My Phoenix of Golgotha
I looked at you and you were dead. You lay supine, your well groomed head Was cradled in the cushioned bier. I looked at you, there was no fear Within my choked and troubled heart For you who were of me a part Yet knew not of the grief I bore. The life that swirled within your core Is gone; and what there here remains Will follow soon beyond the pains Of life; the ecstasy we knew Within the love life of we two
Is also gone, and yet, my Life, My sweet, my lovely teasing wife You lie and are to me as real As when your hard pressed body's feel Returned my yearning, hot desire With your own joyous, fervent fire. Your comely body I adored And that was why I sought to hoard Your beauty to myself alone At first, and then you were my own I knew and jealousy was gone; Of hate I was no more a pawn But gloried when men turned to see That which I hold so close to me.
And now you're dead, and I am hurt; I feed you to the senseless dirt. Yet even as I know this thought The tendrils of my soul are caught To whip and writhe within a tone; An essence that within you shone Extends its light, caressing kiss Across the ageless, black abyss. The Tree of Life from which we grew Reveals its heart to us, as you Your love and benediction give; Within my heart, again you live!