End Run


Grady McMurtry


17 February 1946



Load ’em up, lads, and break the camp

We’re throwing the bomb dumps forward again

For Patton’s Armor is off the map

And the winged sky-cavalry riding his flank

Has need of a rest.

So we are off at the dawn in a drizzling rain

And we’re wheeling east, though we’re going north,

For over there on our left, just beyond Falaise,

The whole damn German Seventh Army

Is being annihilated.

We have them behind the eight-ball

And in the side pocket.

But not without its cost to us

For here and there along the route

Are the remains of our gallant little Sherman tanks

Who have taken the brunt of the German Tigers

And are now clustered among the green trees.

Their burned-out turrets have turned a bright orange-red

From the oxidizing rain;

A color scheme that is not appreciated

By the discerning observer.

Then out of the rain and into the clear

And we are wheeling north for hours on end

Until we begin to find Frenchmen lining the road

Yelling “Paree libres, Paree libres.”

Yes, Paris is liberated.

So the Mademoiselles start throwing flowers at us,

And the little French kids throw anything they have.

Have you ever tried to catch a ripe tomato

At thirty miles and hour?

Then don’t.

But Paris! Ah, Paris . . .

And this would be the best of all possible times

For an American soldier

To be in Paris!

But we have a slight matter of a war to win

And a job to do

So we stop at Chartres instead.

Chartres, city of the cathedral of Chartres,

Cathedral of the Tower of Chartres,

Said to be the most beautiful in the world!

But not half as interesting at the moment

As setting up this bomb-dump

On an abandoned Luftwaffe field

Rich with mines.

So we are off on the high-way and into the fields

Where you are bounced from the truck

To land on your heels,

And your helmet’s off in the mud.


You wipe the crud off with the back of your hand

And put the bucket back on your head, of course.

What-the-hell else can you do?

We find a shack to sleep for the night,

For the rain has started again,

“Unload those trucks” for the long haul back

But how do we dump the bombs, without a crane,

Which we left back in Normandie

To load out the rest of the dump?

Oh, it is really very simple, once you know how.

“A soldier in the field must find his own expedient”

It says here,

In The Book.

You know, the Ordance Field Manual.

Well, Aberdeen would go crazy if they saw this;

Wrestling them off by hand,

Five hundred pounds of high explosive and pig iron

Dropping fifteen feet from the top of a prime mover

And thudding into the mud with a shock

That jolts the back of your teeth.

If there is just one defective bomb in the whole lot,

Just one little percipitate of nitrogen against the iron

To make something deadly like a ferrous-nitrate

(Like the one that blew low-order

Back at Strip Three, on the Beach),

Then you, and your crew, and the whole damn countryside,

Not to mention that brand new six ton truck,

Would disintegrate in one heaven shaking blast of thunder.

But nothing happens,

Not this time, anyway.

So you see the convoy off

And post your guards, just in case,

And bed down in a shack with a leaking roof

And forget about it.


