
(An Assortment of haikus written between 1964 and 1966)


Grady McMurtry



Smoky the Bear contemplating

Sounds of tourists departing:

A pile of tin cans in a high wind.

(Japan Air Lines 1964 National Radio Haiku Contest Selection)



Runnel toothed pelvic tree root

Carved by the strontium enriched rain drop

Happiness is a Mickeymouse Civilization!




New car showroom blare lights

Shiny little pieces of God shimmer, glimmer

Tinsel I love to touch




Department store Santa canned laughter

Ho! Ho! Ho! echoes the parking lot!

America’s great big mechanical heart.




Mutant, the wild sport species

Glowing by night in the suburb

Strontium 90, I love you!




Dinosaur state of Hobbes’ choice

Shining in your armor plate waste land

Rust and Fall rains cometh




Android tech in space drift

Dead in the milling asteroids

What now, Deux Ex Programmer?




Painless Cartesian automata

Replacing your spare parts from the freezer

A wonderful world is Cyborgia!




Procrusted Red “Wall”

Bloodied chopping block logic

Back to the tree-tops!




Anubic New Moon

Guiding our steps in Night World

Who is holding your hand?




“Springtime” on Phobos:

On bright-side of far Home World

Are the healing woods.





Cold! the desiccated heart

Back to the pack, Jack




Up! Out! Astronaut!

Down, Fall firefly, on failed wings

Burning, offering




Drop! Imperial

Space Marine! Your valor mocks

The carrion flesh




Virgins of the Queen

Holy Order of Dead Men

Blaze! Magian Star!




Maid of the Star Drifts

Magian hieroglyphs

In your “Cave of Space!”




Leap, Holy Dead Man!

In the clasp of Our Maiden

Shines the Star-Son “child!”




Drop! Imperial

Space Marine. Your Gothic soul

Your Heart’s dread desire




Explode! drained “White Lamb.”

See! Glowing in Her Fire-Grail

Your transforming Blood!




Love is one person

Male-Female symbiosis

In the goblin night

(May 10, 1965)



Sporting, cavorting

Nobles of the Mystic Shrine

Sad-eyed, the clown types




Cold and silence. Share

My star-light continuum

With the rocks and trees.

(Atu 12, The Hanged Man) (7-21-65)



Barbaric nonthink

Intellectual wasteland

Catbox the Tiger




Faith of our fathers:

Vigilante beheading

As spectator sport




Rivers of dry leaves

Rushed by cold wind

Rustle for summer rain




Cruelty becomes

Your implacable justice

Immortal youth-gods

(April 7, 1966)


