom and spill The implements of war; the shadows kill With lightening stab, then fade into the still Black dawn that rings the Fortress, and the jammed Troop-transport planes have sown their deadly capes While bombers dive, with slitted mouth that gapes To drip its poison on the beast who apes The upright form of Man. We are the damned.
I am the Commando My Mother’s bruised and mangled body bore The mute and silent testament of rape I was born to kill— And death is my destiny, for I am expendable.
(litany) We are the varied legions of the Doomed By shadow light, etc.
I am the Commando My Sister’s body lies in bloody shreds Where bombs have torn it limb from shattered limb I was born to kill— And death is my destiny, for I am expendable.
(litany) We are the varied Legions of the Damned Out of the night, etc.
I am the Commando In some mass grave my only Brother keeps good company With those long crucified upon the Iron Cross I was born to kill— And death is my destiny, for I am expendable.
(litany) We are the varied legions of the Doomed By shadow light, etc.
I am the Commando I have neither Father, nor Mother Nor Sister, nor Brother I was born to kill— And death is my destiny, for I am expendable.
Amen (chorus)