Notes on a City (damn near any city)


Grady McMurtry


11 February 1941



Along the street the eddy whirls

With frowsy dames and sloppy girls

And somber men and brazon boys

Who stomp or trot; and it annoys (Period)


The crusty shops that cringe at sight

And droop beside each other, quite

As though their misery alone

Would be too much; they would atone.


My reason tells me that it must

Be true; the thoughtless crowds, the dust,

The grimy walks, the littered streets;

The facades pass for scrawny teats.


And yet I know it can not be;

There is no grass, there is no tree,

But only sound that rolls and beats

And sanctioned murder in the streets.


While in his nest each merchant waits,

As patiently his net he baits

And views his neighbor with contempt,

Though finding he is not exempt


From hatreds that swell from the needs

Of human want; within the seeds

Of lassez faire there are the germs

That hold decay, and then the worms


Of avarice and greed and hate

Sprout forth; they bore, they eat, they sate

Their hunger on the scabs of men:

I sit and watch. I sit and grin.


