Her Lovely Hair
12 January 1962
I walked the dog in the woods today And he consecrated the trees We watched the bounding squirrels at play, Crunched the snow in the rustling lees, And echoed his joyous, belling bay Down the hollow eternities.
Existential monad swaying Star imago, molten attire Lepidoptera unfolding Metamorphosis, Angel fire
I walked the woods of the world today The wood of the Ruined Towers Where night-side trees in their Panic sway To a lyre of lethal powers I saw my skull in the disarray Of Her gorgon-serpent flowers
Diana Archer, Maid of Light Slayer of the Dragon-Tree Thy Beauty’s Beast, Thy Serpent Priest Burst my head, and set me free Her Arrow coursed the bright sea sands And found me in my lair: The universe came apart in my hands And I pray-said Her lovely hair.