Haikus (An Assortment of haikus written between 1964 and 1966)
Smoky the Bear contemplating Sounds of tourists departing: A pile of tin cans in a high wind. (Japan Air Lines 1964 National Radio Haiku Contest Selection)
Runnel toothed pelvic tree root Carved by the strontium enriched rain drop Happiness is a Mickeymouse Civilization! (10-24-64)
New car showroom blare lights Shiny little pieces of God shimmer, glimmer Tinsel I love to touch (10-24-64)
Department store Santa canned laughter Ho! Ho! Ho! echoes the parking lot! America’s great big mechanical heart. (10-25-64)
Mutant, the wild sport species Glowing by night in the suburb Strontium 90, I love you! (10-26-64)
Dinosaur state of Hobbes’ choice Shining in your armor plate waste land Rust and Fall rains cometh (12-22-64)
Android tech in space drift Dead in the milling asteroids What now, Deux Ex Programmer? (12-22-64)
Painless Cartesian automata Replacing your spare parts from the freezer A wonderful world is Cyborgia! (12-22-64)
Procrusted Red “Wall” Bloodied chopping block logic Back to the tree-tops! (1-1-65)
Anubic New Moon Guiding our steps in Night World Who is holding your hand? (1-11-65)
“Springtime” on Phobos: On bright-side of far Home World Are the healing woods. (1-16-65)
Alienation Cold! the desiccated heart Back to the pack, Jack (2-11-65)
Up! Out! Astronaut! Down, Fall firefly, on failed wings Burning, offering (2-16-65)
Drop! Imperial Space Marine! Your valor mocks The carrion flesh (2-17-65)
Virgins of the Queen Holy Order of Dead Men Blaze! Magian Star! (2-17-65)
Maid of the Star Drifts Magian hieroglyphs In your “Cave of Space!” (2-18-65)
Leap, Holy Dead Man! In the clasp of Our Maiden Shines the Star-Son “child!” (2-22-65)
Drop! Imperial Space Marine. Your Gothic soul Your Heart’s dread desire (2-22-65)
Explode! drained “White Lamb.” See! Glowing in Her Fire-Grail Your transforming Blood! (2-23-65)
Love is one person Male-Female symbiosis In the goblin night (May 10, 1965)
Sporting, cavorting Nobles of the Mystic Shrine Sad-eyed, the clown types (7-15-65)
Cold and silence. Share My star-light continuum With the rocks and trees. (Atu 12, The Hanged Man) (7-21-65)
Barbaric nonthink Intellectual wasteland Catbox the Tiger (10-13-65)
Faith of our fathers: Vigilante beheading As spectator sport (10-13-65)
Rivers of dry leaves Rushed by cold wind Rustle for summer rain (11-18-65)
Cruelty becomes Your implacable justice Immortal youth-gods (April 7, 1966)