October Bridge


Grady McMurtry


1 November 1961



Flaming Year Ghost, Ghost of Flame

You whose vision comes unbidden;

Sacred seeker, seeker lame

Voyeur in Her vast star-midden.

(Virgin Goddess, Bright Star Maiden)


Enigmatic Tetrahedral

Esoteric bridge of longing

Numinous, in Her cathedral,

Cryptic star-track, Angel thronging.


Dance, Star Maiden, dancing cry

(Shakti Devi, Goddess Viti)

Dance the deer back; deadly dye

Autumn frosted, sad the city.

(Virgin goddess, Bright Star Maiden)


Enigmatic Tetrahedral

Esoteric bridge of longing

Numinous, in Her cathedral

Cryptic star-track, Angel thronging.


